Synonyms for press conference
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of press conference
- noun news announcement
- How did he look to you when he was at this press conference?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (7 of 26): Hearings Vol. VII (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- How about his demeanor at the press conference Friday night when he was taken down to the showup room to meet the press?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (7 of 26): Hearings Vol. VII (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- I think they had—I don't know whether it was an interview or some kind of press conference down in the assembly room.
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (7 of 26): Hearings Vol. VII (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- Did you see him again at any time after that press conference?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (7 of 26): Hearings Vol. VII (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- Well, you mean the room where the press conference was held, where Oswald came in?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (7 of 26): Hearings Vol. VII (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- There was a picture of the general at a press conference, and notes about his role in the difficult Haiti mission.
- Extract from : « Little Brother » by Cory Doctorow
- He said that at a press conference in Moscow according to the papers.
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (11 of 26): Hearings Vol. XI (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- And were you asked any other questions at that press conference that you can recollect as being important at this time?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (6 of 26): Hearings Vol. VI (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- I recall Dr. Baxter came in after the press conference had begun, but I don't believe he said anything.
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (6 of 26): Hearings Vol. VI (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- Well, what questions were asked of you and what responses did you give at that press conference?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (6 of 26): Hearings Vol. VI (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Words or expressions associated with your search
- academic press
- all-presence
- all presence
- all-presences
- all presences
- at present
- bad press
- barometric pressure
- be confident of
- be confounded
- be confronted by
- be confused
- be ever present
- be expressed by
- be impressed
- be impressive
- be present
- be presented
- brutal suppression
- compress
- compressed
- compressed air sickness
- compression
- confab
- confabulate
- confabulation
- confabulatory
- confectionery
- confections
- confederacy
- confederate
- confederation
- confer
- confer a right
- confer degree
- conferee
- conference
- conferences
- conferring
- confess
- confession
- confessor
- confetti
- confidant
- confidante
- confide
- confidence
- confidence game
- confidence operator
- confidence trick
- confidences
- confident
- confidential
- confidential discussion
- confidentially
- confiding
- configuration
- confine
- confined
- confinement
- confines
- confining
- confirm
- confirmation
- confirmed
- confirmedly
- confiscation
- confit
- conflagrant
- conflict
- conflict with
- conflicting
- conflicts
- confluence
- conflux
- conform
- conformability
- conformable
- conformably
- conformation
- conforming
- conforming to accepted standards
- conformist
- conformity
- confound
- confound it
- confounded
- confounding
- confront
- confrontation
- confronted
- confronting
- confuse
- confused
- confusing
- confusing statement
- confusion
- confusion dilemma
- confute
- convey the impression
- create the impression
- cylinder press
- de press
- de-press
- de pressed
- de-pressed
- de presses
- de-presses
- de pressing
- de-pressing
- deadpan expression
- decompression chamber
- decompression disease
- decompression sickness
- depress
- depressant
- depressed
- depresses
- depressing
- depression
- disconfirm
- durable press
- durable-press fabric
- economic pressure
- empress
- empressement
- espresso
- ever-present
- express
- expressed
- expressing
- expression
- expressionless
- expressions
- expressive
- expressiveness
- expressivity
- expressly
- expressway
- false impression
- father confessor
- feel confident
- feels confident
- first impression
- gain confidence of
- gains confidence of
- gat wrong impression
- get the impression
- get wrong impression
- give bad press
- give confidence
- give expression
- graphic representation
- had impression
- had the impression
- had wrong impression
- haddest impression
- haddest the impression
- haddest wrong impression
- hadst impression
- hadst the impression
- hadst wrong impression
- hard-pressed
- has impression
- has wrong impression
- hast impression
- hast the impression
- have confidence in
- have confidence of
- have the impression
- have wrong impression
- hot off press
- impresario
- impress
- impress as
- impress up on
- impress upon
- impressario
- impressed
- impressed up on
- impresses
- impresses up on
- impresses upon
- impressibility
- impressible
- impressing
- impressing up on
- impressing upon
- impressings
- impression
- impressionability
- impressionable
- impressionist
- impressionistic
- impressions
- impressive
- impressively
- impressment
- imprest
- imprest up on
- imprest upon
- in compressible
- in conference
- in confidence
- in conflict
- in confusion
- in expressible
- in expressive
- in its present condition
- in strict confidence
- inconformable
- inexpressible
- inexpressive
- irrepressible
- lack of confidence
- lacking confidence
- letterpress printing plate
- life preserver
- low-pressure
- made impression
- make an impression
- make conform
- make impression
- make presence felt
- make presence known
- make presentable
- makes an impression
- makes impression
- makes presence known
- making an impression
- making impression
- malconformation
- misimpression
- misrepresent
- misrepresentation
- misrepresented
- nature preserve
- news conference
- non-conforming
- non conforming
- non-conformist
- non conformists
- non-conformists
- non conformities
- non-conformities
- non-conformity
- non conformity
- non-representative
- non representative
- nonconformably
- nonconformism
- nonconformist
- nonconformity
- nonrepresentative
- not conform
- not conforms
- not present
- omnipresence
- omnipresences
- omnipresent
- oppress
- oppressed
- oppressing
- oppression
- oppressive
- oppressive heat
- oppressively
- oppressiveness
- oppressor
- overconfidence
- package express
- palpable presence
- peace conference
- permanent press
- permanent press clothes
- permanent-press fabric
- personality conflict
- place confidence in
- prescience
- prescient
- prescribe
- prescribed
- prescription
- presence
- presence of God
- presence of mind
- presenile dementia
- present
- present arms
- present-day
- presentation
- presented
- presentiment
- presently
- presentment
- preservationist
- preserve
- preserver
- preside
- preside over
- presidency
- president
- presidential mansion
- presidential palace
- presidio
- press
- press agency
- press agent
- press association
- press conference
- press corps
- press drill
- press forward
- press officer
- press on
- press proof
- pressed
- pressing
- pressure
- pressure group
- pressure suit
- pressurize
- pressurized suit
- prestige
- prestiges
- prestigious
- presto
- presumably
- presume
- presume true
- presuming
- presumption
- presumptive
- presumptuous
- presuppose
- presupposition
- proportional representation
- public press
- putting pressure on
- re present
- re presentation
- re presentations
- re presentative
- re presented
- re presenting
- re presents
- re press
- re pressed
- re presses
- re pressing
- represent
- representa
- representation
- representational
- representative
- repress
- repress feelings
- repressed
- repression
- repressive
- self-confidence
- self-confident
- suppress
- suppressed
- suppressio veri
- suppression
- suppressive
- teleconference
- the press
- U.S. President
- u s president
- u. s. president
- u s presidents
- u. s. presidents
- u.s. presidents
- unconfident
- unconfined
- unconfirmed
- unconformity
- unexpressed
- unexpressive
- unimpressible
- unimpressibly
- unimpressionable
- unimpressive
- vanity press
- vapid expression
- was confident of
- was confused
- was impressed
- was impressive
- well-expressed
- wilderness preserve
- without a prescription
- yellow press
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