Synonyms for collective ownership
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of collective ownership
- As in socialism : noun socialist government
- Cyrus recognises the ideal principle of co-operation and collective ownership.
- Extract from : « Cyropaedia » by Xenophon
- Progress demands the collective ownership of the land on and the tools with which to produce the necessities of life.
- Extract from : « Communism and Christianism » by William Montgomery Brown
- Collective ownership is the necessary corollary of collective responsibility.
- Extract from : « New Worlds For Old » by Herbert George Wells
- This idea of the collective ownership of the school is new and very beautiful and profoundly educational.
- Extract from : « The Montessori Method » by Maria Montessori
- Like other Socialists, they stand for the collective ownership of all public industries and natural resources, including the land.
- Extract from : « The Story of the Great War, Volume VII (of VIII) » by Various
- Each proclaims the class struggle, and both demand the collective ownership of the chief means of production.
- Extract from : « Syndicalism in France » by Louis Levine
- Socialism does not mean the "sharing out" of property; on the contrary, it means the collective ownership of property.
- Extract from : « Britain for the British » by Robert Blatchford
- But if they are not dispossessed, if their private property is left to them, then "collective ownership" must have a new meaning.
- Extract from : « Some Objections To Socialism » by Charles Bradlaugh
- The platform declares for collective ownership of all railroads, telegraph and telephone lines, etc.
- Extract from : « Why I am opposed to socialism » by Various
- Rightly or wrongly, I am for union against disunion, for collective ownership against private ownership.
- Extract from : « God and my Neighbour » by Robert Blatchford
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- collating
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- colleague
- collect
- collectanea
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- collectedly
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- collection
- collections
- collective bargaining
- collective ownership
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- colleen
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- collide
- collimate
- collision
- collocate
- collocation
- collogue
- colloquialism
- colloquium
- colloquy
- collude
- colluder
- collusion
- colluvies
- crowned
- crowned head
- decollate
- décolleté
- dog collar
- downer
- drowned
- fail to recollect
- farming college
- frowned
- frowned on
- give old college try
- give the old college try
- hollowness
- home towner
- hot under collar
- in collaboration
- in collar
- land owner
- landowner
- lowness
- mineral collector
- narrowness
- noncollegiate activity
- old college try
- on a downer
- on collision course
- owned
- owned exclusively
- owned to
- owned up to
- owner
- owner-manual
- owner's manual
- owner's-manual
- ownerless
- owners
- owners manual
- ownership
- ownest
- past recollection
- pink collar
- re-collect
- re collected
- re-collected
- re collecting
- re-collecting
- re collection
- re-collection
- re collections
- re-collections
- recollect
- recollection
- renowned
- rock collector
- Roman collar
- shallowness
- slowness
- state ownerhsip
- state ownership
- tax collection
- turn-around collar
- white collar
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