Synonyms for crowned head

Grammar : Noun

Top 10 synonyms for crowned head Other synonyms for the word crowned head

Définition of crowned head

  • As in monarch : noun ruler
  • As in potentate : noun monarch
  • As in ruler : noun historically, person who ruled an area
  • As in king : noun ruler
  • As in crown : noun royalty
Example sentences :
  • It would not suit me; besides, I will take no engagement but with a crowned head.
  • Extract from : « Tancred » by Benjamin Disraeli
  • Franklin never put on any frills, but he was not afraid of a crowned head.
  • Extract from : « Comic History of the United States » by Bill Nye
  • You evidently expect a crowned head will be struck with you.
  • Extract from : « The Portrait of a Lady » by Henry James
  • I am not a crowned head, that I should marry a woman upon her portrait, and by proxy.
  • Extract from : « Captain Paul » by Alexandre Dumas, Pere
  • I don't ask you for the sum, because only a crowned head could pay it.
  • Extract from : « The Dramas of Victor Hugo » by Victor Hugo
  • On the obverse side was a crowned head with the inscription: "Melach Herodes."
  • Extract from : « Tales From Jkai » by Mr Jkai
  • You're not a crowned head or an escaped princess or anything of that kind, are you?
  • Extract from : « The Girl in the Mirror » by Elizabeth Garver Jordan
  • "I believe you are a crowned head," murmured Laurie, discontentedly.
  • Extract from : « The Girl in the Mirror » by Elizabeth Garver Jordan
  • I would not change my experience for that of any crowned head.
  • Extract from : « Memoirs of an American Prima Donna » by Clara Louise Kellogg
  • I have looked down the mouth of every crowned head of Europe!
  • Extract from : « Memoirs of an American Prima Donna » by Clara Louise Kellogg

Antonyms for crowned head

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019