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Synonyms for de-fine
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : dih-fahyn |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈfaɪn |
Top 10 synonyms for de-fine Other synonyms for the word de-fine
- accommodate
- account for
- achieve
- agree on
- anchor
- annotate
- appoint
- apportion
- appropriate
- arrange
- arrive at
- ascertain
- assign
- authorize
- baptize
- bar
- be adjacent to
- be frugal
- be parsimonious
- be sparing
- be specific
- be stingy
- become
- begird
- begrudge
- belong to
- belt
- beset
- better
- bid
- bind
- blueprint
- border
- bottle up
- bounce
- bound
- brand
- break down
- brief
- brim
- bring out
- bring to an end
- brink
- button down
- cage
- call
- call a spade a spade
- cancel
- cap
- catalogue
- cease
- chain
- characterize
- charge
- chart
- check
- choose
- christen
- chronicle
- circle
- circumscribe
- cite
- clarify
- class
- classify
- clear up
- close
- close in
- clue in
- codify
- cognominate
- coin
- come down on
- come to an end
- come to the point
- command
- comment
- commentate
- commission
- communicate
- compass
- complete
- compose
- conclude
- concoct
- condition
- confine
- confirm
- connote
- constitute
- constrict
- construe
- contain
- contour
- contract
- contrive
- conventionalize
- convey image
- cook up
- cool down
- cork
- corral
- corrode
- couch
- cramp
- curb
- cut
- cut corners
- cut off
- decide
- decipher
- decode
- decorate
- decrease
- decree
- define
- delegate
- delimit
- delimitate
- delineate
- demarcate
- demark
- demonstrate
- denominate
- denote
- depict
- depute
- deputize
- describe
- designate
- desist
- detail
- determine
- develop
- devise
- diagram
- dictate
- differentiate
- dig in
- diminish
- direct
- discharge
- disclose
- discontinue
- discriminate
- dismiss
- dissolve
- distinguish
- draft
- dramatize
- draw
- draw a map
- draw a picture
- draw the line
- draw up
- dream up
- drop
- dub
- earmark
- eat into
- edge
- edging
- edify
- elect
- eliminate
- elucidate
- embed
- encircle
- enclose
- encompass
- end
- engrave
- enjoin
- enlighten
- ensconce
- entitle
- enumerate
- envelop
- environ
- epitomize
- erode
- establish
- etch
- evidence
- evolve
- excuse
- execute
- exemplify
- expire
- explain
- explicate
- expound
- express
- extinguish
- favor
- feature
- fence
- fence in
- figure
- figure it to be
- fill someone in
- finger
- finish
- fire
- fix
- flank
- footnote
- forge
- form
- formalize
- formulate
- fortify
- found
- frame
- fringe
- furrow
- get across
- get down to brass tacks
- get to the point
- gird
- girdle
- give a handle
- give form to
- give insight
- gloss
- go easy on
- go into detail
- grave
- ground
- grow
- grudge
- guide
- halt
- hamper
- handicap
- hang up
- hatch
- hedge in
- hem
- hem in
- hinder
- hold back
- hold down
- hole up
- identify
- illuminate
- illumine
- illustrate
- image
- immure
- impart
- impede
- implant
- impose
- impress
- imprint
- improve
- incise
- inclose
- indicate
- indite
- individualize
- individuate
- infer
- infix
- inform
- ingrain
- inhibit
- inscribe
- install
- instance
- institutionalize
- instruct
- interpret
- invent
- inventory
- issue
- itemize
- join
- justify
- keep the lid on
- keep within bounds
- keep within limits
- label
- lapse
- lay down
- lay it out
- lay out
- lessen
- lie along
- lie alongside
- light
- lighten
- limit
- limn
- line
- list
- lodge
- make
- make apparent
- make clear
- make ends meet
- make perfectly clear
- make plain
- make sense of
- make up
- make vivid
- manifest
- map
- march
- margin
- mark
- mark off
- mark out
- measure
- mention
- mete
- methodize
- moderate
- modify
- nail down
- nail it down
- name
- narrate
- narrow
- neighbor
- nickname
- nomenclature
- nominate
- normalize
- note
- one's best guess
- opt
- ordain
- order
- originate
- outline
- paint
- paraphrase
- parse
- particularize
- peculiarize
- peg
- pen
- penny-pinch
- perfect
- perimeter
- periphery
- personalize
- phrase
- pick
- pick out
- picture
- pigeonhole
- pin down
- pinch
- pinpoint
- piping
- plant
- plot
- point out
- polish
- portray
- precise
- prefer
- prelimit
- prepare
- prescribe
- prorogate
- prorogue
- protect
- put
- put across
- put an end to
- put away
- put down
- put down for
- put finger on
- put in plain English
- put on ice
- put tag on
- qualify
- ration
- rationalize
- read
- recess
- recite
- recount
- reduce
- refine
- regulate
- rehearse
- relate
- remark
- remodel
- render
- report
- represent
- require
- reseve
- resolve
- restrain
- restrict
- result
- reveal
- rim
- ring
- roll back
- root
- round
- rule
- run out
- sack
- save
- save for rainy day
- scrape
- scratch
- scrimp
- scrub
- seat
- select
- selvage
- send up
- set
- set apart
- set aside
- set bounds to
- set down
- set forth
- set off
- set right
- settle
- shed light on
- shorten
- show
- show clearly
- shrink
- shut
- shut in
- side
- signalize
- simplify
- single
- singularize
- sketch
- sketch out
- skimp on
- skirt
- skirting
- slot
- sock away
- solve
- spare
- specialize
- specificate
- specificize
- specify
- spell out
- squirrel
- stake out
- stamp
- standardize
- stash
- state
- sticker
- stipulate
- straighten out
- strengthen
- style
- surround
- symbolize
- systematize
- tab
- tag
- tailor
- take
- take form
- take to be
- tally
- tap
- teach
- tell
- temper
- term
- terminate
- tether
- throw light on
- throw light upon
- tick off
- ticket
- tie
- tighten belt
- title
- touch
- trace
- trammel
- translate
- transmit
- trim
- trimming
- typecast
- ultimate
- understand
- unfold
- unravel
- untangle
- uplight
- vamp
- verge
- wall in
- warn
- wind down
- wind up
- withhold
- work
- work out
- work up
- wrap
- wrap up
- write prescription
- write up
Définition of de-fine
Origin :- late 14c., "to specify; to end," from Old French defenir "to end, terminate, determine," and directly from Latin definire "to limit, determine, explain," from de- "completely" (see de-) + finire "to bound, limit," from finis "boundary, end" (see finish (n.)). Related: Defined; defining.
- As in hem : noun border, edge
- As in instruct : verb order, command
- As in label : verb mark, describe; brand
- As in limit : verb confine, restrict
- As in name : verb give a title
- As in prescribe : verb stipulate action to be taken
- As in restrict : verb confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- As in shape : verb devise, plan
- As in skirt : verb border; be on the edge
- As in specify : verb designate; decide definitely
- As in spell out : verb clarify, explain
- As in stereotype : verb categorize as being example, standard
- As in stint : verb economize; hold back
- As in terminate : verb stop, finish
- As in clear the air : verb clear up
- As in border : verb bound on; be on the edge
- As in bound : verb restrict
- As in characterize : verb typify, distinguish
- As in delimit : verb set the limits
- As in illume : verb illuminate
- As in circumscribe : verb mark off, delimit
- As in clarify : verb explain, make clear
- As in construe : verb deduce; explain
- As in define : verb give description
- As in define : verb delimit, outline
- As in delineate : verb describe; outline
- As in describe : verb explain in speech, writing
- As in designate : verb specify as selection
- As in entrench : verb establish, make inroads
- As in etch : verb carve
- As in explain : verb make clear; give a reason for
- As in fix : verb determine, decide
- As in formulate : verb plan, specify systematically
- As in annotate : verb write explanatory notes
- As in hem/hem in : verb enclose, restrict
- As in illuminate : verb make clear; educate
- If the vowel is long the consonant is written with the next syllable, as for example, de-fine and def-i-ni-tion.
- Extract from : « Plain English » by Marian Wharton
- In de-fine the e is long therefore f, the consonant following, is written with the next syllable, fine.
- Extract from : « Plain English » by Marian Wharton
Antonyms for de-fine
- accept
- aid
- allow
- ask
- assist
- be inside
- be vague
- bear
- begin
- body
- break
- build
- carry on
- center
- change
- cloud
- commence
- complicate
- conceal
- confuse
- continue
- corrupt
- create
- darken
- deform
- deny
- destroy
- develop
- differentiate
- dirty
- disallow
- disarrange
- discourage
- dislike
- disorganize
- displace
- dissimilate
- dissuade
- distort
- disturb
- dull
- eat out
- employ
- encourage
- end
- engage
- enlarge
- establish
- expand
- extend
- face
- fail
- forget
- free
- generalize
- go on
- grow
- halt
- help
- hesitate
- hide
- hire
- hold
- hurt
- ignore
- increase
- initiate
- inside
- interior
- introduce
- involve
- keep
- keep on
- learn
- leave
- lengthen
- let go
- liberate
- listen
- look away
- loose
- loosen
- lose
- meet
- middle
- misguide
- mislead
- misrepresent
- misunderstand
- mix up
- move
- muddle
- muddy
- mystify
- neglect
- obscure
- open
- permit
- perplex
- play fair
- question
- raise
- ratify
- raze
- refuse
- refute
- reject
- release
- remove
- restart
- ruin
- schedule
- set up
- spend
- squander
- stagnate
- start
- stay off
- stop
- strengthen
- stretch
- suppress
- take
- take on
- tangle
- twist
- unbind
- unbound
- unfasten
- unfix
- unloose
- unrestrict
- unsettle
- untie
- uphold
- upset
- veto
- waste
- weaken
- welcome
- withhold
- wonder
- worsen
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019