Synonyms for bad vibes
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for bad vibes Other synonyms for the word bad vibes
- altercation
- anger
- antipathy
- anxiety
- apprehensiveness
- argument
- augury
- bad chemistry
- bad feeling
- bad vibes
- bad will
- blowup
- break
- case of nerves
- chariness
- chill
- clinker
- conjecture
- contention
- controversy
- creepy feeling
- crossed wires
- cynicism
- debate
- difference
- difficulty
- disaccord
- disagreement
- discord
- discordance
- disharmony
- dislike
- dispeace
- dispute
- dissension
- dissent
- dissidence
- distrust
- disunity
- dread
- dubiety
- dubiosity
- enmity
- faction
- factionalism
- falling-out
- fear
- feud
- flak
- foreshadowing
- foretoken
- forewarning
- friction
- funny feeling
- fuss
- guess
- guesswork
- gut feeling
- handwriting on the wall
- hard feelings
- hatred
- heresy
- heterodoxy
- hostility
- hunch
- idea
- ill will
- ill-disposedness
- impression
- incertitude
- incredulity
- jealousy
- lack of confidence
- malevolence
- malice
- misbelief
- misgiving
- mistrust
- mutual hostility
- nastiness
- nonbelief
- nonconformism
- nonconformity
- notion
- odium
- oppugnancy
- oppugnation
- personality conflict
- portent
- prediction
- premonition
- prenotion
- presage
- presentiment
- prognostic
- prophecy
- qualm
- quarrel
- rancor
- resentment
- rift
- row
- run-in
- rupture
- scene
- schism
- set-to
- sinking feeling
- skepticism
- sneaking suspicion
- sour note
- spat
- squabble
- static
- strife
- supposition
- surmise
- suspicion
- tiff
- trouble
- uncertainty
- unfriendliness
- unorthodoxy
- variance
- venom
- vibes
- wariness
- warning
- wind change
- wonder
- words
- wrangle
Définition of bad vibes
- As in misunderstanding : noun argument, fight
- As in bad blood : noun bitterness of feeling
- As in suspicion : noun doubt
- As in funny feeling : noun apprehension and nervousness
- As in dissension : noun conflict of opinion
- As in dissidence : noun difference of opinion
- As in foreboding : noun misgiving, bad omen
Antonyms for bad vibes
- accord
- agreement
- approval
- authorization
- belief
- calculation
- calm
- certainty
- comprehension
- concord
- concurrence
- confidence
- confirmation
- conformity
- faith
- fortune
- friendliness
- friendship
- good omen
- good will
- happiness
- harmony
- information
- kindness
- knowledge
- likeness
- liking
- love
- loving
- luck
- measurement
- orthodoxy
- peace
- proof
- providence
- ratification
- reality
- sameness
- similarity
- sureness
- sweetness
- sympathy
- trust
- understanding
- unity
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