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Synonyms for hole up
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : hohl |
Phonetic Transcription : hoʊl |
Définition of hole up
Origin :- Old English hol "orifice, hollow place, cave, perforation," from Proto-Germanic *hul (cf. Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German hol, Middle Dutch hool, Old Norse holr, German hohl "hollow," Gothic us-hulon "to hollow out"), from PIE root *kel- (see cell).
- As a contemptuous word for "small dingy lodging or abode" it is attested from 1610s. Meaning "a fix, scrape, mess" is from 1760. Obscene slang use for "vulva" is implied from mid-14c. Hole in the wall "small and unpretentious place" is from 1822; to hole up first recorded 1875. To need (something) like a hole in the head, applied to something useless or detrimental, first recorded 1944 in entertainment publications, probably a translation of a Yiddish expression, cf. ich darf es vi a loch in kop.
- verb take refuge
- He took another step and plunged into a hole up to his shoulders.
- Extract from : « The Rock of Chickamauga » by Joseph A. Altsheler
- I'll go down and see, if you'll just fix that hole up for me.
- Extract from : « Alice Adams » by Booth Tarkington
- Let's light out for the cap-rock an' hole up for a coupla days.
- Extract from : « Oh, You Tex! » by William Macleod Raine
- What do you know about that hole up there, under that rock that is shaped like the nose of a dog?
- Extract from : « A Woman at Bay » by Nicholas Carter
- If she'd just wanted to hole up, that was where she would have had the best chance to do it successfully.
- Extract from : « Legacy » by James H Schmitz
- Nolan believes she will hole up for the night somewhere above.
- Extract from : « The Defiant Agents » by Andre Alice Norton
- Watch the hole up under that stub of a limb while I tap on the trunk.
- Extract from : « Winter » by Dallas Lore Sharp
- What at last brought her back was a yawn and his remark that he must "hole up" for the night.
- Extract from : « Ewing\'s Lady » by Harry Leon Wilson
- "We'll have to hole up somewhere for the night," Duncan said.
- Extract from : « The World That Couldn't Be » by Clifford Donald Simak
- I have found that our woodchucks, when they "hole up" in the fall, are full of fleas.
- Extract from : « Under the Maples » by John Burroughs
Words or expressions associated with your search
- ace hole
- ace in hole
- ace in the hole
- ace the hole
- air hole
- air holes
- asshole
- black hole
- buttonhole
- by the whole of
- choler
- choleric
- eighteen holes
- eyehole
- foxhole
- go whole hog
- hole
- hole in one
- hole in the wall
- hole up
- hole-up
- holed up
- in holes
- in holes and corners
- in the hole
- keyhole
- loophole
- made a hole
- made hole
- made whole
- make a hole
- make hole
- make whole
- makes a hole
- makes hole
- makes whole
- making a hole
- making hole
- making whole
- nineteenth hole
- nympholepts
- on the whole
- peephole
- pigeonhole
- porthole
- potholed
- put in a hole
- put in the hole
- putting the hole
- rathole
- shoot full of holes
- sinkhole
- swimming hole
- taken as a whole
- the whole
- the whole picture
- the whole story
- unwholesome
- watering hole
- whole
- whole ball of wax
- whole caboodle
- whole enchilada
- whole lot
- whole nine yards
- whole number
- whole shebang
- whole shooting match
- whole show
- whole slew
- whole story
- whole world
- wholehearted
- wholeness
- wholesale
- wholesale murder
- wholesome
- wholesomeness
- wormhole
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