Synonyms for shallowness
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : shal-oh |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈʃæl oʊ |
Top 10 synonyms for shallowness Other synonyms for the word shallowness
- banality
- battiness
- benightedness
- bewilderment
- brainlessness
- bromide
- callowness
- chestnut
- cliché
- coquetting
- corn
- crudeness
- dallying
- darkness
- delicacy
- denseness
- disregard
- doltishness
- dumbness
- emaciation
- empty-headedness
- fatuity
- fatuousness
- feeble-mindedness
- fineness
- flightiness
- flippancy
- flirting
- flummery
- fog
- folly
- fribble
- frippery
- frivolousness
- fun
- gaiety
- game
- gauntness
- giddiness
- half-knowledge
- illiteracy
- illiterateness
- imbecility
- imprudence
- inadequacy
- inanity
- incapacity
- incompactness
- incomprehension
- ineptitude
- injudiciousness
- innocence
- inscience
- insensibility
- insensitivity
- jest
- lack of education
- lightheartedness
- lightness
- meagerness
- mental incapacity
- motto
- naiveté
- nescience
- nitwittedness
- oblivion
- obliviousness
- obtuseness
- philistinism
- platitude
- play
- prosaicism
- prosaism
- prose
- puerility
- rarity
- rawness
- rubber stamp
- scantiness
- sciolism
- shallowness
- shibboleth
- simplicity
- slimness
- slowness
- sluggishness
- spareness
- sparseness
- sport
- stereotype
- stolidity
- stupefaction
- stupidness
- stupor
- subtilization
- subtilty
- superficiality
- tag
- tenuity
- thick-headedness
- toying
- trifling
- triteness
- triviality
- triviality truism
- unawareness
- unconsciousness
- uncouthness
- unenlightenment
- unfamiliarity
- unscholarliness
- vagueness
- volatility
- weak-mindedness
- weakness
- whimsicality
- whimsy
Définition of shallowness
Origin :- c.1400, schalowe "not deep," probably from or related to Old English sceald (see shoal (n.)). Of breathing, attested from 1875; of thought or feeling, "superficial," first recorded 1580s. The noun, usually shallows, is first recorded 1570s, from the adjective.
- As in stupidity : noun dullness of mind
- As in thinness : noun slenderness
- As in illiteracy : noun ignorance
- As in illiterateness : noun ignorance
- As in nescience : noun ignorance
- As in obliviousness : noun ignorance
- As in unawareness : noun ignorance
- As in unconsciousness : noun ignorance
- As in unfamiliarity : noun ignorance
- As in commonplace : noun clichéd saying or idea
- As in frivolity : noun silliness, childishness
- As in ignorance : noun unintelligence, inexperience
- Their freshness soon withered, on account of the shallowness of the earth.
- Extract from : « Philothea » by Lydia Maria Child
- All that I have seen of life only shows the shallowness of what is called the public service.
- Extract from : « A Day's Ride » by Charles James Lever
- Shallowness has this advantage, that you can't be drowned there.'
- Extract from : « A Pair of Blue Eyes » by Thomas Hardy
- And here the depth or shallowness of our theology will be sure to tell.
- Extract from : « The Preacher and His Models » by James Stalker
- She felt a sort of bitter shame over her own shallowness of feeling.
- Extract from : « Robert Elsmere » by Mrs. Humphry Ward
- Many instances might be given of the shallowness of the Indian's mind.
- Extract from : « India and the Indians » by Edward F. Elwin
- The barges in which we now embarked were very small, owning to the shallowness of the river.
- Extract from : « Travels in China, Containing Descriptions, Observations, and Comparisons, Made and Collected in the Course of a Short Residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a Subsequent Journey through the Country from Pekin to Canton » by John Barrow
- The shallowness and simplicity of the girl baffled her continually.
- Extract from : « That Lass O' Lowrie's » by Frances Hodgson Burnett
- The narrowing of religion saved it from the shallowness of heathenism.
- Extract from : « The World's Progress, Vol. I (of X) » by Various
- Owing to the shallowness of the water the British attacked in small boats.
- Extract from : « Sixty Years a Queen » by Sir Herbert Maxwell
Antonyms for shallowness
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019