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Synonyms for catabolism
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kuh-tab-uh-liz-uh m |
Phonetic Transcription : kəˈtæb əˌlɪz əm |
Définition of catabolism
Origin :- 1876, katabolism, "destructive metabolism," from Greek katabole "a throwing down" (also "a foundation"), from kataballein "to throw down," from kata- "down" (see cata-) + ballein "to throw" (see ballistics). Barnhart says probably formed in English on the model of metabolism. Spelling Latinized from 1889.
- As in assimilation : noun absorption
- We have seen that a centre of catabolism is a hypertonic focus of diffusion.
- Extract from : « The Mechanism of Life » by Stphane Leduc
- Every centre of catabolism is therefore a positive pole of diffusion.
- Extract from : « The Mechanism of Life » by Stphane Leduc
- Swelling of the spleen is caused by catabolism of the Malpighian bodies.
- Extract from : « Valere Aude » by Louis Dechmann
- He thinks of the world as an animal organism subject to what are now called anabolism and catabolism.
- Extract from : « The Legacy of Greece » by Various
- Similar considerations as to the formation and breaking up of the molecules in anabolism and catabolism apply to polymerization.
- Extract from : « The Mechanism of Life » by Stphane Leduc
- Consider, on the other hand, a centre of catabolism, where the molecules are being broken up into fragments or smaller groups.
- Extract from : « The Mechanism of Life » by Stphane Leduc
- The processes concerned in metabolism are chiefly those of building up, “anabolism,” and breaking down, “catabolism.”
- Extract from : « Dietetics for Nurses » by Fairfax T. Proudfit
- In catabolism, the worn particles from the cells, and the dead cells no longer useful are broken up and thrown out of the body.
- Extract from : « Dietetics for Nurses » by Fairfax T. Proudfit
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