Synonyms for yellow press
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : yel-oh |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈyɛl oʊ |
Définition of yellow press
Origin :- "sensational chauvinism in the media," 1898, American English, from newspaper agitation for war with Spain; originally "publicity stunt use of colored ink" (1895) in reference to the popular Yellow Kid" character (his clothes were yellow) in Richard Outcault's comic strip "Shantytown" in the "New York World."
- As in yellow journalism : noun shock reporting
- For good or evil, America has the sole claim to the invention of the Yellow Press.
- Extract from : « American Sketches » by Charles Whibley
- It is not from such a tradition as that, that the Yellow Press emerged.
- Extract from : « American Sketches » by Charles Whibley
- The Yellow Press is not obscene—it has not the courage for that.
- Extract from : « American Sketches » by Charles Whibley
- When they read they have the Yellow Press and the literature of crime.
- Extract from : « Not Guilty » by Robert Blatchford
- The yellow press surpassed themselves in clamor and mendacity.
- Extract from : « Theodore Roosevelt » by Theodore Roosevelt
- "More food for the yellow press," he said, with a harsh laugh.
- Extract from : « That Affair at Elizabeth » by Burton E. Stevenson
- Some of this interest is fictitious and stimulated merely by the yellow press, but a great deal of it is genuine.
- Extract from : « Courts and Criminals » by Arthur Train
- The Yellow Press is bad journalism: and wishes to stop the appearance of good journalism.
- Extract from : « Utopia of Usurers and other Essays » by Gilbert Keith Chesterton
- When so many of them write memoirs for the Yellow Press this is a little convenience which will be much appreciated.
- Extract from : « Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 148, January 27, 1915 » by Various
- It is, I understand, an example of protective colouring, designed to ward off the attacks of the Yellow Press.
- Extract from : « Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 152, March 21, 1917 » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- academic press
- all-presence
- all presence
- all presences
- at present
- bad press
- barometric pressure
- be ever present
- be expressed by
- be impressed
- be impressive
- be present
- be presented
- brutal suppression
- compress
- compressed
- compressed air sickness
- compression
- convey the impression
- create the impression
- cylinder press
- de press
- de-press
- de pressed
- de-pressed
- de presses
- de-presses
- de pressing
- de-pressing
- deadpan expression
- decompression chamber
- decompression disease
- decompression sickness
- depress
- depressant
- depressed
- depresses
- depressing
- depression
- durable press
- durable-press fabric
- economic pressure
- empress
- empressement
- espresso
- ever-present
- express
- expressed
- expressing
- expression
- expressionless
- expressions
- expressive
- expressiveness
- expressivity
- expressly
- expressway
- false impression
- first impression
- gat wrong impression
- get the impression
- get wrong impression
- give bad press
- give expression
- graphic representation
- had impression
- had the impression
- had wrong impression
- haddest impression
- haddest the impression
- haddest wrong impression
- hadst impression
- hadst the impression
- hadst wrong impression
- hard-pressed
- has impression
- has wrong impression
- hast impression
- hast the impression
- have the impression
- have wrong impression
- hot off press
- impresario
- impress
- impress as
- impress up on
- impress upon
- impressario
- impressed
- impressed up on
- impresses
- impresses up on
- impresses upon
- impressibility
- impressible
- impressing
- impressing up on
- impressing upon
- impressings
- impression
- impressionability
- impressionable
- impressionist
- impressionistic
- impressions
- impressive
- impressively
- impressment
- imprest
- imprest up on
- imprest upon
- in compressible
- in expressible
- in expressive
- in its present condition
- inexpressible
- inexpressive
- irrepressible
- letterpress printing plate
- life preserver
- low-pressure
- made impression
- make an impression
- make impression
- make presence felt
- make presence known
- make presentable
- makes an impression
- makes impression
- makes presence known
- making an impression
- making impression
- mellow yellows
- misimpression
- misrepresent
- misrepresentation
- misrepresented
- nature preserve
- non-representative
- non representative
- nonrepresentative
- not present
- omnipresence
- omnipresences
- omnipresent
- oppress
- oppressed
- oppressing
- oppression
- oppressive
- oppressive heat
- oppressively
- oppressiveness
- oppressor
- package express
- palpable presence
- permanent press
- permanent press clothes
- permanent-press fabric
- prescience
- prescient
- prescribe
- prescribed
- prescription
- presence
- presence of God
- presence of mind
- presenile dementia
- present
- present arms
- present-day
- presentation
- presented
- presentiment
- presently
- presentment
- preservationist
- preserve
- preserver
- preside
- preside over
- presidency
- president
- presidential mansion
- presidential palace
- presidio
- press
- press agency
- press agent
- press association
- press conference
- press corps
- press drill
- press forward
- press officer
- press on
- press proof
- pressed
- pressing
- pressure
- pressure group
- pressure suit
- pressurize
- pressurized suit
- prestige
- prestiges
- prestigious
- presto
- presumably
- presume
- presume true
- presuming
- presumption
- presumptive
- presumptuous
- presuppose
- presupposition
- proportional representation
- public press
- putting pressure on
- re present
- re presentation
- re presentations
- re presentative
- re presented
- re presenting
- re presents
- re press
- re pressed
- re presses
- re pressing
- represent
- representa
- representation
- representational
- representative
- repress
- repress feelings
- repressed
- repression
- repressive
- suppress
- suppressed
- suppressio veri
- suppression
- suppressive
- the press
- turn yellow
- U.S. President
- u s president
- u. s. president
- u s presidents
- u. s. presidents
- u.s. presidents
- unexpressed
- unexpressive
- unimpressible
- unimpressibly
- unimpressionable
- unimpressive
- vanity press
- vapid expression
- was impressed
- was impressive
- well-expressed
- wilderness preserve
- without a prescription
- yell
- yell at
- yelled
- yelling
- yelling at
- yellow
- yellow-bellied
- yellow belly
- yellow-brown
- yellow dog
- yellow eye
- yellow-haired
- yellow haireds
- yellow-haireds
- yellow journalism
- yellow light
- Yellow Pages
- yellow press
- yellow streak
- yellow sunshine
- yellowbelly
- yellowhaired
- yellowhaireds
- yellowish
- yellowish-brown
- yellowishes
- yellowjacket
- yells at
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