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Synonyms for uncomplex
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : adjective, verb kuhm-pleks, kom-pleks; noun kom-pleks |
Phonetic Transcription : adjective, verb kəmˈplɛks, ˈkɒm plɛks; noun ˈkɒm plɛks |
Top 10 synonyms for uncomplex Other synonyms for the word uncomplex
- basal
- basic
- beginning
- child's play
- clear
- discreet
- down
- down home
- duck soup
- easy
- easy-going
- elemental
- essential
- facile
- foundational
- free-spirited
- fundamental
- inelaborate
- initial
- introductory
- lowly
- meat and potatoes
- original
- plain
- prefatory
- preliminary
- primary
- primitive
- primo
- prosaic
- rudimentary
- simplest
- simplex
- simplified
- substratal
- unaffected
- unambitious
- unbeautified
- uncomplex
- uncomplicated
- underlying
- unembellished
- unimposing
- unobtrusive
- unpresumptuous
- unspoiled
- up front
Définition of uncomplex
Origin :- 1650s, "composed of parts," from French complexe "complicated, complex, intricate" (17c.), from Latin complexus "surrounding, encompassing," past participle of complecti "to encircle, embrace," in transferred use, "to hold fast, master, comprehend," from com- "with" (see com-) + plectere "to weave, braid, twine, entwine," from PIE *plek-to-, from root *plek- "to plait" (see ply (v.1)). The meaning "not easily analyzed" is first recorded 1715. Complex sentence is attested from 1881.
- As in unpretentious : adj simple, honest
- As in rudimental : adj elementary
- As in elementary : adj simple, basic
- For it is simple and uncomplex to take the colour of new scenes and faces, and of new proffered love when the old is far away.
- Extract from : « The Mediaeval Mind (Volume II of II) » by Henry Osborn Taylor
- Proudly the pilot showed Dirrul the controls, as functional and as uncomplex as the cool clean lines of the ship herself.
- Extract from : « The Instant of Now » by Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Antonyms for uncomplex
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019