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Synonyms for nickname
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : nik-neym |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈnɪkˌneɪm |
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Définition of nickname
Origin :- mid-15c., misdivision of ekename (c.1300), an eke name, literally "an additional name," from Old English eaca "an increase," related to eacian "to increase" (see eke; also see N). As a verb from 1530s. Related: Nicknamed; nicknaming.
- noun informal title
- His parentage was obscure, and he was generally known only by his nickname of Professor.
- Extract from : « The Secret Agent » by Joseph Conrad
- My dear sir, perhaps you don't know that my nickname since the age of five has been 'Duffer?'
- Extract from : « It Happened in Egypt » by C. N. Williamson
- After a joyous ramble, 'Ockley's nickname still sticks to him!'
- Extract from : « Echoes of the War » by J. M. Barrie
- We call him the Philosopher, a nickname folks have given him in the neighbourhood.
- Extract from : « The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete » by Emile Zola
- This nickname, which she received full in the face for the first time, fell on her like a blow.
- Extract from : « L'Assommoir » by Emile Zola
- Solange murmured in her sleep and he caught his own nickname, “Louisiana.”
- Extract from : « Louisiana Lou » by William West Winter
- Bos'n here—that's my nickname for her, ma'am—she and I was out walkin'.
- Extract from : « Cy Whittaker's Place » by Joseph C. Lincoln
- The given name, Scar, once a nickname, had been in general use for centuries.
- Extract from : « The Martian Cabal » by Roman Frederick Starzl
- It must be admitted, he has well earned his nickname 'Buskin.'
- Extract from : « Hellenica » by Xenophon
- Their nickname was "Scooters," and they certainly did "scoot" over the sea.
- Extract from : « Submarine Warfare of To-day » by Charles W. Domville-Fife
Words or expressions associated with your search
- dornick
- finicking
- finicky
- in nick of time
- in nick time
- in the nick of time
- in the nick time
- just in the nick of time
- knick-knack
- knick knack
- knick knacks
- knick-knacks
- knickers
- knickknack
- nick
- nick of time
- nicked
- nickel
- nickel-and-dime
- nickel cadmium battery
- nickel up
- nickeled
- nickeling
- nickelled
- nickelling
- nickels and dimes
- nicker
- nickered
- nickerer
- nickering
- nickles and dimes
- nickname
- nicknamed
- nicknames
- nicknaming
- panicked
- panicking
- panicky
- persnickety
- Saint Nick
- snick
- snicker
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