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Synonyms for non compos mentis
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : nohn kohm-pohs men-tis; English non kom-puh s men-tis |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈnoʊn ˈkoʊm poʊs ˈmɛn tɪs; English ˈnɒn ˈkɒm pəs ˈmɛn tɪs |
Définition of non compos mentis
Origin :- Latin, literally "not master of one's mind."
- adj of unsound mind
- That either husband or wife is a hopeless lunatic or non compos mentis.
- Extract from : « Marriage and Divorce Laws of the World » by Hyacinthe Ringrose
- Sarojini took particular pains to empress it upon me that Chavigny is non compos mentis.
- Extract from : « Caravans By Night » by Harry Hervey
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a moment ago
- abandonment
- abasement
- abatement
- abdoment
- abolishment
- above-mentioned
- above mentioned
- abovementioned
- abridgement
- abridgment
- abscondment
- abstract composition
- abutment
- accessible by computer
- accessory apartment
- accompanied
- accompanies
- accompaniment
- accompaniments
- accompanist
- accompany
- accompanying
- accomplice
- accomplices
- accomplish
- accomplishable
- accomplished
- accomplished fact
- accomplishes
- accomplishing
- accomplishings
- accomplishment
- accomplishments
- accouchement
- accouterment
- accoutrements
- accruement
- accrument
- achievement
- achievements
- acknowledgment
- acknowledgment error
- acknowledgment of error
- acknowledgmented error
- acquirement
- acting company
- additional compensation
- adjournment
- adjustment
- adjustments
- admeasurement
- admit of comparison with
- admonishment
- adornment
- adornments
- advancement
- advancements
- advertisement
- advisement
- aforementioned
- aggrandizement
- agreements
- ailment
- ailments
- alignment
- aliment
- alimental
- alimentary
- alimentation
- alimentative
- aliments
- all comprehensive
- all-comprehensive
- all encompassing
- all-encompassing
- all-important element
- allotment
- allurement
- amassment
- amazement
- ambushment
- amercement
- amusement
- amusement park
- announcement
- announcements
- annulment
- apartment
- appeasement
- appointment
- appointment book
- appointments
- apportionment
- appraisement
- argument
- argumentation
- argumentative
- argumentativeness
- arguments
- armament
- arraignment
- arrangement
- ascertainment
- assessment
- assignment
- assortment
- assuagement
- astonishment
- at this moment
- atonement
- atramentous
- attachment
- attachments
- attainment
- attirement
- augmentation
- avengement
- avengment
- averment
- avouchment
- back-handed compliment
- back handed compliments
- back payment
- backhanded compliment
- bafflement
- balance of payments
- balance payments
- bamboozlement
- banishment
- bare comparison
- bargain-basement
- basement
- battlement
- battlements
- be a component
- be an element of
- be comparable to
- be compatible
- be compelled
- be compelled to
- be composed of
- be dizenment
- be dizenments
- be incompetent
- be instrumental
- be mentioned
- bear company
- bear comparison
- bear comparison with
- befuddlement
- befuddlements
- beguilement
- beleaguerment
- bemusement
- bereavement
- besetment
- betterment
- bewilderment
- beyond compare
- beyond comprehension
- blandishment
- bowel movement
- briefcase computer
- by agreement
- by comparison
- by installments
- by the time mentioned
- came an agreement
- can't complain
- cantonment
- capital investment
- capital punishment
- caretaker government
- carry completion
- carry to completion
- carrying completion
- casement
- catchment area
- catchment areas
- catchment basin
- ceasefire agreement
- cement
- cement mixer
- cementation
- cementing
- cerement
- cerements
- charged moment
- chief of the Department of Justice
- clement
- come to agreement
- come to an agreement
- commandment
- commencement
- comment
- commentary
- commentator
- comments
- commitment
- comp
- compact
- compact disc
- compact disk
- compactness
- compadres
- companion
- companionable
- companionless
- companions
- companionship
- company
- company headquarters
- company man
- company person
- comparability
- comparable
- comparableness
- comparably
- comparative
- comparatively
- compare
- compare notes
- compare with
- comparing
- comparison
- compartment
- compass
- compass of mind
- compass rose
- compassion
- compassionate
- compassionately
- compatible
- compatriot
- compatriots
- compel
- compellation
- compelled
- compelling
- compendiary
- compendious
- compendium
- compensate
- compensating
- compensation
- compensation package
- compensatory
- compere
- compete
- compete with
- competence
- competency
- competent
- competently
- competing
- competition
- competitive advantage
- competitor
- compilation
- compile
- compiler
- complacence
- complacency
- complacent
- complainant
- complained
- complainer
- complaining
- complaint
- complaints
- complaisant
- complanate
- complect
- complement
- complementary
- complete
- complete blood count
- complete distruction
- complete exhaustion
- completed
- completely full
- completeness
- completing
- completion
- complex
- complexes
- complexion
- complexity
- compliable
- compliance
- compliancy
- compliant
- compliantly
- complicate
- complicated
- complications
- complicity
- complied
- complimentary
- complimentary pass
- complimentary ticket
- compliments
- complot
- comply
- comply with
- complying
- component
- comport oneself
- comport with
- comportment
- compose
- compose oneself
- composed
- composedly
- composing
- composition
- composure
- compotation
- compound
- compounded
- comprehend
- comprehending
- comprehendingly
- comprehensible
- comprehension
- comprehensive
- comprehensive medical insurance
- comprehensively
- compress
- compressed
- compressed air sickness
- compression
- comprise
- compromise
- compromising
- comptroller
- compulsatory
- compulsion
- compulsive
- compulsory
- compunction
- computable
- computation
- compute
- computed tomography
- computer
- computer age
- computer architect
- computer-assisted tomography
- computer-assisted tomography scan
- computer chip
- computer designer
- computer display
- computer geek
- computer hardware
- computer jargon
- computer language
- computer nerd
- computer network
- computer specialist
- computer terminology
- computer terms
- computer unit
- computer virus
- computerese
- computerized axial tomography
- computerized game
- computerized tomography
- computerized tomography scan
- computers
- computing
- concealment
- confinement
- confusing statement
- conjointment
- consignment
- contentment
- corporal punishment
- counter-argument
- critical moment
- crowning accomplishment
- crowning achievement
- crucial moment
- curtailment
- damage assessment
- dark complexioned
- dark-complexioned
- data obtainment
- day judgment
- Day of Judgment
- de basement
- de-basement
- de basements
- de-compose
- de compose
- de-composed
- de composes
- de-composes
- de-composing
- de-composition
- de compositions
- de-compositions
- de ferment
- de-ferment
- de ferments
- de-ferments
- death announcement
- debarment
- debasement
- debauchment
- decampment
- deciding moment
- decipherment
- decisive argument
- decisive moment
- decompose
- decomposed
- decomposing
- decomposition
- decompound
- decompression chamber
- decompression disease
- decompression sickness
- decrement
- deducement
- defacement
- deferment
- deferment/deferral
- deferments
- defilement
- defining moment
- defrayment
- delusive contentment
- dement
- demented
- dementedly
- dementeds
- dementia
- dementia a potu
- dementing
- demolishment
- denouncement
- department
- departments
- deployment
- deportment
- derangement
- desktop computer
- despisement
- detachment
- detriment
- detrimental
- development
- developmental
- developments
- devilment
- diminishment
- disablement
- disagreement
- disappointment
- disappointments
- disarmament
- disarrangement
- disbursement
- discernment
- discompose
- discomposure
- discouragement
- disenchantment
- disfigurement
- disgruntlement
- disillusionment
- disparagement
- divertissement
- do compulsively
- document
- documentation
- documented
- documents
- docutainment
- down payment
- duplex apartment
- early payment
- easement
- easily accomplished task
- ejectamenta
- ejectment
- electric company
- electronic components
- element
- elemental
- elementariness
- elementary
- elementary particle
- elementary-school
- elementary school
- elementary unit
- elements
- elopement
- embankment
- embarkment
- embarrassment
- embarrassment of riches
- embattlement
- embellishment
- embezzlement
- embitterment
- embodiment
- embouchement
- embracement
- embranglement
- embroilment
- emolument
- emplacement
- employment
- employment agency
- employment agreement
- employment contract
- employment-opportunity
- employment opportunity
- employment possibility
- employment recruiter
- employment service
- empowerment
- empressement
- enactment
- encampment
- enchantment
- encirclement
- encompass
- encompassed
- encompassed by
- encompasses
- encompassing
- encompassment
- encouragement
- encouragemented
- encouragementing
- encroachment
- end in disappointment
- endangerment
- endearment
- endorsement
- endowment
- enfeeblement
- enfoldment
- enforcement
- enfranchisement
- engagement book
- engagement in activity application
- engenderment
- engine company
- engorgement
- enhancement
- enhancements
- enjoinment
- enjoyment
- enlargement
- enlightenment
- enlistment
- enlivenment
- enmeshment
- ennoblement
- enragement
- enrichment
- enrollment
- enshrinement
- enslavement
- ensnarement
- entailment
- entanglement
- entertainment
- entertainment center
- entertainment industry
- enthrallment
- enthronement
- enticement
- entitlement program
- entitlements
- entombment
- entrancement
- entrapment
- entrapments
- entreatment
- entrenchment
- entrustment
- environment
- environment-friendly
- environmental
- environmental control
- environmental impact analysi
- environmental impact analysis
- environmental management
- environmental monitoring
- environmental policy
- environmental pollutant
- environmental pollution
- environmental protection
- environmental science
- environmentalist
- environmentally-safe
- environmentology
- environments
- envisagement
- equipment
- escape punishment
- escapement
- escaping punishment
- escarpment
- essential element
- establishment
- estrangement
- excitement
- excrement
- experiment
- experimental
- experimental animal
- experimental subject
- experimentation
- experimented
- experimenter
- experiments
- extinguishment
- extolment
- face one's punishment
- facing punishment
- fair treatment
- fait accompli
- fallacious argument
- false imprisonment
- famishment
- fated moment
- fateful moment
- favorable mention
- feminist movement
- fermentation
- fermentation agent
- fermented
- fermenter
- fermentings
- figment
- figment of imagination
- figment of the imagination
- figment the imagination
- figmental
- filament
- filamentation
- filamentous
- fire company
- fire department
- firmament
- first amendment
- foment
- fomenter
- form judgment
- form mental picture of
- fragment
- fragmentary
- fragmented
- fragments
- frumenty
- fulfillment
- fundament
- fundamental
- fundamentalist
- fundamentally
- fundamentals
- garbage compactor
- garden apartment
- garment
- garment bag
- garment industry
- garment maker
- garment making
- garmented
- garmenting
- garmentless
- garments
- garnishment
- gather momentum
- gathers momentum
- gentleman agreement
- gentleman's agreement
- gentlemans agreement
- gentlemen agreement
- gentlemen's agreement
- government
- government civic
- government debt
- government holiday
- government land
- governmental
- governmentally
- grassroots movement
- habiliment
- had compassion
- haddest compassion
- hadst compassion
- handheld computer
- harassment
- has company
- have company
- have compassion
- heating element
- Holy Sacrament
- home computer
- HTML documents
- hypertext documents
- ill-treatment
- ill-treatments
- image management
- imbuement
- imcomprehensible
- immurement
- impairment
- impairments
- impalement
- impartment
- impeachment
- impedimenta
- impediments
- impingement
- implement
- implementation
- implemented
- implementing
- implementings
- implements
- impoundment
- impoverishment
- impressment
- imprisonment
- improvement
- improvements
- impugnment
- in a compromising position
- in a moment
- in a predicament
- in agreement
- in agreement with
- in alignment
- in clement
- in company of
- in company with
- in comparable
- in comparably
- in compatibilities
- in compatibility
- in compatible
- in competence
- in competences
- in competencies
- in competency
- in competent
- in competently
- in complete
- in complete accord
- in completely
- in compliances
- in compliancies
- in compliancy
- in compliant
- in comprehensible
- in compressible
- in computable
- in disagreement
- in-law apartment
- in moment
- in one's element
- in retirement
- in statement
- in tegument
- in teguments
- in the company of
- in vestment
- in vestments
- incitement
- inclement
- incomparable
- incompatibility
- incompatible
- incompetence
- incompetent
- incomplete
- incompletely
- incompleteness
- incomplex
- incompliance
- incompliancy
- incompliant
- incomprehensible
- incomprehension
- increment
- indictment
- inducement
- inferiority complex
- infotainment
- infringement
- inspiritment
- instrument of torture
- instrument panel
- instrumental
- instrumentality
- instrumentation
- integument
- intendment
- interment
- internment
- internment camp
- inveiglement
- investment
- investment fund
- invite competition
- involvement
- irreversible accomplishment
- judgment
- judgment call
- Judgment Day
- judgmental
- jument
- just completed
- just punishment
- kairotic moments
- keep company
- keep company with
- keeping companies
- keeping company
- kept company with
- key element
- keyboard instrument
- kid-glove treatment
- lack adornment
- lack of adornment
- lament
- lament/lamentation
- lament with
- lamentable
- lamentably
- lamentation
- lamentations
- lamented
- lamented for
- lamenting
- lamenting for
- lamentings
- laments for
- land management
- land of enchantment
- languishment
- laptop computer
- Last Judgment
- last judgments
- last moment
- last moments
- lavement
- law-enforcement
- law enforcement
- law enforcement agency
- law enforcement agent
- learning impairment
- left handed compliment
- left-handed compliment
- lefthanded compliment
- level of economic security guaranteed by government
- liberal government
- light entertainment
- lineament
- liniment
- loaded moment
- lodge complaint
- lodgment
- logical argument
- losing momentum
- made a bad investment
- made an arrangement
- made arrangements
- made payment
- magic instrument
- magic instruments
- make a bad investment
- make an arrangement
- make arrangements
- make compact
- make complex
- make improvement
- make improvements
- make mention of
- make payment
- make repayment
- makes improvements
- makes payment
- making a bad investment
- making payment
- maladjustment
- malcontentment
- malicious statement
- maltreatment
- management
- measurement
- measurements
- medicament
- member of parliament
- memento
- memento mori
- memory-management routine
- mental
- mental ability
- mental age
- mental agility
- mental caliber
- mental capacity
- mental case
- mental health facility
- mental health institution
- mental home
- mental incapacity
- mental institution
- mental picture
- mental ratio
- mental retardation
- mentality
- mentally disabled
- mentally ill
- mentally incompetent
- mention
- mentioned
- mentioning
- mentor
- mentum
- microcomputer
- misjudgment
- misleading statement
- mismanagement
- misstatement
- mistreatment
- moment
- moment of truth
- momentary
- momentous
- monarchical government
- monument
- monumental
- monuments
- more complex
- more complicated
- movement
- native environment
- natural element
- natural elements
- natural environment
- natural-environment
- negotiable instrument
- negotiable-instrument
- news commentator
- nincompoop
- no compliment
- no compliments
- non agreement
- non-agreement
- non-agreements
- non agreements
- non-completion
- non compliance
- non-compliance
- non-compliances
- non compliances
- non-compliant
- non compliant
- non compos
- non compos menti
- non compos mentis
- non composes
- non-fulfillment
- non fulfillment
- non-fulfillments
- non-government
- non government
- non governments
- non-governments
- non-involvements
- non payment
- non-payment
- non payments
- non-payments
- nonagreement
- nonagreements
- noncompletion
- noncompletions
- noncompliance
- noncompliant
- noncompulsory
- nonformal agreement
- nonfulfillment
- nongovernment
- nongovernments
- noninvolvement
- noninvolvements
- nonpayment
- not completely
- not complex
- not compulsory
- not mention
- not to mention
- not worth mentioning
- notarized statement
- notebook computer
- nourishment
- nutriment
- nutrimental
- obligement
- obsessive compulsion
- oddment
- of moment
- offer compensation
- ointment
- on assignment
- on spur of moment
- on spur of the moment
- on the spur of the moment
- one night engagement
- order of payment
- organized movement
- ornament
- ornamental
- ornamentalize
- ornamentation
- ornamented
- ornaments
- oversentimental
- overstatement
- paid announcement
- parchment
- parliament
- parliamentarian
- parliamentarians
- parliamentary
- parliamentary procedure rule
- part company
- partial payment
- partial payments
- parting company
- parts company
- party government
- pass comment
- pass judgment
- pass judgment on
- passes judgment
- pavement
- payment
- payment plan
- payments
- peace enforcement
- pediment
- perfect arrangement
- perfect arrangements
- periodic table of elements
- pick an argument
- pigment
- pigmentation
- pivotal moment
- place of torment
- planned disbursement
- point of comparison
- postponement
- pound the pavement
- predicament
- pregnant moment
- prejudgment
- presenile dementia
- presentiment
- presentment
- primary element
- principal element
- pronouncement
- punishment
- punishments
- put up an argument
- put up argument
- puzzlement
- quintessential element
- radio compass
- railroad apartment
- raiment
- raimented
- raimenting
- rapid deployment force
- rapid deployment troops
- rapid eye movement
- rapid eye movement sleep
- rapid-eye-movement sleep
- rapprochement
- rare-earth element
- ravishment
- re-adjustment
- re adjustment
- re-adjustments
- re adjustments
- re-alignments
- re arrangement
- re-arrangement
- re-arrangements
- re arrangements
- re-assessments
- re-compensations
- re compensations
- re-enactment
- re enactment
- re enactments
- re-enactments
- re payment
- re payments
- re placement
- re placements
- re plenishment
- re plenishments
- re statement
- re statements
- realignment
- reassessment
- recommencement
- recompensation
- recompense
- recoupment
- reenactment
- refinement
- refreshment
- refurbishment
- regiment
- regimentals
- regimentation
- reimbursement
- reinforcement
- reinstatement
- relinquishment
- renouncement
- repayment
- replacement
- replenishment
- request for payment
- requirement
- rescindment
- research and development
- resentment
- restriction fragment length polymorphism
- retirement
- retirement account
- retirement age
- retirement plan
- return the compliment
- revelment
- revetment
- revilement
- rough treatment
- rudiment
- rudimentary
- rudiments
- sacrament
- sacrament of the sick
- sacramental
- sacramental offering
- seat of government
- seat of judgment
- sediment
- seducement
- segment
- self-abasement
- self-aggrandizement
- self-effacement
- self-funded retirement plan
- sentiment
- sentimental
- settlement
- shipment
- shock treatment
- shopping complex
- spare moment
- spur-of-the-moment
- spur-of-the moment
- statement
- statement of indebtedness
- subcompact
- summer complaint
- supercomputer
- supplement
- supplemental
- supplementary
- supplementing
- sweetheart agreement
- sworn statement
- table of elements
- tacit agreement
- take nourishment
- take under advisement
- taking nourishment
- tegument
- telephone company
- temperamental
- Ten Commandments
- tenement
- tenement house
- tenement housing
- tenements
- testament
- the Judgment
- the Sacrament
- time allotment
- torment
- tormented
- tormenting
- tournament
- traducement
- treatment
- ultraelementary particle
- un accompanied
- un accomplished
- unaccompanied
- unaccomplished
- unadornment
- uncompanionable
- uncompassionate
- uncomplaining
- uncompleted
- uncomplex
- uncompliant
- uncomplicated
- uncomplicatedly
- uncomplimentary
- uncomplimentary remark
- uncomplying
- uncomprehensible
- uncompromising
- under compulsion
- undergarment
- undernourishment
- unemployment
- unenlightenment
- unfulfillment
- unrefinement
- unspoken agreement
- unwritten agreement
- upbraidment
- urban redevelopment
- US government
- value judgment
- vanishment
- vanquishment
- vehement
- vehemently
- verbal agreement
- vestment
- vital moment
- war of elements
- war of the elements
- was compatible
- was compelled
- was composed of
- was element of
- was instrumental
- win argument
- wireless compass
- withdraw from agreement or statement
- without accompaniment
- wonderment
- World Wide Web documents
- worriment
- year of achievement
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