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Antonyms for lay out

Grammar : Verb
Spell : ley
Phonetic Transcription : leɪ

Definition of lay out

Origin :
  • Old English lecgan "to place on the ground (or other surface)," also "put down (often by striking)," from Proto-Germanic *lagjanan (cf. Old Saxon leggian, Old Norse leggja, Old Frisian ledza, Middle Dutch legghan, Dutch leggen, Old High German lecken, German legen, Gothic lagjan "to lay, put, place"), causative of lie (v.2). As a noun, from 1550s, "act of laying." Meaning "way in which something is laid" (e.g. lay of the land) first recorded 1819.
  • Meaning "have sex with" first recorded 1934, in U.S. slang, probably from sense of "deposit" (which was in Old English, as in lay an egg, lay a bet, etc.), perhaps reinforced by to lie with, a phrase frequently met in the Bible. The noun meaning "woman available for sexual intercourse" is attested from 1930, but there are suggestions of it in stage puns from as far back as 1767. To lay for (someone) "await a chance at revenge" is from late 15c.; lay low "stay inconspicuous" is from 1839. To lay (someone) low preserves the secondary Old English sense.
  • verb spend money
  • verb design, plan
Example sentences :
  • They talked until late into the night of what he should "lay out" to do.
  • Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
  • "Now, let's lay out the programme for to-morrow," suggested Max.
  • Extract from : « With Trapper Jim in the North Woods » by Lawrence J. Leslie
  • A gardener, we will suppose, is engaged by a gentleman to lay out his grounds.
  • Extract from : « The Teacher » by Jacob Abbott
  • He told me, if I would be happy, I must lay out no plans for the future.
  • Extract from : « The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass » by Frederick Douglass
  • The truth on the subject, he held, lay out of the range of mortal ken.
  • Extract from : « Captains of Industry » by James Parton
  • I guess my fists will lay out any kind of a ghost that I run against.
  • Extract from : « The Pony Rider Boys in Texas » by Frank Gee Patchin
  • Lay out but as much as you use at a Time, and scald the rest.
  • Extract from : « Mrs. Mary Eales's receipts. (1733) » by Mary Eales
  • A good whiff of this stuff will lay out a thousand of them just as easily as it will one.
  • Extract from : « Triplanetary » by Edward Elmer Smith
  • Surely it was not shirking to lay out such a programme for myself.
  • Extract from : « The Promised Land » by Mary Antin
  • Lay out the pitch of the sides of the hopper on the outside of the end pieces.
  • Extract from : « Handwork in Wood » by William Noyes

Synonyms for lay out

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