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Synonyms for re-counted
Grammar : Adj, verb |
Spell : verb ree-kount; noun ree-kount, ree-kount |
Phonetic Transcription : verb riˈkaʊnt; noun ˈriˌkaʊnt, riˈkaʊnt |
Top 10 synonyms for re-counted Other synonyms for the word re-counted
- account for
- acquaint
- act
- actualize
- add up
- address
- adduce
- advance
- advert
- advise
- air
- allege
- anecdotal
- answer
- appeal to
- articulate
- asservate
- asseverate
- aver
- avouch
- avow
- believed
- break a story
- bring out
- bring word
- broach
- broadcast
- cable
- call
- call attention to
- carbon
- catalog
- chant
- characterize
- charge
- chime in
- chronicle
- circulate
- circumstantiate
- cite
- clone
- clue one in
- come out with
- communicate
- communicated
- compute
- construe
- convey
- convey image
- copy
- count
- count noses
- cover
- cry
- declaim
- declare
- define
- delineate
- deliver
- depict
- depose
- descant
- describe
- described
- designate
- detail
- disclose
- disclosed
- discourse
- discuss
- disentangle
- display
- distinguish
- divulge
- divulged
- do
- do again
- do over
- do the honors
- document
- dramatize
- draw
- drill
- dry run
- dupe
- duplicate
- echo
- ejaculatory
- elaborate
- elucidate
- embellish
- emphasize
- emulate
- enact
- engross
- enlarge
- enounce
- enumerate
- enunciate
- epitomize
- evidence
- evolve
- excerpt
- exemplify
- exhibit
- expatiate
- experiment
- explain
- explicate
- expose
- expound
- express
- expressed
- extend
- extract
- fictional
- fictive
- figure
- fix up
- fly speck
- follow
- foretell
- form
- get down to brass tacks
- get off one's chest
- get together
- give
- give a report
- give an account
- give an account of
- give an introduction
- give as example
- give blow-by-blow
- give expression
- give rundown
- give the facts
- give the word
- give utterance
- give verbal account
- go over
- go over same ground
- go the same round
- go through
- hint at
- historical
- hold a reading
- hold forth
- hold out
- hone
- identify
- illuminate
- illustrate
- illustrate with
- image
- imitate
- impart
- imply
- indicate
- individualize
- infer
- inflect
- inform
- inscribe
- instance
- interpret
- intimate
- intonate
- introduce
- inventory
- investigate
- itemize
- iterate
- keep tabs
- knock off
- label
- lay
- lay it on the line
- lay out
- learn one's part
- let one's hair down
- limn
- lingual
- list
- made known
- maintain
- make a pitch
- make apparent
- make clear
- make known
- make public
- make sense of
- make vivid
- manifest
- manifold
- mark out
- match
- materialize
- mention
- mimeo
- mimeograph
- mirror
- modulate
- mount
- name
- narrate
- narrated
- note
- noted
- notice
- notify
- number
- observe
- offer
- open to view
- outline
- paint
- parallel
- paraphrase
- parrot
- particularize
- pass on
- perform
- phonated
- phonetic
- phonic
- photocopy
- photograph
- Photostat
- picture
- pirate
- pitch
- play back
- plead
- point out
- point to
- portray
- pose
- practice
- present
- proclaim
- proclaimed
- produce
- profess
- proffer
- promulgate
- pronounce
- proposition
- propound
- provide details
- publish
- put
- put forward
- put on
- quote
- quote chapter and verse
- raise
- reach
- ready
- realize
- reawaken
- recap
- recapitulate
- recite
- recited
- reckon
- record
- recorded
- recount
- recounted
- recreate
- redo
- reduplicate
- reel off
- reenact
- refer to
- reference
- reflect
- rehash
- rehearse
- reiterate
- relate
- related
- relay
- relive
- remake
- remark
- remember
- reminisce
- render
- repeat
- rephrase
- replay
- replicate
- reply
- report
- reported
- represent
- reprint
- reputed
- restamp
- restate
- retail
- retell
- retold
- reveal
- revealed
- review
- revive
- reword
- roll out
- rumored
- run by again
- run down
- run lines
- run off
- run over
- run through
- run through again
- said
- say
- say again
- sequential
- set forth
- set out
- shoot the breeze
- show
- sketch
- sling
- soliloquize
- sonant
- sound
- sounded
- speak
- speak about
- speak of
- specialize
- specify
- spell out
- spiel
- spill
- spill the beans
- spin
- spin a yarn
- spread
- stage
- state
- stereotype
- stipulate
- study
- submit
- suggest
- sum
- sum up
- summarize
- sweat details
- take account of
- take from the top
- talk
- tally
- telephone
- tell
- tell a story
- tell of
- tender
- term
- test
- testify
- throw out
- tick off
- told
- total
- touch on
- trace
- track
- train
- transcribe
- transmit
- trot out
- trumpet
- try out
- tune up
- type
- uncoil
- uncover
- unfold
- unfurl
- unload
- unravel
- unroll
- untwist
- unwind
- unwritten
- utter
- uttered
- vent
- ventilate
- verbal
- verbalize
- viva voce
- vocal
- vocalize
- voice
- voiced
- walk through
- warm up
- wire
- word-of-mouth
- work out
- write up
- Xerox
Définition of re-counted
- As in narrative : adj storylike, chronological
- As in oral : adj spoken
- As in reported : adj stated
- As in itemize : verb keep detailed record
- As in mention : verb refer to
- As in narrate : verb describe, detail
- As in present : verb introduce; demonstrate
- As in recapitulate : verb go over something again
- As in recite : verb read out loud; narrate
- As in recount : verb tell a story
- As in rehearse : verb prepare for performance
- As in relate : verb give an account of
- As in report : verb communicate information, knowledge
- As in reproduce : verb make more copies of
- As in state : verb declare, assert
- As in tell : verb narrate, describe
- As in voice : verb express opinion; put into words
- As in cite : verb note, quote
- As in cover : verb describe in published writing
- As in describe : verb explain in speech, writing
- As in detail : verb specify, make clear
- As in develop : verb unfold; be made known
- As in allege : verb assert; claim
- As in enumerate : verb list, count
- As soon as the money was all re-counted, and a note made of it, Mr Wilson asked me what I wished that he should do with it.
- Extract from : « Poor Jack » by Frederick Marryat
- They counted and re-counted, and made the air blue with dire threats, wondering who had sold out, but no "Judas" could be found.
- Extract from : « History of Linn County Iowa » by Luther A. Brewer
- As soon as the money was all re-counted, and a note made of it, Mr. Wilson asked me what I wished that he should do with it.
- Extract from : « Poor Jack » by Frederick Marryat
- He took it from Baggs' hand, re-counted it with an unfailing touch, and gave back a half.
- Extract from : « The Happy End » by Joseph Hergesheimer
Antonyms for re-counted
- abandon
- abort
- ask
- be original
- be quiet
- cease
- certain
- circumscribe
- cloud
- complicate
- compress
- conceal
- confine
- confuse
- contradict
- cover
- decrease
- deny
- destroy
- disagree
- disavow
- discontinue
- disregard
- dissent
- dissociate
- distort
- end
- estimate
- exclude
- fail
- fight
- figure
- forget
- go cold turkey
- guess
- halt
- hide
- hold back
- ignore
- insert
- keep
- kill
- lay bare
- lay out
- leave alone
- lessen
- listen
- lose
- misrepresent
- misunderstand
- mix up
- mumble
- mystify
- narrow
- neglect
- not count
- object
- obscure
- printed
- protest
- question
- rambling
- refrain
- refuse
- repress
- repudiate
- reveal
- ruin
- secret
- simplify
- stop
- subdue
- subtract
- suppress
- take
- take back
- tangle
- twist
- uncover
- unknown
- unwrap
- verified
- wind
- withdraw
- withhold
- written
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019