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Synonyms for demising

Grammar : Verb
Spell : dih-mahyz
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈmaɪz

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Définition of demising

Origin :
  • mid-15c., from Middle French demise, fem. past participle of démettre "dismiss, put away," from des- "away" (from Latin dis-) + Middle French mettre "put," from Latin mittere "let go, send" (see mission). Originally "transfer of estate by will," meaning extended 1754 to "death" because that's when this happens.
  • As in leave : verb give, especially after death
  • As in pass : verb cease
  • As in pass away : verb die
  • As in perish : verb die, decline, decay
  • As in succumb : verb die or surrender
  • As in die : verb pass away; stop living
  • As in go : verb die, collapse
Example sentences :
  • But this the world does not understand, therefore the kings of it must go on demising to the end of the chapter.
  • Extract from : « The Works of William Cowper » by William Cowper

Antonyms for demising

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019