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Synonyms for communal table
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of communal table
- As in : noun menu of complete meals
Words or expressions associated with your search
- academic community
- acceptable
- acceptable person
- acceptably
- accommodate
- accommodated
- accommodates
- accommodating
- accommodatingly
- accommodation
- accommodation ladder
- accommodations
- accommodativeness
- accountable
- accountableness
- active communications satellite
- adaptable
- adjustable
- adjustable-rate mortgage
- affectable
- agitable
- Anglican Communion
- attributable
- bargaining table
- be acceptable
- be accommodated
- be comfortable
- be commensurate
- be commissioned
- be common
- be detestable
- be established
- be in command
- be in commission
- be noncommittal
- be profitable
- be suitable
- Book of Common Prayer
- card table
- cards on the table
- cartable
- chain of command
- chancel table
- charitable
- charitable affair
- charitableness
- cold table
- comfortable
- comfortably
- comma
- command
- command a view
- command-line interpreter
- command post
- commandant
- commander
- commander in chief
- commanding
- commandment
- commando
- commandos
- commemorate
- commemorated
- commemoration
- commemorative
- commemoratory
- commence
- commencement
- commencing
- commend
- commendable
- commendation
- commendations
- commended
- commensurable
- commensurably
- commensurate
- commensurately
- commensurateness
- comment
- commentary
- commentator
- comments
- commercial
- comminate
- commination
- commingle
- comminute
- commiserate
- commish
- commissary
- commission
- commissioned
- commissioner
- commissioning
- commissions
- commit oneself
- commit to memory
- commit treason
- commitment
- committal
- committed
- committee
- committee of Cardinals
- commode
- commodious
- commodities exchange
- commodity
- common
- common answers
- common enemy
- common knowledge
- common laborer
- common man
- Common Market
- common people
- common questions
- common room
- common sense
- common year
- commoners
- commonest
- commonly
- commonness
- commonplace
- commonplace term
- commonplaceness
- commons
- commonsense
- commonsensical
- commonwealth
- Commonwealth of Nations
- commorancy
- commotion
- commove
- commoving
- communal
- communal table
- communalize
- commune with
- communicate
- communicated
- communicating
- communication
- communications
- communicative
- communion
- communion table
- communiqué
- communism
- communist
- communists
- communities
- community
- community antenna television
- community room
- commutative
- commute
- commuter
- computable
- constable
- contestable
- convictable
- countable
- creditable
- data communication channel
- de commission
- de commissioned
- de-commissioned
- de-commissioning
- de-commissions
- de commissions
- de-testable
- de testable
- debatable
- debatable point
- decommission
- decommissioned
- delectable
- detectable
- detestable
- dining table
- dinner table
- discommend
- discommode
- discommodious
- disestablish
- disputable
- disreputable
- doubtable
- drafting table
- drawing table
- dubitable
- e-commerce
- e commerce
- e commerces
- e-commerces
- eatable
- eatables
- ecological community
- ecommerce
- ecommerces
- economic communities
- economic community
- electronic commerce
- electronic communication
- equitable
- equitable interest
- equitableness
- equitably
- establish
- establish contact
- establish oneself
- establishable
- established
- established oneself
- established order
- established practices
- established way
- establisher
- establishes
- establishes contact
- establishes oneself
- establishing
- establishment
- european communities
- European Community
- European Economic Community
- excitable
- excitably
- excommunicate
- excommunication
- executive committee
- extractable
- financially stable
- find unacceptable
- firing table
- firmly established
- folding table
- forgettable
- getable
- getatable
- gettable
- habitable
- high command
- hold accountable
- Holy Communion
- holy table
- hospitable
- ignitable
- illimitable
- illustratable
- immutable
- immutably
- improve accommodate
- imputable
- in commensurate
- in commodes
- in commodious
- in commodiousness
- in commodiousnesses
- in commodities
- in commodity
- in common
- in common era
- in communicable
- in communicative
- in computable
- in contestable
- in dubitable
- in dubitably
- in equitable
- in established usage
- in evitable
- in executable
- in habitable
- in hospitable
- in hospitablenesses
- in imitable
- in scrutable
- in supportable
- in surmountable
- in the Common Era
- in tractable
- in tractableness
- in tractablenesses
- incommensurable
- incommodious
- incommunicable
- incommunicative
- incontestable
- indisputable
- indisputable truth
- indisputably
- indomitable
- indomitably
- indubitable
- indubitably
- ineluctable
- inequitable
- inevitable
- inevitable accident
- inexcitable
- inhabitable
- inimitable
- innate common sense
- inscrutable
- insupportable
- insurmountable
- intractable
- intractableness
- intractably
- irrefutable
- irritable
- laid on table
- laid on the table
- laid table
- laid the table
- lamentable
- lamentably
- lay on table
- lay on the table
- lay table
- lay the table
- laying on the table
- laying table
- laying the table
- lays on table
- lays on the table
- lays table
- lays the table
- least common denominator
- letter of recommendation
- long-established
- lowest common denominator
- make comfortable
- make habitable
- make marketable
- make presentable
- make profitable
- make uncomfortable
- makes habitable
- meltable
- member of community
- member of the Communist Party
- meritable
- more acceptable
- more profitable
- most established
- most notable
- mutable
- news commentator
- night table
- non-committal
- non committal
- non committals
- non-committals
- non-vegetable
- non vegetable
- noncommercial library
- noncommercial television
- noncommercial televisions
- noncommittal
- noncommittaled
- noncommittaling
- noncommittals
- nonvegetable
- not notably
- notable
- notable year
- notably
- online community
- operating table
- oral communication
- out commission
- out of commission
- palatable
- palatableness
- pass comment
- periodic table
- periodic table of elements
- permutable
- political action committee
- portable
- portable audio system
- portable music machine
- portable radio
- profitable
- profitably
- ratable
- re-commence
- re commence
- re-commenced
- re commenced
- re commences
- re-commences
- re-commencing
- re commencing
- re commend
- re-commendation
- re commendation
- re commendations
- re-commendations
- re commended
- re-commended
- re commending
- re-commending
- re-commends
- re commends
- re-doubtable
- re establish
- re-established
- re established
- re establishes
- re-establishes
- re establishing
- re-establishing
- recommence
- recommencement
- recommend
- recommendation
- recommended
- Recommended Daily Allowance
- recommended daily vitamins and minerals
- redoubtable
- reestablish
- regrettable
- renew communication
- reputable
- respectable
- retable
- select committee
- short commons
- stable
- steering committee
- suitable
- suitableness
- supervise communications
- supportable
- tablature
- table
- table content
- table d'hote
- table dhôte
- table dhote
- table linen
- table lord
- table manner
- table manners
- table-mat
- table mat
- table napkin
- table of content
- table of contents
- table of elements
- table of lord
- table of the Lord
- table pad
- table runner
- table salt
- table talk
- table the lord
- table wine
- tableau
- tablecloth
- tablecloths
- tabled
- tableland
- tables d'hôte
- tables dhôte
- tablet
- tablets of the memory
- tableware
- tablings
- tabloid
- tabloid journalism
- tea table
- tea-table talk
- telecommunications
- Ten Commandments
- tenantable
- the common people
- the Commonwealth
- timetable
- tractable
- tractableness
- transportable
- tray table
- turn the tables on
- un accommodating
- unacceptable
- unacceptable person
- unaccommodating
- unadaptable
- uncharitable
- uncomfortable
- uncommitted
- uncommon
- uncommonly
- uncommunicable
- uncommunicative
- uncommunicativeness
- uncontestable
- uncountable
- undauntable
- under the table
- under-the-table
- undetectably
- unexcitable
- unforgettable
- unnotable
- unpalatable
- unpredictable
- unpredictable situation
- unprofitable
- unprofitableness
- unstable
- unstable personality
- unsuitable
- unsuitableness
- unsuitably
- unsupportable
- vegetable kingdom
- vegetable salad
- veritable
- veritableness
- veritably
- very profitable venture
- virtual community
- warrantable
- was acceptable
- was comfortable
- was common
- was established
- was in commission
- work table
- world of commerce
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