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Synonyms for single file
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of single file
- noun single line
- The trail was very narrow in places, so that they had to walk in single file.
- Extract from : « Dave Porter At Bear Camp » by Edward Stratemeyer
- A moment later three men walked, single file, into the room.
- Extract from : « Nan of Music Mountain » by Frank H. Spearman
- There was only just room to do so in single file, and I went first with the lantern.
- Extract from : « A Master of Mysteries » by L. T. Meade
- Behind him in single file, imitating his step, marched the other Indians.
- Extract from : « Joan of Arc of the North Woods » by Holman Day
- Jan followed, and the other men fell in behind in single file.
- Extract from : « Wind » by Charles Louis Fontenay
- We will walk in single file; I in front of you, and Fred behind you.'
- Extract from : « Chatterbox, 1905. » by Various
- I led off, and Captain Rudstone and Carteret followed in single file.
- Extract from : « The Cryptogram » by William Murray Graydon
- A convoy of canoes, thirty in number, in single file, formed this wonderful funeral procession.
- Extract from : « The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions, in Their Explorations of the Prairies, Forests, Lakes, and Rivers, of the New World, and Their Interviews with the Savage Tribes, Two Hundred Years Ago » by John S. C. Abbott
- They had but just established their camp, when they saw six savages approaching, following each other in single file.
- Extract from : « The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions, in Their Explorations of the Prairies, Forests, Lakes, and Rivers, of the New World, and Their Interviews with the Savage Tribes, Two Hundred Years Ago » by John S. C. Abbott
- Five Indian warriors walking in single file were approaching.
- Extract from : « The Eyes of the Woods » by Joseph A. Altsheler
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a single time
- abusing
- abusing rights
- abusings
- accessing
- accusing
- addressing
- addressing oneself to
- addressing to
- addressings
- adiosing
- advertising
- advertising board
- advertising campaign
- advertising placard
- advising
- advising against
- aesthetically pleasing
- all encompassing
- all-encompassing
- amassing
- amusing
- amusingly
- appeasing
- arising
- arousing
- ASCII file
- basing
- be musing
- blessing
- blessings
- browsing
- by passing
- by-passing
- by-passings
- by passings
- bypassing
- bypassings
- callousing
- callusing
- canvassing
- canvassings
- caressing
- caressings
- carousing
- carousings
- casing
- causing
- causing a scene
- causing scene
- causing to be
- causing trouble
- ceasing fire
- ceasings
- censusing
- central processing unit
- choosing
- closing
- collapsing
- composing
- compromising
- condensing
- confusing
- confusing statement
- coursing
- crossing
- crowd-pleasing
- cursing
- cussing
- data file
- data processing
- de basing
- de-basing
- de ceasing
- de-ceasing
- de-composing
- de-creasing
- de creasing
- de-file
- de file
- de filed
- de files
- de posing
- de-posing
- de pressing
- de-pressing
- de vising
- de-vising
- debasings
- decomposing
- decreasing
- decreasing volume
- decreasings
- defile
- defiled
- defilement
- defiler
- demising
- depressing
- disingenuity
- disingenuous
- displeasing
- dissing
- distressing
- distressingly
- dressing-down
- dressing gown
- drowsing
- easing
- easing up
- easings
- egressing
- elapsings
- electronic data processing
- embarrassing
- embarrassing problem
- embarrassing situation
- embarrassings
- encasing
- enchasing
- enchasings
- enclosing
- enclosings
- encompassing
- end-lessing
- end lessing
- endlessing
- endorsing
- endorsings
- engrossing
- enterprising
- enterprising person
- enthusing
- equipoising
- erasings
- espousing
- ethnic cleansing
- even supposing
- every single
- exercising
- exposing
- expressing
- famous singer
- file
- file a claim
- file claim
- file for
- file off
- file suit
- filed
- filed for
- files
- files a claim
- files suit
- finessing
- finish using
- finished using
- focusing
- fussing
- gassing
- gassings
- give blessing
- glimpsing
- grousing
- guising
- hair raising
- hair-raising
- hairdressing
- hairdressing salon
- hairraising
- harassing
- harassings
- harnessing
- high profile
- high-profile
- hosing
- housing
- immersing
- imposing
- imposing on
- imposingly
- impressing
- impressing up on
- impressing upon
- impressings
- improvising
- in a compromising position
- in censing
- in closing
- in creasing
- in fusing
- in passing
- in versing
- increasingly
- information processing
- juxtaposing
- kissing
- kissing and make up
- kissing ass
- kissing cousin
- kissing cousins
- kissing goodbye
- kissing make up
- kissing off
- knocksing props out from under
- lapsing
- lapsings
- lead singer
- leasing
- lensing
- losing momentum
- mail advertising
- massing
- messing around
- missing
- more opposing
- most opposing
- musing
- narrowmindednessing
- natural language processing
- nemesising
- never ceasing
- never-ceasing
- noising
- noosing
- nosing around
- nosing in
- not choosing
- not missing a trick
- not singular
- nursing
- nursing home
- observersing
- obsessing
- on file
- one best guessing
- one's best guessing
- one sidednessing
- one-sidednessing
- ones best guessing
- onesidednessing
- onlookersing
- opera singer
- opera singers
- opposed/opposing
- opposing
- opposingly
- oppressing
- out classing
- overstressing
- overusing
- para phrasing
- para-phrasings
- para phrasings
- paraphrasing
- paraphrasings
- parsing
- passing
- passing along
- passing away
- passing aways
- passing by
- passing fancy
- passing for
- passing gas
- passing off as
- passing offs
- passing on
- passing oneself off as
- passing outs
- passing over
- passing overs
- passing quietly
- passing rubicon
- passing thought
- passing through
- patronsing
- pausing
- perusing
- phrasing
- pleasing
- pleasingly
- praising
- pressing
- profile
- progressing
- promising
- pulsing
- purchasing
- put on file
- rabble-rousing
- rabblerousing
- raising
- raising a few
- raising a question
- raising crops
- raising few
- raising from dead
- raising glass to
- raising money
- raising one glass to
- raising one's glass to
- raising ones glass to
- raising question
- raising spirits
- raising temperature
- raising the roof
- raising the value of
- raising value of
- raising voice
- raisings
- rank and file
- rank file
- re assessing
- re-assessing
- re-cessing
- re-dressing
- re dressing
- re fusing
- re-fusing
- re-lapsing
- re lapsing
- re-leasing
- re-leasings
- re leasings
- re percussing
- re phrasing
- re posing
- re possessing
- re pressing
- re prising
- re pulsing
- re purchasing
- re using
- re versing
- re vising
- reposing
- reversing
- rising
- rising action
- rising ground
- rousing
- sensing
- sing
- sing a different song
- sing a different tune
- sing out
- sing praises to
- sing the blues
- sing the praises
- singing
- singing society
- single
- single file
- single-issue group
- single-jet
- single-minded
- single-mindedness
- single out
- single person
- single woman
- singled out
- singleness
- singly
- singular
- singularity
- singularize
- supposing
- supposing that
- surpassing
- surpassingly
- surprising
- surprisingly
- teasing
- teasings
- tele vising
- tele-vising
- tenement housing
- tensing
- tensings
- text file
- tossing and turning
- transfer file
- traversing
- unamusing
- unceasing
- uncompromising
- undefiled
- uprising
- warehousing
- window-dressing
- word processing file
- yessing
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