Synonyms for yellow journalism
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : yel-oh |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈyɛl oʊ |
Définition of yellow journalism
Origin :- "sensational chauvinism in the media," 1898, American English, from newspaper agitation for war with Spain; originally "publicity stunt use of colored ink" (1895) in reference to the popular Yellow Kid" character (his clothes were yellow) in Richard Outcault's comic strip "Shantytown" in the "New York World."
- noun shock reporting
- His eyes are never startled or his nerves shaken by the scare headlines of yellow journalism.
- Extract from : « Nature's Miracles, Volume 1 » by Elisha Gray
- Nowadays we know all about everything, almost before it happens, for yellow journalism is so alert that it discounts futurity.
- Extract from : « Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Vol. 2 of 14 » by Elbert Hubbard
- The working girl has suffered quite as much at the hands of yellow journalism as the woman of wealth and social position.
- Extract from : « The Leaven in a Great City » by Lillian William Betts
- You see I'm still chained to the oar of yellow journalism, but it is a rather light servitude.
- Extract from : « The Letters of Ambrose Bierce » by Ambrose Bierce
- In fact, it was the story that gave me my start in yellow journalism, from which I graduated the novelist of your acquaintance.
- Extract from : « The Eyes of the World » by Harold Bell Wright
- The material is played up in the style typical of yellow journalism.
- Extract from : « The Propaganda for Reform in Proprietary Medicines, Vol. 2 of 2 » by Various
- The merely impudent motion picture will be relegated to the leisure hours with yellow journalism.
- Extract from : « The Art Of The Moving Picture » by Vachel Lindsay
- Yellow journalism has its faults, but it was the first to shake the newspapers out of the old rut and give them new vigor.
- Extract from : « The Scrap Book. Volume 1, No. 2 » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- adjourn
- adjournment
- carte du jour
- du jour
- electronic journalism
- exploitative journalism
- journal
- journalist
- journalists
- journey
- journey end
- journey ends
- journey over
- journey's end
- journey's ends
- journeyed
- journeyer
- journeyings
- journeyman
- journeyperson
- journeys
- journeys end
- journeys ends
- journeys over
- made journey
- make a journey
- makes a journey
- makes journey
- making a journey
- mellow yellows
- pleasant journey
- print journalism
- sensational journalism
- tabloid journalism
- turn yellow
- yell
- yell at
- yelled
- yelling
- yelling at
- yellow
- yellow-bellied
- yellow belly
- yellow-brown
- yellow dog
- yellow-dog contract
- yellow eye
- yellow-haired
- yellow haireds
- yellow-haireds
- yellow journalism
- Yellow Pages
- yellow press
- yellow streak
- yellow sunshine
- yellowbelly
- yellowhaired
- yellowhaireds
- yellowish
- yellowish-brown
- yellowishes
- yellowjacket
- yells at
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