Synonyms for frowned on
Grammar : Adj, verb |
Top 10 synonyms for frowned on Other synonyms for the word frowned on
- anathema
- beyond the pale
- blame
- censure
- chastise
- condemn
- count me out
- criticize
- damn
- deprecate
- detract
- disallow
- disapprove
- disapproved
- discommend
- discountenance
- discourage
- disesteem
- disfavor
- dislike
- dismiss
- dispraise
- dispute
- disrespect
- expostulate
- find fault with
- find unacceptable
- forbidden
- frown on
- frowned on
- hold no brief for
- illegal
- look askance at
- look down on
- nix
- not go for
- not stand for
- object to
- off limits
- out of bounds
- pan
- pass on
- proscribed
- put down
- refuse
- remonstrate
- reprehend
- reprobate
- reprove
- reserved
- resist
- restricted
- ruled out
- set aside
- slam
- slight
- spurn
- take a dim view of
- take dim view of
- take exception to
- turn down
- unacceptable
- unmentionable
- zing
Définition of frowned on
- As in taboo : adj not allowed, permitted
- As in disesteem : verb disapprove
- As in disapprove : verb condemn
- As in discountenance : verb reject, oppose
Antonyms for frowned on
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019