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Synonyms for tele-graphed

Grammar : Verb
Spell : tel-i-graf, -grahf
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtɛl ɪˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf

Top 10 synonyms for tele-graphed Other synonyms for the word tele-graphed

Définition of tele-graphed

Origin :
  • 1794, "semaphor apparatus" (hence the Telegraph Hill in many cities), literally "that which writes at a distance," from French télégraphe, from télé- "far" (from Greek tele-; see tele-) + -graphe (see -graphy). The signaling device had been invented in France in 1791 by the brothers Chappe, who had called it tachygraphe, literally "that which writes fast," but the better name was suggested to them by French diplomat Comte André-François Miot de Mélito (1762-1841). First applied 1797 to an experimental electric telegraph (designed by Dr. Don Francisco Salva at Barcelona); the practical version was developed 1830s by Samuel Morse.
  • As in predict : verb express an outcome in advance
  • As in broadcast : verb put forth on electronic media
  • As in forecast : verb predict, guess
  • As in foreshadow : verb indicate
  • As in forewarn : verb caution that something may happen

Antonyms for tele-graphed

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019