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Synonyms for sacrament

Grammar : Noun
Spell : sak-ruh-muh nt
Phonetic Transcription : ˈsæk rə mənt

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Définition of sacrament

Origin :
  • "outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace," also "the eucharist," c.1200, from Old French sacrament "consecration; mystery" (12c., Modern French sacrement) and directly from Latin sacramentum "a consecrating" (also source of Spanish sacramento, German Sakrament, etc.), from sacrare "to consecrate" (see sacred); a Church Latin loan-translation of Greek mysterion (see mystery).
  • Meaning "a holy mystery" in English is from late 14c. The seven sacraments are baptism, penance, confirmation, holy orders, the Eucharist, matrimony, and anointing of the sick (extreme unction).
  • noun rite

Antonyms for sacrament

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