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Synonyms for renouncement
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : ri-nouns |
Phonetic Transcription : rɪˈnaʊns |
Top 10 synonyms for renouncement Other synonyms for the word renouncement
- abnegation
- abstaining
- abstention
- adjuration
- brush-off
- cancellation
- choice
- cold shoulder
- contradiction
- controversion
- declension
- declination
- demission
- denial
- disaffirmance
- disaffirmation
- disallowance
- disapproval
- disavowal
- disclaimer
- discountenancing
- disfavor
- dismissing
- disproof
- dissent
- enjoinment
- eschewal
- eschewing
- forbearing
- forbidding
- forswearing
- gainsaying
- giving up
- interdiction
- knockback
- nay
- negation
- negative
- nix
- no
- no way
- nonacceptance
- noncommittal
- nonconsent
- option
- pass
- prohibition
- proscription
- protestation
- quitclaim
- rebuff
- rebuttal
- refraining
- refusal
- refusing
- refutal
- refutation
- regrets
- rejecting
- relinquishment
- remission
- renegement
- renouncement
- renunciation
- repeal
- repudiating
- repudiation
- repulse
- repulsion
- resignation
- retraction
- sacrifice
- self-abnegation
- self-denial
- self-sacrifice
- spurning
- statement
- statement abnegation
- surrender
- thumbs down
- turndown
- waiver
- withholding
- writ
- yielding
Définition of renouncement
Origin :- late 14c., from Old French renoncier "give up, cede" (12c., Modern French renoncer), from Latin renuntiare "bring back word; proclaim; protest against, renounce," from re- "against" (see re-) + nuntiare "to report, announce," from nuntius "messenger" (see nuncio). Related: Renounced; renouncing.
- As in refusal : noun denial of responsibility; unwillingness
- As in renunciation : noun abandonment, rejection
- As in quitclaim : noun abdication
- As in relinquishment : noun abdication
- As in traversal : noun denial
- As in turndown : noun refusal
- As in denial : noun dismissal, refusal of belief in
- She showed him her renouncement of Rosser, and sent it forth to post.
- Extract from : « Love's Usuries » by Louis Creswicke
- An allusion, presumably, to the renouncement of wine made by Bbur and some of his followers in 933 AH.
- Extract from : « The Bbur-nma in English » by Babur, Emperor of Hindustan
- This line shews that Bburs renouncement was of wine only; he continued to eat confections (majn).
- Extract from : « The Bbur-nma in English » by Babur, Emperor of Hindustan
- Of course the sacrifice is partially a communion; but it is also, and no less essentially, a gift and an act of renouncement.
- Extract from : « The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life » by Emile Durkheim
- The first is the renouncement of riches and worldly honors; the second is the renouncement of profane desires.
- Extract from : « The Sufistic Quatrains of Omar Khayyam » by Omar Khayyam
- I had accepted your own renouncement of the legacy in good part, but now, please believe me, it shall be yours to-morrow.
- Extract from : « The House of a Thousand Candles » by Meredith Nicholson
- He stood aghast at this snap of their great bond, at the renouncement that rang out in the word she so expressively sounded.
- Extract from : « The Altar of the Dead » by Henry James
- Now that he had come she felt neither the delight of realised expectation nor the final peace of renouncement.
- Extract from : « The Wheel of Life » by Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
- But the stress of the whole strange seizure, wrench and renouncement had told on him mentally and physically.
- Extract from : « The Shadow of Life » by Anne Douglas Sedgwick
- “I think the impossible lesson to learn would be renouncement,” said Hadria.
- Extract from : « The Daughters of Danaus » by Mona Caird
Antonyms for renouncement
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019