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Synonyms for telegenic
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : tel-i-jen-ik |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌtɛl ɪˈdʒɛn ɪk |
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Définition of telegenic
Origin :- 1939, from television + ending from photogenic.
- Judith Barrett, pretty and blonde actress, is the first Telegenic Girl to go on record. In other words, she is the perfect type of beauty for television. ... She is slated for the first television motion picture. [Baltimore "Sun," Oct. 16, 1939]
- As in video : adj related to the televised image
- They grow up accepting the politics of telegenic competition, a poor substitute for competence and commitment.
- Extract from : « The Civilization of Illiteracy » by Mihai Nadin
- Telegenic or not, a president or a TV star has little, if any, impact on our fulfillment in the interconnected world of our time.
- Extract from : « The Civilization of Illiteracy » by Mihai Nadin
Words or expressions associated with your search
- cable-television
- cable television
- car telephone
- cellular telephone
- clientele
- community antenna television
- dateless
- educational television
- field telephone
- mobile telephone
- noncommercial television
- noncommercial televisions
- pay-television
- pay television
- public television
- radar telescope
- radio telescope
- radiotelegraph
- radiotelegraphy
- radiotelephone
- radiotelephonics
- stateless person
- stele
- subscription television
- tasteless
- tastelessly
- tele cast
- tele castings
- tele casts
- tele-casts
- tele facsimile
- tele facsimiles
- tele fax
- tele-graphed
- tele graphed
- tele-graphing
- tele graphing
- tele ordering
- tele-phone
- tele phoned
- tele-phoned
- tele-phones
- tele phones
- tele phoning
- tele-phoning
- tele photos
- tele-photos
- tele scoping
- tele-typed
- tele typed
- tele typing
- tele-typing
- tele viewers
- tele-vise
- tele vise
- tele vised
- tele-vised
- tele vising
- tele-vising
- tele-vision
- tele-visions
- tele visions
- telecast
- telecasted
- telecaster
- telecasting
- telecastings
- telecommunications
- teleconference
- telefacsimile
- telefax
- telegenic
- telegram
- telegraph
- telegraph pole
- telegraphed
- telegraphic message
- telegraphing
- telegraphy
- telekinetic
- telelogical
- telemechanics
- teleorderings
- telepath
- telepathic
- telepathic transmission
- telepathis
- telepathist
- telepathy
- telephone
- telephone book
- telephone booth
- telephone box
- telephone call
- telephone company
- telephone conversation
- telephone directory
- telephone firm
- telephone kiosk
- telephone listings
- telephone message storage
- telephone number
- telephone pole
- telephone service
- telephone truck
- telephony
- Telephoto
- telephoto lens
- telephotograph machine
- telephotos
- teleport
- teleprompter
- telescope
- telescope word
- telescoped
- telescopic
- telescopic finder
- telescopic sight
- teleshopping
- telesthesia
- telestic
- teletype
- teletyping
- televangelist
- televangelists
- televiewer
- televiewers
- televise
- television
- television broadcast
- television evangelist
- television preacher
- television receiver
- television room
- television set
- television viewer
- telex
- toll-free telephone number
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