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Synonyms for grousing
Grammar : Adj, verb |
Spell : grous |
Phonetic Transcription : graʊs |
Top 10 synonyms for grousing Other synonyms for the word grousing
- acrimonious
- angry
- argue
- ascribe
- attack
- bad tempered
- bad-tempered
- be displeased
- be down in the mouth
- be in a huff
- be morose
- be out of sorts
- be silent
- bearish
- beat the bushes
- beef
- beefing
- bellyache
- bellyaching
- bemoan
- bemoaning
- bewail
- bird-dog
- bitch
- blow off
- cantankerous
- captious
- carping
- cavil
- caviling
- censorious
- challenge
- charge
- childish
- churlish
- complaining
- contravene
- course
- crab
- crabbed
- crabbing
- crabby
- cranky
- critical
- criticizing
- croak
- cross
- crotchety
- crusty
- crying
- cussed
- defy
- demur
- deplore
- deploring
- deprecate
- deprecatory
- differ
- disagree
- disappointed
- disapprove
- disavow
- discommend
- disconsolate
- discontent
- discontented
- discountenance
- disesteem
- disparaging
- displeased
- dispute
- dissatisfied
- dissent
- dog
- doleful
- drag
- drive
- drone
- edgy
- except
- expostulate
- fault-finding
- find fault
- fish
- follow
- fractious
- fret
- fretful
- fretting
- frown
- fuss
- gainsay
- give chase
- gloom
- glower
- go-one-on-one
- grief-stricken
- grieve
- grievous
- gripe
- griping
- groan
- grouch
- grouchy
- grouse
- grousing
- growl
- growling
- grumble
- grumbling
- grumbly
- grump
- grumpy
- grunt
- gun
- gun for
- hawk
- heartrending
- heel
- hound
- howl
- huffy
- huffy irascible
- hypercritical
- ill-natured
- impute
- indict
- inveigh
- irritable
- irritated
- keen
- kick
- kick up a fuss
- kicking
- kill
- kvetch
- kvetching
- lament
- lamenting
- lay
- look askance
- look for
- look sullen
- lower
- lugubrious
- make a fuss
- make a stink
- malcontent
- malcontented
- mean
- melancholy
- mewl
- mix it up with
- moan
- moan and groan
- moaning
- moon
- mope
- morose
- mourn
- mournful
- muddle
- mumble
- murmur
- mutter
- nag
- nagging
- niggling
- nit-picking
- object
- obstinate
- ogre
- oppose
- ornery
- out of sorts
- out of sorts peevish
- out-of-sorts
- overcritical
- pathetic
- peeved
- peevish
- pertinacious
- petulant
- piss and moan about
- piteous
- pitiful
- plaintive
- poach
- press
- protest
- pule
- pursue
- put out
- querulous
- quibbling
- rail
- raise objection
- rant
- rave
- refute
- remonstrate
- repine
- reproach
- ride
- rueful
- rumble
- run
- sad
- saddening
- scathing
- scent
- scold
- scowl
- scrappy
- scratch
- scratch around
- seek
- shadow
- shoot
- short-tempered
- sigh
- snappy
- snare
- snarl
- snivel
- sob
- sorrowful
- sound off
- sour
- splenetic
- spurn
- sputter
- squawk
- stalk
- start
- storm
- sulky
- sullen
- surly
- swallow
- take exception
- take exception to
- take on
- tangle
- testy
- tetchy
- thin-skinned touchy
- touchy
- track
- trail
- ugly
- uncontent
- ungratified
- uptight
- vexed
- wail
- wailing
- waspish
- waspy
- whimper
- whimpering
- whine
- whining
- whiny
- whisper
- wistful
- woeful
- yammer
- yawp
- yowl
Définition of grousing
Origin :- type of game bird, 1530s, grows (plural, used collectively), of unknown origin, possibly from Latin or Welsh.
- As in peevish : adj irritable, testy
- As in plaintive : adj pathetic, woebegone
- As in querulous : adj grouchy, hard to please
- As in carping : adj complaining
- As in disgruntled : adj unhappy; critical
- As in moan : verb groan, complain
- As in mutter : verb grumble, mumble
- As in niggle : verb nitpick
- As in object : verb disagree, argue against
- As in sulk : verb pout
- As in whine : verb complain, cry
- As in bitch : verb complain
- As in complain : verb grumble about
- As in gripe : verb complain
- As in groan : verb moan, complain
- As in grouch : verb complain a lot
- As in grumble : verb complain
- As in hunt : verb chase for killing
- "Grousing" is Tommy Atkins for grumbling, which is an Englishman's birthright.
- Extract from : « Khartoum Campaign, 1898 » by Bennet Burleigh
- No doubt you were often bored, and did your share of grousing.
- Extract from : « John Brown » by Captain R. W. Campbell
- Grousing because he can't sit in an easy-chair and swig toddies no end!
- Extract from : « Pirates' Hope » by Francis Lynde
- I suppose he was grousing and grumbling about that when you went out for a walk this afternoon.
- Extract from : « The Graftons » by Archibald Marshall
- After all, Richenda's "grousing" was a little spoiling her fun.
- Extract from : « The Story of Louie » by Oliver Onions
- A good many of the men had been out before, and they did the customary "grousing" over the added load.
- Extract from : « A Yankee in the Trenches » by R. Derby Holmes
- Later I heard this undertaking genius of a Tommy grousing and muttering to himself.
- Extract from : « A Yankee in the Trenches » by R. Derby Holmes
- We'll find him in there grousing because they called us in before we got all of those Messerschmitts.
- Extract from : « A Yankee Flier with the R.A.F. » by Rutherford G. Montgomery
- But at any rate he had no chance of it, and his framework here is little more than a tissue of transcendental "grousing."
- Extract from : « A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 » by George Saintsbury
- She's grousing rather about going to Chung-king and I want him to tell her it's a very decent place.
- Extract from : « East of Suez » by William Somerset Maugham
Antonyms for grousing
- accept
- accepting
- agree
- aid
- applaud
- approve
- assent
- be content
- be happy
- cheerful
- commend
- compliment
- complimentary
- concur
- consent
- contented
- defend
- delight
- easy-going
- endorse
- exonerate
- forgiving
- free
- friendly
- give in
- gloat
- go along
- grin
- halt
- happy
- help
- ignore
- joyful
- laud
- lead
- leave alone
- let go
- liberate
- neglect
- pleasant
- please
- pleased
- praise
- protect
- ratify
- recommend
- retreat
- sanction
- satisfied
- smile
- soothe
- speak clearly
- stop
- support
- surrender
- uncritical
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019