Antonyms for de-crees
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : dih-kree |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈkri |
- abandon
- accusation
- aid
- allow
- allowance
- ambiguity
- answer
- approve
- ascend
- ask
- assemble
- award
- bad manners
- be idle
- be willing
- begin
- beginning
- birth
- blessing
- block
- boon
- bottle up
- breach
- break
- breaking
- building
- calculate
- cancel
- cease
- cessation
- change
- collect
- commence
- commencement
- conceal
- concealment
- confuse
- confusion
- construction
- contradict
- contradiction
- corruption
- countermand
- creation
- crush
- defer
- delay
- demote
- denial
- deny
- depart
- deregulation
- destroy
- disagree
- disallow
- disallowance
- disapproval
- disapprove
- disarrange
- disbelieve
- disclaim
- discourage
- discredit
- disestablish
- dishonesty
- dislike
- dislodge
- dismiss
- disorder
- disorganization
- disorganize
- disperse
- displace
- disprove
- disregard
- dissuade
- distaste
- distribute
- divide
- end
- fail
- fall behind
- falsehood
- fasten
- finish
- fire
- follow
- forfeit
- forget
- gather
- get
- give up
- go up
- good fortune
- good luck
- grow
- halt
- happiness
- hate
- hatred
- help
- hesitate
- hide
- hinder
- hindrance
- honor
- idle
- idleness
- ignorance
- ignore
- illegality
- implore
- inactivity
- inanity
- indecision
- indifference
- inertia
- injustice
- invalidate
- irresponsibility
- join
- keep
- keep quiet
- keep secret
- lawlessness
- leave
- let go
- liberty
- license
- liquefy
- listen
- little
- live
- loose
- loosen
- lose
- loss
- measure
- mend
- mess
- mess up
- miracle
- misfortune
- misguide
- misjudgment
- mislead
- mismanage
- mismanagement
- miss
- misunderstand
- misuse
- mix up
- muddle
- mull
- mumble
- neglect
- not give
- obey
- oppose
- opposition
- overlook
- partiality
- pass
- permission
- permit
- plant
- plead
- postpone
- praise
- prevent
- prevention
- procrastinate
- prohibit
- put off
- put together
- question
- quiet
- raze
- recall
- receive
- refrain
- refusal
- refuse
- refute
- reject
- release
- remove
- renounce
- repeal
- reply
- repose
- repress
- repudiate
- request
- rescind
- rest
- retract
- reversal
- revocation
- reward
- rise
- ruin
- scatter
- secret
- serve
- silence
- soften
- start
- stop
- stoppage
- stupidity
- submit
- subordination
- success
- suppress
- surrender
- suspension
- take
- tangle
- thoughtlessness
- totality
- transgression
- unbelief
- unethicalness
- unfairness
- unfasten
- unfix
- unfurnish
- unsettle
- use
- veto
- violation
- void
- wait
- waste
- waver
- wavering
- weakness
- whole
- withhold
- wonder
Definition of de-crees
Origin :- early 14c., from Old French decre, variant of decret (12c., Modern French décret), from Latin decretum, neuter of decretus, past participle of decernere "to decree, decide, pronounce a decision," from de- (see de-) + cernere "to separate" (see crisis).
- As in institute : noun law; custom
- As in judgment : noun decision about blame
- As in justice : noun lawfulness, fairness
- As in law : noun rules of a government, society
- As in lot : noun fate, destiny
- As in mandate : noun authority, order
- As in order : noun command
- As in ordinance : noun law, rule
- As in precept : noun law, rule of behavior, action
- As in prescription : noun formula, medicine
- As in proclamation : noun advertisement, announcement
- As in pronouncement : noun declaration, statement
- As in award : noun prize or reward
- As in regulation : noun rule, requirement
- As in rule : noun standard, principle of behavior
- As in sanction : noun embargo, punishment
- As in statute : noun rule, law
- As in subpoena : noun writ
- As in verdict : noun law judgment
- As in will : noun personal choice
- As in will : noun last wishes; command
- As in word : noun command
- As in writ : noun court order
- As in canon : noun rule, edict
- As in assize : noun regulation
- As in prescript : noun rule
- As in act : noun legislative document
- As in rogation : noun prayer
- As in interdiction : noun sanction
- As in command : noun directive, instruction
- As in decree : noun mandate, legal order
- As in dictate : noun command; rule
- As in directive : noun command, instruction
- As in doom : noun fate or decision, usually unpleasant
- As in edict : noun pronouncement, order
- As in enactment : noun law; authorization
- As in fiat : noun order, proclamation
- As in finding : noun judgment, verdict
- As in appoint : verb assign responsibility; decide
- As in intend : verb have in mind; determine
- As in judge : verb make decision from evidence; deduce
- As in legalize : verb allow, validate
- As in make : verb enact, execute
- As in ordain : verb establish, install
- As in order : verb command, authorize
- As in pass : verb enact, legislate
- As in prescribe : verb stipulate action to be taken
- As in promulgate : verb make known
- As in pronounce : verb announce, declare
- As in award : verb give prize or reward
- As in resolve : verb make up one's mind; find solution
- As in rule : verb govern, manage
- As in rule : verb judge, decide
- As in set : verb decide upon
- As in will : verb cause
- As in call : verb demand or announce action
- As in adjudge : verb judge
- As in legitimatize : verb legalize
- As in legitimize : verb legalize
- As in constitute : verb authorize
- As in decide : verb make a determination; settle an issue
- As in decree : verb order rule or action
- As in destine : verb predetermine, ordain
- As in dictate : verb command; give instructions
- As in enact : verb authorize, legislate
- As in enjoin : verb order, command
- As in establish : verb set up, organize
- As in establish : verb authenticate; demonstrate
- As in impose : verb set, dictate
Synonyms for de-crees
- accept
- accident
- accolade
- accomplish
- accord
- accredit
- act
- act on
- add up
- adjudge
- adjudicate
- adjudication
- adjuration
- adjure
- administer
- admonish
- adopt
- advertise
- advertisement
- advise
- affirm
- agree
- agree upon
- aim
- allocate
- allot
- allotment
- amendment
- amends
- analysis
- analyze
- anatomize
- annihilation
- announce
- announcement
- annunciate
- anoint
- answer
- aphorism
- apothegm
- appeal
- appeal to
- appetite
- apply for
- appoint
- apportion
- appraisal
- appraise
- appreciate
- appreciation
- approve
- approximate
- arbitrament
- arbitrate
- arbitration
- arrange
- arrive
- arrive at conclusion
- ascertain
- ask
- aspire to
- assaying
- assembly
- assert
- assess
- assessment
- assign
- assize
- attempt
- attitude
- authority
- authorization
- authorize
- award
- axiom
- ban
- base
- basis
- be determined
- be established
- be in authority
- be in driver's seat
- be in power
- be ordained
- be resolved
- be sanctioned
- become law
- become ratified
- become valid
- behest
- belief
- bequest
- bestow
- bestowal
- Bible
- bid
- bidding
- bill
- blank check
- blast
- bless
- book
- boycott
- break
- break down
- breaks
- bridle
- bring about
- broadcast
- brocard
- build
- bulldoze
- burden
- buy
- bylaw
- byword
- calamity
- call
- call for
- call shots
- call the play
- call the shots
- call the signals
- call the tune
- call upon
- canon
- carry
- carry on
- carry out
- carry through
- carte blanche
- case
- cast the die
- cataclysm
- catalogue
- catastrophe
- caution
- caveat
- certify
- challenge
- chance
- chant
- chapter and verse
- character
- charge
- charging
- charter
- check
- choose
- cinch
- circulate
- circumstance
- circumstantiate
- citation
- claim
- clause
- clean up
- clear up
- clinch
- close study
- code
- codify
- coercive measure
- collect
- come to agreement
- come to conclusion
- come to decision
- command
- commandment
- commission
- commit oneself
- commitment
- communicate
- communication
- compel
- compensation
- concede
- conclude
- conclusion
- condemn
- condemnation
- conduct
- confer
- conferment
- conferral
- confirm
- conjecture
- connote
- consecrate
- consider
- consideration
- constitute
- constitution
- constitutionality
- constrain
- contemplate
- contemplation
- contract for
- control
- convention
- conviction
- correction
- corroborate
- counsel
- court
- court order
- covenant
- crack the whip
- craving
- create
- credo
- creed
- criterion
- criticize
- curb
- data
- deal
- deal with
- death
- decide
- decide on
- decipher
- decision
- decisiveness
- declaration
- declare
- decoration
- decorum
- decree
- decretion
- decretum
- decriminalize
- dedicate
- deduce
- deduct
- deduction
- define
- delegate
- deliver
- demand
- denote
- depute
- deputize
- derive
- design
- designate
- desire
- destination
- destine
- destiny
- destruction
- determination
- determine
- device
- devoir
- devote
- dictate
- dictation
- dictum
- direct
- direction
- directions
- directive
- disambiguate
- disaster
- discern
- discipline
- discover
- discovery
- discretion
- dish out
- dispensation
- disposition
- dissect
- disseminate
- dissolve
- distinction
- distinguish
- distribute
- divestiture
- do
- doctrine
- document
- dogma
- domiciliate
- dominate
- domineer
- donate
- donation
- doom
- doom to
- downfall
- draft
- draw
- draw a conclusion
- draw up
- drug
- drum
- due process
- duty
- earmark
- edict
- effect
- effectuate
- elect
- elucidate
- empower
- enact
- enactment
- encroach
- end
- endeavor
- endorsement
- endow
- endowment
- enforce
- engage
- engage in
- enjoin
- ensconce
- entreat
- entrench
- equity
- erect
- essay
- establish
- establishment
- estate
- esteem
- estimate
- estimation
- etiquette
- evaluate
- evaluation
- evenness
- exact
- exaction
- examination
- examine
- execute
- execution
- exert
- expect
- exploration
- express
- fair play
- fair treatment
- fancy
- fate
- fathom
- feather in cap
- feeling
- fiat
- figure
- figure on
- find
- find out
- finding
- finger
- fix
- fix price
- fix upon
- fixed future
- fixture
- foist
- force
- force upon
- foreordain
- foreordination
- forewarn
- fork out
- form
- form opinion
- formula
- formulate
- fortune
- found
- frame
- frock
- fundamental
- garnishment
- gather
- get the floor
- gift
- give a hearing
- gnome
- go down line
- go-ahead
- gold
- gold star
- govern
- grant
- green light
- ground
- guess
- guide
- guideline
- habeas corpus
- habit
- hand one is dealt
- hand out
- handwriting on wall
- hankering
- have final word
- have in mind
- hazard
- hearing
- heart's desire
- heritage
- hire
- hold
- hold sway
- hold the reins
- honesty
- honor
- hope to
- horn in
- idea
- impartiality
- imperative
- implant
- import
- impose
- imposition
- inaugurate
- inclination
- inculcate
- indicate
- infer
- inference
- inflict
- infringe
- inheritance
- injunction
- inquest
- inquiry
- inquisition
- insist
- insistence
- inspection
- install
- institute
- instruct
- instruction
- instructions
- instrument
- integrity
- intend
- intention
- interdict
- interdiction
- introduce
- intrude
- invest
- iron out
- issue
- jam through
- judge
- judgment
- Judgment Day
- judicatory
- judicature
- jurisprudence
- justness
- karma
- keep under one's thumb
- keynote
- keystone
- kismet
- lade
- land
- lap of the gods
- launder
- law
- lay
- lay down
- lay down the law
- lay foundation
- lead
- learn
- legacy
- legal process
- legality
- legalization
- legislate
- legislation
- legitimacy
- legitimate
- legitimatize
- legitimize
- levy
- license
- lick
- liking
- list
- litany
- litigation
- live
- lodge
- longing
- look forward
- lot
- make
- make a decision
- make a point of
- make into law
- make laws
- make out
- make public
- make up mind
- manage
- mandate
- manifesto
- mark out
- maxim
- mean
- measure
- mediate
- meditate
- memo
- memorandum
- message
- mind
- mixture
- model
- Moira
- Moirai
- moor
- moral
- motto
- mouth
- move in on
- name
- no-no's
- no-nos
- nominate
- notice
- notification
- notify
- numbers
- obligation
- oblige
- observation
- obtain
- obtrude
- okay
- opinion
- opt
- option
- ordain
- order
- ordinance
- originate
- overrule
- pan out
- paper
- pass
- pass sentence
- pass the word
- pass upon
- passion
- penalty
- perform
- permission
- permit
- pick
- pick out
- pining
- place
- plan
- plant
- pleasure
- pledge
- plight
- plot
- poll
- portion
- postulate
- power
- practice
- pray to
- precedent
- precept
- predestination
- predestine
- predetermination
- predicate
- predominate
- preference
- preform
- preordain
- preparation
- prepare
- preponderate
- prerogative
- prescribe
- prescript
- prescription
- present
- presentation
- preside
- presume
- prevail
- price
- principle
- probing
- procedure
- process
- proclaim
- proclamation
- prohibition
- promise
- promote
- promulgate
- promulgation
- pronounce
- pronounce sentence
- pronouncement
- pronunciamento
- property
- propose
- propriety
- proscription
- prosecute
- prove
- provide
- publication
- publish
- pull strings
- punitive measure
- purpose
- pursuit
- put
- put foot down
- put in force
- put one's foot down
- put through
- puzzle out
- quest
- railroad
- railroad through
- rap
- rate
- ratification
- ratify
- reach decision
- read riot act
- read the riot act
- reasonableness
- recipe
- reckon
- recommendation
- recompense
- reconnaissance
- rectitude
- redress
- referee
- reg
- regard
- regimen
- regiment
- regulate
- regulation
- reign
- remain firm
- remedy
- render
- reparation
- replevin
- report
- request
- require
- requirement
- requisition
- research
- reserve
- resolution
- resolve
- responsibility
- rest
- restrain
- result
- review
- reward
- right
- ring in
- rite
- ritual
- rivet
- roll
- root
- ruin
- rule
- rule the roost
- ruling
- run
- run of luck
- run the show
- saddle
- sanction
- say
- say-so
- saying
- schedule
- scheme
- scholarship
- screed
- scrutiny
- search
- secure
- select
- self-control
- self-discipline
- self-restraint
- send away for
- sentence
- session
- set
- set apart
- set aside
- set down
- settle
- shell out
- show
- sifting
- signal
- signify
- sit
- sit on top of
- size up
- solicit
- solve
- sound
- sound off
- specify
- spell
- spread
- spread around
- square deal
- stabilize
- standard
- standing order
- start
- start ball rolling
- station
- statute
- stay
- steamroll
- stick
- stipulate
- stipulation
- strive
- subpoena
- substantiate
- summary
- summon
- summons
- supplication
- suppose
- surmise
- sway
- sweeten the kitty
- table
- take a stand
- take advantage
- take over
- take the reins
- tap
- tell
- temperament
- tenet
- test
- testament
- the book
- the numbers
- the riot act
- the word
- theorize
- think
- toot
- touchstone
- tradition
- tragedy
- transact
- trespass
- trial
- tribunal
- trophy
- truism
- trumpet
- truth
- try
- ukase
- ultimatum
- umpire
- undertake
- unfold
- unravel
- untangle
- unzip
- urge
- validate
- value
- velleity
- verbalize
- verdict
- verify
- view
- visit
- volition
- vote
- vote favorably
- vote in
- wage
- walk heavy
- warn
- warrant
- way cookie crumbles
- way the ball bounces
- way the cookie crumbles
- weigh-in
- wheel of fortune
- will
- willfulness
- willpower
- wish
- wishes
- word
- work
- work out
- work through
- worship
- wreak
- wreck
- writ
- write prescription
- written order
- yardstick
- yearning
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019