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Synonyms for communication that is not meant literally stylistic device
Sorry, there is no synonym available for communication-that-is-not-meant-literally-stylistic-device.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- absolute pointing device
- academic community
- accommodate
- accommodated
- accommodates
- accommodating
- accommodatingly
- accommodation
- accommodation ladder
- accommodations
- accommodativeness
- acting device
- active communications satellite
- adult literature
- after that
- all that
- alliteration
- Anglican Communion
- assuming that
- available means
- average deviation
- be accommodated
- be commensurate
- be commissioned
- be common
- be devil
- be deviled
- be deviling
- be devilled
- be devilling
- be devils
- be in command
- be in commission
- be mean
- be mean with
- be meaning
- be means
- be noncommittal
- be that as it may
- be that as may
- bedevil
- bite the hand that feeds you
- blue devils
- Book of Common Prayer
- by all means
- by any means
- by means
- by means of
- by means of this
- by no means
- by that time
- by that very fact
- by this means
- by what means
- bying no means
- cadmean victories
- Cadmean victory
- cellulite
- chain of command
- comma
- command
- command a view
- command-line interpreter
- command post
- commandant
- commander
- commander in chief
- commanding
- commandment
- commando
- commandos
- commemorate
- commemorated
- commemoration
- commemorative
- commemoratory
- commence
- commencement
- commencing
- commend
- commendable
- commendation
- commendations
- commended
- commensurable
- commensurably
- commensurate
- commensurately
- commensurateness
- comment
- commentary
- commentator
- comments
- commercial
- comminate
- commination
- commingle
- comminute
- commiserate
- commish
- commissary
- commission
- commissioned
- commissioner
- commissioning
- commissions
- commit oneself
- commit to memory
- commit treason
- commitment
- committal
- committed
- committee
- committee of Cardinals
- commode
- commodious
- commodities exchange
- commodity
- common
- common answers
- common enemy
- common knowledge
- common laborer
- common man
- Common Market
- common people
- common questions
- common room
- common sense
- common year
- commoners
- commonest
- commonly
- commonness
- commonplace
- commonplace term
- commonplaceness
- commons
- commonsense
- commonsensical
- commonwealth
- Commonwealth of Nations
- commorancy
- commotion
- commove
- commoving
- communal
- communal table
- communalize
- commune with
- communicate
- communicated
- communicating
- communication
- communications
- communicative
- communion
- communion table
- communiqué
- communism
- communist
- communists
- communities
- community
- community antenna television
- community room
- commutative
- commute
- commuter
- conceding that
- cosmopolite
- daredevil
- daredevilry
- daredeviltry
- data communication channel
- de commission
- de commissioned
- de-commissioned
- de-commissioning
- de-commissions
- de commissions
- de-mean
- de mean
- de meaning
- de-meaning
- de means
- de-means
- decommission
- decommissioned
- demean
- demean oneself
- demeaned
- demeaning
- demeanor
- demeanors
- demeans oneself
- deviant
- deviate from
- deviating
- deviation
- device
- devices
- devil
- devil dust
- devil-may-care
- devilish
- devilment
- devilry
- deviltry
- devious
- deviousness
- devise
- deviser
- devitalization
- devitalize
- discommend
- discommode
- discommodious
- double meaning
- during the time that
- dust devil
- e-commerce
- e commerce
- e commerces
- e-commerces
- ecological community
- ecommerce
- ecommerces
- economic communities
- economic community
- electronic commerce
- electronic communication
- electronic stylus
- elite
- elite troop
- elite troops
- elites
- european communities
- European Community
- European Economic Community
- excommunicate
- excommunication
- executive committee
- financial means conditional
- folk literature
- freestyle
- general meaning
- go-that-a-way
- go that route
- goose that laid the golden egg
- grand style
- granted that
- Greenwich Mean Time
- had means for
- had the means for
- haddest means for
- haddest the means for
- hadst means for
- hadst the means for
- hair of the dog that bit one
- hair stylist
- hairstyle
- hairstylist
- hand that rocks the cradle
- has means for
- has the means for
- hast means for
- hast the means for
- heteroclite
- high command
- Holy Communion
- homing device
- illiteracy
- illiterate
- illiterateness
- illiterates
- impolite
- impolitely
- impoliteness
- improve accommodate
- in case that
- in commensurate
- in commodes
- in commodious
- in commodiousness
- in commodiousnesses
- in commodities
- in commodity
- in common
- in common era
- in communicable
- in communicative
- in meantime
- in order that
- in period style
- in spite of that
- in style
- in such a way that
- in that
- in that event
- in that matter
- in that respect
- in the case that
- in the Common Era
- in the latest style
- in the manner that
- in the meantime
- in the meanwhile
- incommensurable
- incommodious
- incommunicable
- incommunicative
- ingenious device
- innate common sense
- intrauterine device
- it appears that
- it follows that
- it seems that
- just like that
- keep within means
- least common denominator
- letter of recommendation
- lifestyle
- like the devil
- listening device
- lite jazz
- literal
- literally
- little devil
- lowest common denominator
- man of means
- mean solar day
- mean something
- meander
- meanderer
- meandering
- meanest
- meanie
- meaning
- meaningful
- meaningless
- meaninglessness
- meanly
- meanness
- means
- means of access
- means of entry
- meant
- meantime
- meanwhile
- meany
- member of community
- member of the Communist Party
- microelectronics device
- more devious
- more stylish
- news commentator
- non-committal
- non committal
- non committals
- non-committals
- non-literate
- noncommercial library
- noncommercial television
- noncommercial televisions
- noncommittal
- noncommittaled
- noncommittaling
- noncommittals
- nonliterate
- nor this nor that
- normal deviation
- normal deviations
- not by any means
- now that
- obliterate
- obliterated
- obliteration
- OCR device
- ocr devices
- of independent means
- of that ilk
- on assumption that
- on grounds that
- on occasion that
- on that
- on that account
- on that occasion
- on the assumption that
- on the grounds that
- on the occasion that
- online community
- oral communication
- oral literature
- out commission
- out of commission
- out-of-style
- out of style
- output device
- pass comment
- peristyle
- person of means
- polite
- polite remark
- polite society
- politely
- politeness
- politesse
- political action committee
- power elite
- powers-that-be
- raise the devil
- re-commence
- re commence
- re-commenced
- re commenced
- re commences
- re-commences
- re-commencing
- re commencing
- re commend
- re-commendation
- re commendation
- re commendations
- re-commendations
- re commended
- re-commended
- re commending
- re-commending
- re-commends
- re commends
- re styled
- recommence
- recommencement
- recommend
- recommendation
- recommended
- Recommended Daily Allowance
- recommended daily vitamins and minerals
- restyle
- restyling
- retarding device
- satellite
- select committee
- sexually explicit literature
- she-devil
- short commons
- socialite
- steering committee
- style
- style of living
- stylet
- stylish
- stylishly
- stylishness
- stylist
- stylized
- subversive device
- supervise communications
- supposing that
- take meaning
- take to mean
- taking for granted that
- telecommunications
- tell meaning of
- tell the meaning of
- telling meaning of
- telling the meaning of
- tells meaning of
- tells the meaning of
- Ten Commandments
- that
- that is
- that is to be
- that will be
- the common people
- the Commonwealth
- un accommodating
- unaccommodating
- uncommitted
- uncommon
- uncommonly
- uncommunicable
- uncommunicative
- uncommunicativeness
- unstylish
- vaudeville
- vaudeville show
- vaudeville theater
- virtual community
- warning device
- was common
- was in commission
- ways and means
- with the condition that
- woman of means
- world of commerce