Synonyms for disunity
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : dis-yoo-ni-tee |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪsˈyu nɪ ti |
Top 10 synonyms for disunity
Définition of disunity
- noun division
- That there is disunity is suggested and admitted in the terms of the subject.
- Extract from : « The War and Unity » by Various
- This disunity has grown out of conditions which range over a few generations.
- Extract from : « The War and Unity » by Various
- Lincoln could have accepted peace at the cost of disunity and continued slavery.
- Extract from : « Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006 » by Various
- If the whole world should seem to combine against you, it is only unreal combination, or intermediateness to unity and disunity.
- Extract from : « The Book of the Damned » by Charles Fort
- We associate a corresponding double meaning with disunity or opposition.
- Extract from : « Introduction to the Science of Sociology » by Robert E. Park
- It would be a sign of Christian disunity far more distressing than sectarianism.
- Extract from : « The Negro in the South » by Booker T. Washington
- To know God and not oneself to be God, to know blessedness and not oneself to enjoy it, is a state of disunity, of unhappiness.
- Extract from : « The Essence of Christianity » by Ludwig Feuerbach
- To illustrate some of the traits of disunity already mentioned, let us translate this incident into Chinese.
- Extract from : « Village Life in China » by Arthur H. Smith
- Our heritage from the reformation is another value which we are in the process of losing because of disunity.
- Extract from : « Nine O'Clock Talks » by Frederic B. Kellogg
- If the emotion is pleasurable it is the consciousness of the unity within; if it is painful, of the disunity.
- Extract from : « Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher » by Henry Jones
Antonyms for disunity
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019