Synonyms for re pressed
Grammar : Adj, verb |
Spell : ree-pres |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈriˈprɛs |
Top 10 synonyms for re pressed Other synonyms for the word re pressed
- abandoned
- abase
- abash
- abjure
- abrogate
- abstain
- accidental
- adjust
- administer
- admonish
- afflict
- allay
- ambulate
- ambush
- anesthetize
- annihilate
- annul
- anticipate
- appall
- appease
- arrest
- asphyxiate
- assuage
- at ease
- avert
- awe
- baffle
- balk
- balm
- bar
- barred
- barricade
- bear down
- beat
- beat down
- beat off
- becalm
- benumb
- berate
- beset
- best
- bide time
- bind
- bit
- black out
- blacklist
- blanked out
- bleach
- bleep
- block
- blocked
- blotted out
- blown over
- blue-pencil
- blunt
- boss
- bother
- bottle
- bottle up
- bottled up
- bottled-up
- bottleneck
- bound
- bounded
- bowdlerize
- box up
- brake
- break
- break in
- break one's heart
- break the spirit
- bridle
- bridled
- bring to heel
- bring to naught
- bring to screeching halt
- browbeat
- bulldoze
- bully
- buried
- burke
- bury the hatchet
- bust
- butcher
- butter up
- bygone
- cage
- call down
- call off
- calm
- calm down
- calmed
- cast down
- castigate
- censor
- censored
- censure
- central
- chain
- chained
- charge
- chasten
- chastened
- chastise
- check
- checked
- checkmate
- chide
- chill
- chloroform
- choke
- choke back
- choke off
- circumscribe
- circumvent
- clam up
- clamp
- clamp down
- clamp down on
- clean forgot
- clean up
- clearheaded
- clog
- clogged
- close
- closed
- coach
- coerce
- cold
- collar
- collect
- comfort
- commonsensical
- compel
- compose
- con
- conceal
- concealed
- conciliate
- concuss
- conduct
- confident
- confine
- confined
- confuse
- congest
- conquer
- consigned to oblivion
- console
- constipate
- constrain
- constrained
- consume
- contain
- control
- controlled
- cool
- cool as cucumber
- cool down
- cool out
- coop up
- cork
- cork up
- corner
- counter
- counteract
- cover up
- cow
- crack down
- crack down on
- cramp
- cramped
- crestfallen
- criticize
- crush
- cuff
- curb
- curbed
- curtail
- cushion
- cut
- cut off
- cut short
- dam
- damp
- dampen
- dash
- daunt
- dawdle
- deaden
- debar
- decimate
- decline
- decontaminate
- decrease
- decreased
- deduct
- deep-rooted
- deep-seated
- defeat
- defend against
- defer
- defined
- deject
- dejected
- delay
- delete
- delimit
- demolish
- demoralize
- demur
- deny
- deprecate
- depress
- deprive
- deprived
- desensitize
- destroy
- detain
- deter
- determine
- deterred
- devitalize
- dictate
- die down
- dilly-dally
- dim
- diminish
- diminished
- direct
- disadvise
- disallow
- disavow
- discipline
- disclaim
- discomfit
- discountenance
- discourage
- disfavor
- disimpassioned
- disincline
- dismay
- dismiss
- disparage
- dispassionate
- disremembered
- disrupt
- dissolve
- distress
- divert
- domestic
- domesticated
- domesticize
- domiciliate
- dominate
- domineer
- dope
- douse
- down in the mouth
- downcast
- drag
- drag feet
- dragoon
- drew a blank
- drive
- droop
- drop
- drop the iron curtain
- drown
- dry up
- dulcify
- dull
- dummy up
- ease
- ease off
- ease up
- easy
- easygoing
- edit
- emotional
- encircled
- enclose
- encumber
- enjoin
- enslave
- entrap
- envelop
- erased
- esoteric
- essential
- etherize
- exact
- examine
- excise
- exercise power
- exhaust
- exprobate
- expurgate
- exscind
- extinguish
- extirpate
- fall
- fastened
- faze
- fell between the cracks
- fend off
- fetter
- fettered
- fight off
- filibuster
- fill
- finish off
- fix
- fix up
- focal
- foil
- foiled
- foot
- forbid
- force
- forestall
- forfend
- forswear
- freeze
- frighten
- frustrate
- frustrated
- fulminate against
- gag
- gagged
- gain time
- garrote
- garrote/garrotte
- gas
- gentle
- get the better of
- get the upper hand
- get under control
- gone
- govern
- governed
- grave
- grease
- gridlock
- guarded
- guide
- gut
- halt
- hamper
- hampered
- hamstring
- handcuff
- handicap
- hang up
- harness
- have authority
- have on the carpet
- have one's act together
- head
- head off
- heap
- held back
- held down
- held in check
- held-back
- hem in
- hidden
- hide
- high pressure
- hike
- hinder
- hitched
- hobble
- hog-tie
- hogtie
- hold
- hold at bay
- hold back
- hold captive
- hold down
- hold in
- hold it down
- hold off
- hold office
- hold out
- hold out on
- hold over
- hoof
- house-train
- housebreak
- humble
- hung up
- hush
- hush up
- hushed
- ice
- immure
- impair
- impede
- impeded
- impel
- imperturbable
- impound
- imprison
- inadvertent
- inattentive
- incapacitate
- incarcerate
- indispose
- individual
- influence
- inherent
- inhibit
- inhibited
- injure
- inmost
- innate
- inner
- inobtrusive
- inside
- inspect
- instinctive
- intercept
- interdict
- interfere
- interior
- intermit
- intern
- internal
- interrupt
- intimate
- intimidate
- intrinsic
- intuitive
- inundate
- invalidate
- involuntary
- inward
- irk
- jail
- jam up
- keep
- keep at bay
- keep back
- keep down
- keep feeling inside oneself
- keep in
- keep in check
- keep in line
- keep lid on
- keep secret
- keep the lid on
- keep to oneself
- keep under one's hat
- keep under wraps
- keeping a stiff upper lip
- keeping one's shirt on
- kill
- kiss and make up
- knock out
- KO
- lag
- lapsed
- latent
- launder
- lay back
- lay out
- lay over
- lead
- lean on
- leash
- left behind
- left out
- lessen
- let up
- levelheaded
- lick
- limit
- linger
- lock
- lock up
- loiter
- lost
- low-key
- lull
- make
- make an offer they can't refuse
- make peace
- manacle
- manacled
- manage
- march
- master
- meet halfway
- mellow
- menace
- mental
- mitigate
- moderate
- moderated
- modified
- modify
- modulate
- mollify
- monopolize
- mow down
- muffle
- mute
- muted
- muzzle
- narrow
- narrowed
- neutral
- neutralize
- nip in the bud
- nonchalant
- not turn a hair
- nullify
- numb
- objurgate
- oblige
- obliterate
- obliterated
- obstruct
- obstructed
- obviate
- occlude
- officiate
- omitted
- oppose
- oppress
- out of spirits
- outflank
- outlaw
- outmaneuver
- overawe
- overbear
- overcome
- overpower
- override
- overrun
- oversee
- overthrow
- overturn
- overwhelm
- pace
- pacificate
- pacify
- paralyze
- parry
- passionless
- past
- past recollection
- pause
- penalize
- personal
- pinion
- placate
- placid
- play down
- play for time
- plod
- plug
- poised
- possessed
- postpone
- preclude
- predominate
- prescribe
- prescribed
- preside over
- pressurize
- prevail
- prevail over
- prevent
- prevent publication
- prevented
- procrastinate
- prohibit
- prolong
- propitiate
- prorogue
- proscribe
- prostrate
- protract
- psychological
- pull back
- punish
- purge
- purify
- push
- put a lid on
- put a stop to
- put an end to
- put away
- put down
- put half nelson on
- put kibosh on
- put lid on
- put off
- put on brakes
- put on ice
- put out of order
- put straitjacket on
- put the lid on
- put the squeeze on
- put to sleep
- put up fight
- qualify
- quash
- quelch
- quell
- quench
- quiet
- quieted
- quieten
- rake over the coals
- re-collect
- rebuff
- rebuke
- recall
- recant
- reconcile
- redirect
- reduce
- reduced
- reflex
- refrain
- refuse
- refuse transmission
- regulate
- reign
- reign over
- rein
- rein in
- reined in
- reject
- relax
- relaxed
- relent
- relieve
- remand
- renege
- renig
- repel
- repentant
- reply
- reprehend
- repress
- repressed
- reprimand
- reproach
- reprove
- repudiate
- repulse
- rescind
- reserve
- reserved
- resist
- resolve
- restrain
- restrained
- restrict
- restricted
- retain
- retaliate
- retard
- reticent
- retire
- reverse
- review
- revile
- revoke
- roll back
- rout
- route
- rule
- rule out
- run
- sack
- sad
- sandbag
- sanitize
- scare
- scatter
- scissor out
- scold
- scourge
- scrunch
- seal
- secret
- secured
- sedate
- self-assured
- self-conscious
- self-possessed
- send up
- sensible
- serene
- serious
- settle
- shackle
- shaded
- shake
- shelve
- shipwreck
- shorten
- shortened
- shotgun
- shower
- shroud
- shush
- shut down
- shut in
- shut off
- shut out
- shut up
- shy
- silence
- simmer down
- sink
- sit on
- slacken
- slacken pace
- slaughter
- slipped one's mind
- slow
- slow down
- small
- smash
- smooth over
- smother
- smothered
- snow under
- snub
- snuff
- snuff out
- sober
- soft
- soft-pedal
- soften
- softened
- solace
- solemn
- soothe
- soothed
- spike
- spiritual
- square
- squash
- squelch
- squish
- stagnate
- staid
- stall
- stamp
- stamp on
- stamp out
- staunch
- stave off
- stay
- stayed
- stem
- step
- step on
- sterilize
- stifle
- stifled
- still
- stilled
- stop
- stop oneself
- stop up
- stopped
- stopper
- strangle
- strangulate
- stride
- strike out
- stroke
- strong-arm
- stultify
- stumble
- stun
- stupefy
- stymie
- subconscious
- subdue
- subdued
- subjugate
- subliminal
- submissive
- subside
- subtle
- subvert
- suffocate
- superintend
- supervise
- supervise communications
- suppress
- suppressed
- sure of oneself
- surmount
- surround
- surrounded
- suspend
- swallow
- swamp
- sway
- sweeten
- table
- taboo
- take back
- take over
- take the edge off
- take to task
- talk out of
- tame
- tape up
- tarry
- tasteful
- temper
- temperate
- tempered
- temporize
- terminate
- terrorize
- tethered
- threaten
- throttle
- throw cold water on
- throw monkey wrench in
- throw over
- thwart
- tie down
- tie up
- tire
- together
- tone down
- toned down
- tongue-lash
- tongue-tie
- torpedo
- train
- traipse
- trammel
- tramp
- trample
- tranquil
- tranquilize
- transfer
- trap
- trash
- triumph over
- troop
- trouble
- trudge
- try
- tune down
- turn aside
- turn off
- twist one's arm
- tyrannize
- unaware
- uncalculated
- unconscious
- undeliberate
- undemonstrative
- unflappable
- unheeding
- unintended
- unintentional
- unmindful
- unnerve
- unobtrusive
- unpremeditated
- unrealized
- unrecalled
- unremembered
- unresponsive
- unrevealed
- unruffled
- unsay
- untroubled
- unwitting
- upbraid
- upset
- uptight
- urge
- vanquish
- vex
- visceral
- viscerous
- wane
- ward
- ward off
- warn
- water down
- weaken
- weigh
- whip
- wield
- wipe out
- withdrawn
- withhold
Définition of re pressed
- As in inhibited : adj shy
- As in inner : adj mental, private
- As in pent-up : adj held within
- As in subconscious : adj innermost in thought
- As in subdued : adj quiet, controlled
- As in unconscious : adj ignorant; automatic
- As in restricted : adj limited
- As in silenced : adj quieted
- As in smothered : adj suppressed
- As in composed : adj calm, collected
- As in forgotten : adj out of one's mind
- As in inhibit : verb restrict, prevent
- As in moderate : verb restrain, control
- As in muzzle : verb gag, quiet
- As in pacify : verb make peaceful; appease
- As in prevent : verb keep from happening or continuing
- As in put down : verb subdue
- As in quash : verb destroy, defeat
- As in rein : verb restrain, control
- As in repress : verb keep back, hold in
- As in restrain : verb keep under control; hold back
- As in smother : verb extinguish; cover, hide
- As in squelch : verb suppress, restrain
- As in stifle : verb prevent, restrain
- As in stop : verb prevent, hold back
- As in strangle : verb choke, stifle
- As in subdue : verb keep under control; moderate
- As in suppress : verb restrain, hold in check
- As in tame : verb domesticate, make compliant
- As in tread : verb walk; bear down
- As in vanquish : verb defeat soundly
- As in withdraw : verb retract; declare void
- As in withhold : verb keep back
- As in fight back : verb defend
- As in bottle up : verb hold in check
- As in bridle : verb check, hold back
- As in sublimate : verb divert
- As in censor : verb forbid; ban; selectively remove
- As in chasten : verb correct, humiliate
- As in check : verb hinder, restrain
- As in stave : verb prevent
- As in coerce : verb compel, press
- As in command : verb rule, have power
- As in compose : verb calm, bring under control
- As in confine : verb enclose, limit
- As in contain : verb hold back, control
- As in control : verb curb, hold back
- As in cool : verb take a break; abate
- As in dam : verb hold back; block
- As in deaden : verb diminish, muffle, quiet
- As in defeat : verb conquer in military manner
- As in delay : verb cause stop in action
- As in discourage : verb dishearten, dispirit
- As in discourage : verb deter, dissuade; restrain
- As in fetter : verb tie up, hold
- As in fight back/fight off : verb defend oneself
- As in gag : verb silence, stop up
Antonyms for re pressed
- abandon
- abet
- add
- admit
- advance
- aggravate
- aggressive
- agitate
- agitated
- aid
- allow
- anger
- angered
- animate
- annoy
- annoyed
- approve
- arouse
- aroused
- ascend
- assist
- assure
- attract
- awake
- aware
- bear
- begin
- boisterous
- bold
- boost
- brighten
- build
- build up
- calm
- carry out
- cause
- chance
- cheer
- cheerful
- clear
- comfort
- commend
- communicative
- complete
- compliment
- comply
- confide
- confuse
- conscious
- consent
- construct
- continue
- contradict
- countermand
- create
- decided
- destroy
- develop
- dirty
- disarrange
- disclose
- discourage
- disorganize
- dispatch
- disperse
- dissuade
- distress
- distressed
- distribute
- disturb
- divulge
- do
- egg on
- embolden
- encourage
- endorse
- enforce
- enlarge
- enliven
- erase
- excite
- excited
- exclude
- existing
- exonerate
- expand
- expedite
- expose
- extend
- exterior
- external
- extol
- extract
- extroverted
- facilitate
- fail
- finish
- fix
- flatter
- float
- follow
- forgive
- forsake
- forward
- free
- friendly
- further
- give in
- give up
- gladden
- go
- go along
- go on
- go up
- grant
- grow
- halt
- happy
- hasten
- hearten
- heat
- help
- honor
- hurry
- hurt
- ignore
- immodest
- incite
- include
- increase
- indulge
- inspire
- inspirit
- intended
- intensify
- intentional
- invigorate
- irritate
- jump in
- knowing
- laud
- lay bare
- leave
- leave alone
- let go
- let out
- liberate
- light
- loose
- loosen
- lose
- magnify
- make happy
- mend
- misguide
- mislead
- mismanage
- mobilize
- move
- neglect
- nervous
- obey
- open
- oppose
- outer
- outgoing
- outside
- permit
- persuade
- perturbed
- physical
- please
- praise
- prolong
- promote
- protect
- provoke
- public
- push
- put in
- raise
- reassure
- rebuild
- recall
- recalled
- recollected
- refresh
- release
- released
- relinquish
- remain
- remembered
- renounce
- resign
- restore
- retreat
- reveal
- reverse
- revoke
- reward
- rise
- risk
- rouse
- roused
- ruin
- rush
- sanction
- save
- scatter
- self-confident
- serve
- set free
- share
- show
- sociable
- soothe
- speed
- spur on
- start
- stay
- step up
- stimulate
- stop
- strengthen
- submit
- support
- surrender
- talkative
- tell
- tiptoe
- trouble
- turn on
- turn over
- unbind
- unblock
- unbounded
- unclog
- uncompress
- uncontrolled
- uncover
- unfasten
- unleash
- unloose
- uplift
- upset
- use
- validate
- vex
- warm
- welcome
- win
- worried
- worry
- worsen
- yield
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019