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Synonyms for catamount
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kat-uh-mount |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkæt əˌmaʊnt |
Définition of catamount
Origin :- 1660s, shortening of cat-o'-mountain (1610s), from cat of the mountain (early 15c.), a name aplied to various types of wildcat.
- As in cougar : noun large cat
- As in lynx : noun large cat
- As in puma : noun large cat
- Which I ain't in the habit of bein' took lightly by no catamount.
- Extract from : « Faro Nell and Her Friends » by Alfred Henry Lewis
- Probably her mother who probably too was the catamount's sister.
- Extract from : « The Paliser case » by Edgar Saltus
- The catamount had shifted his position, and the boys saw him plainly.
- Extract from : « The Camp in the Snow » by William Murray Graydon
- A catamount,” replied Jerry, “or Indian Devil, as some call them.
- Extract from : « The Camp in the Snow » by William Murray Graydon
- Here come the wolves, and the catamount is growling like fury.
- Extract from : « The Camp in the Snow » by William Murray Graydon
- The catamount screeched, and quivered for a second at44tack.
- Extract from : « The Camp in the Snow » by William Murray Graydon
- It was as large a catamount as the two Maine lads had ever seen.
- Extract from : « The Camp in the Snow » by William Murray Graydon
- “If we do the catamount will likely climb after us,” replied Jerry.
- Extract from : « The Camp in the Snow » by William Murray Graydon
- I can kill a catamount as easy as a deer if I get the chance.
- Extract from : « The Camp in the Snow » by William Murray Graydon
- He was frightened to see the catamount within six feet of him.
- Extract from : « The Camp in the Snow » by William Murray Graydon
Words or expressions associated with your search
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- catalogged
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- catalogic
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- catalogue
- catalogue-raisonne
- catalogue raisonné
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- catalogued
- catalogues
- cataloguing
- cataloguings
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- catalyze
- catalyzed
- catalyzes
- catalyzing
- catamaran
- catamenia
- catamount
- cataplasm
- catapult
- catapulted
- catapulting
- cataract
- cataracted
- cataracting
- catarrh
- catastrophal
- catastrophe
- catastrophic
- catatonia
- catatonic
- catawampus
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