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Synonyms for telephone number
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of telephone number
- noun assigned number for telephone
- He handed her a card and scribbled a telephone number upon it.
- Extract from : « The Devil's Paw » by E. Phillips Oppenheim
- I called for a telephone number and got it cheerfully and instantly.
- Extract from : « A Traveller in War-Time » by Winston Churchill
- Even a telephone number I could recall when the geography was right.
- Extract from : « Fighting Byng » by A. Stone
- I have her telephone number and from that we can surely get the house address from Central.
- Extract from : « Painted Veils » by James Huneker
- Suppose we do that, Offutt—give the wine clerk our telephone number.
- Extract from : « Local Color » by Irvin S. Cobb
- Stamped in the left-hand corner of the notepaper was a telephone number.
- Extract from : « December Love » by Robert Hichens
- Thessalie had not given him either her address or telephone number.
- Extract from : « The Moonlit Way » by Robert W. Chambers
- What else was in that 'personal' besides the telephone number and the hour you were to call him?
- Extract from : « The Adventures of Jimmie Dale » by Frank L. Packard
- Here's my telephone number, should anything alter your plans.
- Extract from : « The Drums Of Jeopardy » by Harold MacGrath
- I will leave a telephone number with you, to be used only in emergency.
- Extract from : « Red Masquerade » by Louis Joseph Vance
Words or expressions associated with your search
- 1-800 number
- 800 number
- 900 number
- a number
- a number of times
- back number
- back-number
- be numb
- be numbing
- be numbs
- benumb
- benumbed
- by number
- by numbers
- by the number
- by the numbers
- cable-television
- cable television
- call number
- car telephone
- cell phone number
- cellular telephone
- clientele
- community antenna television
- dateless
- do a number
- do a number on
- educational television
- fax number
- field telephone
- haddest number
- haddest one's number
- has number
- has one's number
- hast number
- hast one's number
- have one's number
- heavy number
- identification number
- large number
- Mach number
- mach-number
- magic number
- mobile telephone
- noncommercial television
- noncommercial televisions
- nucleon number
- numb
- numbed
- number
- number 1
- number 2 buzz
- number among
- number cruncher
- number lottery
- number one
- number's up
- number sign
- number two
- number ups
- numbered
- numberings
- numbers
- numbers game
- numbers policy
- numbers-pool
- numbers pool
- numbers runner
- numbers up
- numbing
- numbings
- numbles
- numbness
- numbskull
- numbskulled
- numbskulls
- on the numbers
- opposite number
- out for number one
- pay-television
- pay television
- penumbra
- phone number
- public television
- radar telescope
- radio telescope
- radiotelegraph
- radiotelegraphy
- radiotelephone
- radiotelephonics
- small number
- stateless person
- stele
- subscription television
- tasteless
- tastelessly
- tele cast
- tele castings
- tele casts
- tele-casts
- tele facsimile
- tele facsimiles
- tele fax
- tele-graphed
- tele graphed
- tele-graphing
- tele graphing
- tele ordering
- tele-phone
- tele phoned
- tele-phoned
- tele-phones
- tele phones
- tele phoning
- tele-phoning
- tele photos
- tele-photos
- tele scoping
- tele-typed
- tele typed
- tele typing
- tele-typing
- tele viewers
- tele-vise
- tele vise
- tele vised
- tele-vised
- tele vising
- tele-vising
- tele-vision
- tele-visions
- tele visions
- telecast
- telecasted
- telecaster
- telecasting
- telecastings
- telecommunications
- teleconference
- telefacsimile
- telefax
- telegenic
- telegram
- telegraph
- telegraph pole
- telegraphed
- telegraphic message
- telegraphing
- telegraphy
- telekinetic
- telelogical
- telemechanics
- teleordering
- teleorderings
- telepath
- telepathic
- telepathic transmission
- telepathis
- telepathist
- telepathy
- telephone
- telephone book
- telephone booth
- telephone box
- telephone call
- telephone company
- telephone conversation
- telephone directory
- telephone firm
- telephone kiosk
- telephone listings
- telephone message storage
- telephone number
- telephone pole
- telephone service
- telephone truck
- telephony
- Telephoto
- telephoto lens
- telephotograph machine
- telephotos
- teleport
- teleprompter
- telescope
- telescope word
- telescoped
- telescopic
- telescopic finder
- telescopic sight
- teleshopping
- telesthesia
- telestic
- teletype
- teletyping
- televangelist
- televangelists
- televiewer
- televiewers
- televise
- television
- television broadcast
- television evangelist
- television preacher
- television receiver
- television set
- television viewer
- telex
- toll-free telephone number
- unique number
- vanity number
- whole number
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