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Synonyms for pleasingly

Grammar : Adv
Spell : plee-zing
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpli zɪŋ

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Définition of pleasingly

Origin :
  • early 14c., "to be agreeable," from Old French plaisir "to please, give pleasure to, satisfy" (11c., Modern French plaire, the form of which is perhaps due to analogy of faire), from Latin placere "to be acceptable, be liked, be approved," related to placare "to soothe, quiet" (source of Spanish placer, Italian piacere), possibly from PIE *plak-e- "to be calm," via notion of still water, etc., from root *plak- (1) "to be flat" (see placenta).
  • Meaning "to delight" in English is from late 14c. Inverted use for "to be pleased" is from c.1500, first in Scottish, and paralleling the evolution of synonymous like (v.). Intransitive sense (e.g. do as you please) first recorded c.1500; imperative use (e.g. please do this), first recorded 1620s, was probably a shortening of if it please (you) (late 14c.). Related: Pleased; pleasing; pleasingly.
  • Verbs for "please" supply the stereotype polite word (e.g. "Please come in," short for may it please you to ...) in many languages (French, Italian), "But more widespread is the use of the first singular of a verb for 'ask, request' " [Buck, who cites German bitte, Polish proszę, etc.]. Spanish favor is short for hace el favor "do the favor." Danish has in this sense vær saa god, literally "be so good."
  • As in gracefully : adv lithely
  • As in nicely : adv in a welcome manner
  • As in pleasantly : adv agreeably
  • As in agreeably : adv willingly, assenting; pleasantly; in keeping
  • As in gladly : adv happily
Example sentences :
  • Business was good in the city, and his was pleasingly above the average.
  • Extract from : « The Players » by Everett B. Cole
  • The "human touch" is pleasingly apparent throughout the book.
  • Extract from : « Education and the Higher Life » by J. L. Spalding
  • He loved his small talk; and never since then has talk been so pleasingly small.
  • Extract from : « My Novel, Complete » by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • The sergeant, pleasingly warmed to the core of his being, was not to be daunted.
  • Extract from : « Old Judge Priest » by Irvin S. Cobb
  • And she could feel that on this occasion she had been pleasingly and successfully undisturbed.
  • Extract from : « Selina » by George Madden Martin
  • Horace notes a kindred manifestation of this tendency (to which he himself is pleasingly addicted), in Ep.
  • Extract from : « The Dramatic Values in Plautus » by Wilton Wallace Blancke
  • The taste is good beyond words, and the consistency is pleasingly "chewy" without being tenacious to the point of teeth pulling!
  • Extract from : « Candy-Making Revolutionized » by Mary Elizabeth Hall
  • It is green in color and pleasingly pungent in flavor, and lends itself in many ways to the use of the candy-maker.
  • Extract from : « Candy-Making Revolutionized » by Mary Elizabeth Hall
  • An astonishingly young, pleasingly plumpish woman, with nothing remarkable about her except a certain splendid calm.
  • Extract from : « Fanny Herself » by Edna Ferber
  • In composition he wields, as usual, a graceful pencil, and his children are pleasingly and naturally drawn.
  • Extract from : « The Catholic World; Volume I, Issues 1-6 » by E. Rameur

Antonyms for pleasingly

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