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Synonyms for call number
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of call number
- noun number assigned to a book
- A projected index gave the call number for any text that had to be consulted.
- Extract from : « Deathworld » by Harry Harrison
- When a book is issued its call number is written on borrower's card and date of issue stamped on it and on dating slip.
- Extract from : « Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Library Association Held at Ottawa, Canada June 26-July 2, 1912 » by Various
- Book pocket contains two cards, one white, one pink with author's name, title of book and call number and accession number.
- Extract from : « Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Library Association Held at Ottawa, Canada June 26-July 2, 1912 » by Various
- Would his call number be 78 even if he were outside the district?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (7 of 26): Hearings Vol. VII (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- If the shipment is all fiction and no call number is used it will not be necessary to make out any slip of instruction.
- Extract from : « Library Bookbinding » by Arthur Low Bailey
- Letter book pockets or book plates with call number and accession number, if this is the custom of the library.
- Extract from : « Library Bookbinding » by Arthur Low Bailey
- If the call number is to be gilded it will be easier to do it before the cover is removed than after it is replaced.
- Extract from : « Library Bookbinding » by Arthur Low Bailey
- When book is issued a manilla slip is written giving name of borrower, call number, author and title.
- Extract from : « Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Library Association Held at Ottawa, Canada June 26-July 2, 1912 » by Various
- Borrower's card is filed under number and book card filed by call number.
- Extract from : « Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Library Association Held at Ottawa, Canada June 26-July 2, 1912 » by Various
- We call Number infinite, because the greatest number cannot be given; and the like may be said about this distance.
- Extract from : « Aristotle » by George Grote
Words or expressions associated with your search
- 1-800 number
- 800 number
- 900 number
- a number
- a number of times
- acerbically
- act reciprocally
- aesthetically pleasing
- apologetically
- artistically
- at the call
- authentically
- automatically
- axiomatically
- back number
- back-number
- barbarically
- basically
- be at beck and call
- be at beck call
- be beck and call
- be beck call
- be numb
- be numbing
- be numbs
- beatifically
- benumb
- benumbed
- by number
- by numbers
- by the number
- by the numbers
- call
- call a day
- call a halt to
- call a spade a spade
- call a spade spade
- call account
- call all bets off
- call aloud
- call arm
- call arms
- call attention
- call attention to
- call away
- call back
- call backs
- call battle
- call bets
- call bluff
- call box
- call card
- call down
- call-down
- call downs
- call for
- call for help
- call fors
- call forth
- call girl
- call house
- call in
- call in question
- call in show
- call-in show
- call into action
- call into play
- call into question
- call it
- call it a day
- call it day
- call it quits
- call mark
- call mind
- call number
- call of duty
- call of nature
- call off
- call off all bets
- call on
- call on the carpet
- call one bluff
- call one's bluff
- call ones bluff
- call out
- call question
- call spade a spade
- call spade spade
- call the name of
- call the play
- call the shot
- call the shots
- call the signals
- call the turn
- call time
- call to
- call to account
- call to arm
- call to battle
- call to mind
- call to task
- call together
- call up
- call-up
- call up on
- call upon
- called
- called a spade spade
- called all bets off
- called attention
- called attention to
- called back
- called by duty
- called down
- called for
- called-for
- called in
- called into question
- called it
- called it a day
- called it day
- called off
- called on
- called quits
- called spade a spade
- called spade spade
- called strike
- called the name of
- called the shot
- called time
- called to
- called to account
- called to task
- called together
- called up
- called up on
- called upon
- caller
- calligraphy
- calling
- calling a spade a spade
- calling all bets off
- calling attention to
- calling card
- calling down
- calling downs
- calling for
- calling forth
- calling forths
- calling in
- calling it
- calling it a day
- calling it day
- calling off
- calling on
- calling out
- calling question
- calling spade a spade
- calling the play
- calling to
- calling to arms
- calling to task
- calling up
- calling up on
- calling upon
- calliope
- callous
- calloused
- callouses
- callousing
- callously
- callousness
- callow
- callowness
- calls a spade a spade
- calls a spade spade
- calls attention to
- calls away
- calls down
- calls for
- calls in to action
- calls into play
- calls into question
- calls it a day
- calls it day
- calls it quits
- calls on
- calls out
- calls play
- calls question
- calls spade a spade
- calls spade spade
- calls to
- calls to task
- calls together
- calls up
- calls up on
- calls upon
- callus
- callusing
- callusses
- catcall
- catcalled
- catcalling
- categorically
- cattle call
- caustically
- cell phone number
- characteristically
- close call
- critically
- cyclically
- days beyond recall
- demoniacally
- do a number
- do a number on
- dramatically
- drastically
- eccentrically
- economically developing countries
- economically developing nations
- ecstatically
- egocentrically
- egotistically
- electronically connected
- emphatically
- empirically
- energetically
- enthusiastically
- erratically
- escallop
- ethically
- eugenically
- fail recall
- fail to recall
- failed to recall
- failing recall
- failing to recall
- fantastically
- fax number
- frantically
- genetically
- gentleman caller
- give a call
- haddest number
- haddest one's number
- has number
- has one's number
- hast number
- hast one's number
- have one's number
- heavy number
- hectically
- hermetically sealed
- heroically
- hypothetically
- hysterically
- identically
- identification number
- idiotically
- illogically
- individualistically
- intrinsically
- ironically
- judgment call
- juridically
- lackadaisically
- large number
- lethargically
- locally
- logically
- Mach number
- mach-number
- made a call
- made call
- magic number
- magically
- majestically
- make a call
- make call
- make callous
- makes a call
- makes call
- maniacally
- name-calling
- name calling
- name-callings
- namecalling
- namecallings
- night call
- nonsensically
- nucleon number
- numb
- numbed
- number
- number 1
- number 2 buzz
- number among
- number cruncher
- number lottery
- number one
- number's up
- number sign
- number two
- number ups
- numbered
- numberings
- numbers
- numbers game
- numbers policy
- numbers-pool
- numbers pool
- numbers racket
- numbers runner
- numbers up
- numbing
- numbings
- numbness
- numbskull
- numbskulled
- numbskulls
- on-call
- on call
- on the numbers
- oncall
- opposite number
- optimistically
- organically
- out for number one
- pacifically
- paid call
- paradisiacally
- parenthetically
- pay a call
- pay call
- paying a call
- paying call
- penumbra
- periodically
- periphrastically
- person-to-person call
- pessimistically
- phone number
- physically
- physically challenged
- physically disabled
- politically
- politically correct
- practically
- problematically
- put a call through
- radically
- rapscallion
- rascally
- re call
- re-call
- re called
- re-called
- re calling
- re-calling
- re callings
- re-callings
- re-calls
- re calls
- recall
- recalled
- recalling
- rhythmically
- satirically
- scallop
- skeptically
- small number
- so-called
- spasmodically
- specifically
- sporadically
- sycophantically
- sympathetically
- talk nonsensically
- telephone call
- telephone number
- terrifically
- theatrically
- toll-free telephone number
- typically
- tyrannically
- unequivocally
- unique number
- unrecalled
- vanity number
- wake-up call
- wake up call
- wake up calls
- wake-up calls
- wakeup calls
- was at beck and call
- was at beck call
- was beck and call
- was beck call
- whimsically
- whole number
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