Synonyms for become ratified
Sorry, there is no synonym available for become-ratified.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- abberation
- aberration
- aberrational
- aberrative
- abjuration
- accelerating
- acceleration
- acceleration lane
- acceleration principle
- acculturation
- adjuration
- admensuration
- administration
- administrative
- administrative agency
- admiration
- adoration
- adulteration
- adumbration
- adumbrative
- after consideration
- agglomerating
- agglomeration
- alliteration
- alteration
- aristocratic
- aspiration
- aspirations
- asseveration
- autocratic
- base of operation
- base of operations
- base operation
- be autocratic
- be gratified by
- be in operation
- be rating
- be ratings
- be remunerative
- become able
- become adept in
- become aware of
- become colorless
- become contaminated
- become dark
- become hysterical
- become indebted
- become invisible
- become one
- become poorer
- become seasoned
- become versed
- becoming
- berating
- biological operation
- botheration
- breathless adoration
- calcitration
- calibrating
- calibratings
- categorical imperative
- celebrating
- celebrating a marriage
- celebratings
- celebration
- celebrations
- celebrative
- center of operations
- central administration
- cerebration
- collaboration
- commemoration
- commemorative
- comparative
- comparatively
- concentration
- concentration camp
- concrete illustration
- confederation
- configuration
- conglomeration
- consecration
- consideration
- considerations
- cooperating
- cooperation
- cooperative
- cooperativeness
- corroboration
- corroborative
- crating
- curative
- de generating
- de-generation
- de generation
- de generations
- de-generations
- de hydrating
- de-hydration
- de hydration
- de-hydrations
- de hydrations
- de liberating
- de-liberating
- de liberation
- de-liberation
- de-liberations
- de liberations
- de-liberative
- de liberative
- deceleration
- declaration
- declarative
- decorating
- decoratings
- decoration
- decorations
- decorative
- decorative picture
- decorative wrap
- deflorating
- degenerating
- degeneration
- degenerative
- dehydration
- dehydrations
- deliberating
- deliberatings
- deliberation
- democratic
- democratic state
- democratize
- democratized
- democratizes
- democratizing
- demonstration
- demonstrative
- denigration
- desecration
- desecrative
- desperation
- deterioration
- discoloration
- disintegrating
- disintegration
- disk operating system
- duration
- earlier generation
- edulcorating
- elaborating
- elaboration
- emergency field ration
- emigration
- enter into consideration
- enumeration
- erratic
- erratic pitch
- erratic throw
- erratically
- evaporatings
- evaporation
- exaggeration
- exasperating
- exasperation
- execration
- exhilarating
- exhilaratingly
- exhilaration
- exoneration
- expiration
- exploration
- federation
- fenestration
- field of concentration
- figuration
- figurative
- fly-by-night operation
- frustrating
- frustration
- funeration
- generating
- generating station
- generation
- generation-gap
- generation gap
- Generation X
- generation-x
- generations
- generative
- generative capacity
- generative force
- get vibrations
- good vibrations
- gratification
- gratified
- gratify
- grating
- gratitude
- gyration
- gyrational
- Hippocratic oath
- idiosyncratic
- illustrating with
- illustration
- illustrational
- illustrations
- illustrative
- immigration statistics
- immoderation
- immuration
- imperatively
- imperativeness
- imperatives
- impetration
- imploration
- in botheration
- in collaboration
- in consideration
- in consideration of
- in considerations
- in cooperation
- in corporation
- in duration
- in filtrating
- in gratitude
- in gratitudes
- in moderation
- in operation
- in operative
- in operativeness
- in operativenesses
- in preparation
- inauguration
- incarceration
- incorporation
- infiltration
- ingratiating
- ingratiatingly
- ingratiation
- ingratiatory
- inoperative
- inoperativeness
- inspiration
- inspirational
- instant gratification
- integration
- invigorating
- invigoration
- iron rations
- irrational
- irrationality
- irrationally
- iteration
- iterations
- iterative
- K ration
- k-ration
- Konzentrationslager
- konzentrationslagers
- laceration
- liberating
- liberation
- liberation money
- lucrative
- lustration
- lustrative
- maceration
- make reparation
- make reparations
- maturation
- mensuration
- mental ratio
- method of operating
- method of operation
- military ration
- ministration
- mode of operation
- moderating
- moderation
- moderatist
- monocratic
- narrating
- narratings
- narration
- narrative
- narrative history
- narratives
- nervous prostration
- new generation
- new generations
- next generation
- next generations
- non cooperation
- non-cooperation
- non-cooperations
- non cooperations
- non-rational
- noncooperation
- noncooperations
- nonproliferation treaty
- nonrational
- not figurative
- not figuratively
- not under consideration
- numeration
- objuration
- obliteration
- obscuration
- obsecration
- of short duration
- open for consideration
- operatic
- operatic music
- operating costs
- operating expense
- operating room
- operating-system
- operating system
- operating table
- operating theater
- operation
- operational
- operational exhaustion
- operational research
- operations
- operations research
- operative
- operativeness
- operatives
- orating
- oratio directa
- oration
- orationed
- orationing
- orchestrating
- pejorative
- pejoratives
- penetrating
- penetrating eye
- penetrating eyen
- penetratingly
- penetrative
- perforation
- peroration
- perpetrating
- perseveration
- perseverative
- personal narrative
- perspiration
- practical demonstration
- prating
- procuration
- proliferation
- prostration
- quadratic
- quadratical
- ratification
- ratified
- ratify
- ratifyings
- rating
- rating highly
- ratio
- ratiocinate
- ratiocination
- ratiocinative
- ration
- ration slip
- rational
- rationale
- rationalism
- rationalist
- rationalistic
- rationality
- rationalization
- rationalize
- rationalizings
- rationally
- rationalness
- rationed
- rationing
- rations
- ratios
- re calibrating
- re-calibrating
- re consideration
- re decorating
- re-decorating
- re generating
- re-generating
- re generation
- re-generation
- re-generations
- re generations
- re-integrating
- re-invigorating
- re iterating
- re-iterating
- re-iteration
- re iteration
- re-iterations
- re iterations
- re-iterative
- re iterative
- re migrating
- reconsideration
- refrigeration
- regeneration
- reiterative
- reiteratively
- remonstration
- remuneration
- remunerative
- remuneratively
- reparation
- reparations
- rest and recuperation
- restoration
- restorative
- reverberating
- reverberation
- saturation
- saturation point
- self-gratifying
- separating
- separation
- separationist
- separatist
- sequestration
- shoestring operation
- short operation
- short rations
- show consideration
- Socratic
- Socratic elenchus
- Socratic induction
- Socratic irony
- Socratic method
- Socratic philosophy
- stratification
- susurration
- sworn declaration
- take in to consideration
- take into consideration
- take under consideration
- takes in to consideration
- takes into consideration
- taking in to consideration
- taking into consideration
- theater of operations
- theocratical
- toleration
- transfiguration
- ulceration
- unbecoming
- unbecomingness
- uncooperative
- undemocratic
- undercover operations
- ungratified
- unlucrative
- unremunerative
- veneration
- verbigeration
- vibrating
- vibration
- vibrations
- vituperation
- vituperative
- vociferation
- X-rating
- x ratings
- x-ratings
- xrating
- xratings