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Synonyms for catachrestic

Grammar : Adj
Spell : kat-uh-kree-sis
Phonetic Transcription : ˌkæt əˈkri sɪs

Top 10 synonyms for catachrestic Other synonyms for the word catachrestic

Définition of catachrestic

Origin :
  • 1580s, from Latin catachresis, from Greek katakhresis "misuse" (of a word), from katakhresthai "to misuse," from kata- "down" (here with a sense of "perversion;" see cata-) + khresthai "to use" (see hortatory). Related: Catachrestic; catachrestical; catachrestically.
  • As in illiterate : adj unable to read well; lacking education

Antonyms for catachrestic

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