Synonyms for conjecture

Grammar : Noun, verb
Spell : kuhn-jek-cher
Phonetic Transcription : kənˈdʒɛk tʃər

Top 10 synonyms for conjecture Other synonyms for the word conjecture

Définition of conjecture

Origin :
  • late 14c., "interpretation of signs and omens," from Old French conjecture "surmise, guess," or directly from Latin coniectura "conclusion, interpretation, guess, inference," literally "a casting together (of facts, etc.)," from coniectus, past participle of conicere "to throw together," from com- "together" (see com-) + iacere "to throw" (see jet (v.)). Sense of "forming of opinion without proof" is 1530s.
  • noun speculation, assumption
  • verb speculate
Example sentences :
  • She discovered that Emma's conjecture had been only too correct.
  • Extract from : « Grace Harlowe's Return to Overton Campus » by Jessie Graham Flower
  • He hesitated; then, "Well, go on with your conjecture," Rulledge said forgivingly.
  • Extract from : « Quaint Courtships » by Various
  • Nor can I conjecture how far I strayed north or south from my course.
  • Extract from : « Green Mansions » by W. H. Hudson
  • How had he never before chanced on a conjecture so probable?
  • Extract from : « Night and Morning, Complete » by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • She does not own, she has any authority for this, but her own conjecture.
  • Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 2 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
  • It might, however, be of great importance to him to trace this conjecture to certainty.
  • Extract from : « Alice, or The Mysteries, Complete » by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • The next Wednesday again will, I conjecture, be a hated day to us both.
  • Extract from : « The Letters of Robert Burns » by Robert Burns
  • It is almost impossible to conjecture what will be the basis of the settlement.
  • Extract from : « The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 2, May, 1851 » by Various
  • I only conjecture so—Did you ever feel the same transports I do?
  • Extract from : « The Politician Out-Witted » by Samuel Low
  • The days and months passed, heartlessly confirming my conjecture, my belief.
  • Extract from : « The Book of Khalid » by Ameen Rihani

Antonyms for conjecture

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