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Synonyms for catalans
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kat-l-an, -uh n, kat-l-an |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkæt lˌæn, -ən, ˌkæt lˈæn |
Top 10 synonyms for catalans
Définition of catalans
Origin :- "pertaining to Catalonia," also as a noun, "person from Catalonia," late 15c., from the indigenous name, which is of Celtic origin and probably means "chiefs of battle." As a noun meaning "a Catalan," Middle English used Catelaner (mid-14c.), Catellain (early 15c., from French). As a language name in English by 1792. Related: Catalonian (1707).
- As in Romance language : noun languages derived from latin
- The Catalans were particularly mindful of improving their ports.
- Extract from : « A History of Spain » by Charles E. Chapman
- It is interesting to note that the Catalans had not yet given up hope of their fueros.
- Extract from : « A History of Spain » by Charles E. Chapman
- The Catalans were obdurate to both blandishments and threats.
- Extract from : « A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 1 » by Henry Charles Lea
- In this, as in so much else, the Catalans were especially intractable.
- Extract from : « A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 1 » by Henry Charles Lea
- He would have come in a ship, recommended to some of us, or to the Catalans.
- Extract from : « The Bible in Spain » by George Borrow
- The Catalans have a supreme genius for architecture, but they have only achieved a single style.
- Extract from : « Impressions And Comments » by Havelock Ellis
- The taste of the Catalans of Perpignan for bright colouring in their dress is akin to that of their brothers and sisters in Spain.
- Extract from : « Castles and Chateaux of Old Navarre and the Basque Provinces » by Francis Miltoun
- Mercédès was no longer the young, light-hearted and thoughtless being who graced the village of the Catalans.
- Extract from : « Edmond Dants » by Edmund Flagg
- The agreement was reached January 11, 1520, but experience of the faithlessness of the Inquisition had made the Catalans wary.
- Extract from : « A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 1 » by Henry Charles Lea
- Meanwhile, in accordance with the terms arranged with France, the Catalans had organized a national Inquisition.
- Extract from : « A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 1 » by Henry Charles Lea
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- catastrophe
- catastrophic
- catatonia
- catatonic
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