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Synonyms for ingenious device
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of ingenious device
- As in gadgetry : noun mechanism
Words or expressions associated with your search
- absolute pointing device
- acting device
- average deviation
- be devil
- be deviled
- be deviling
- be devilled
- be devilling
- be devils
- bedevil
- blue devils
- daredevil
- daredevilry
- daredeviltry
- deviant
- deviate from
- deviating
- deviation
- device
- devices
- devil
- devil dust
- devil-may-care
- devilish
- devilment
- devilry
- deviltry
- devious
- deviousness
- devise
- deviser
- devitalization
- devitalize
- dust devil
- homing device
- ingenious device
- intrauterine device
- like the devil
- listening device
- little devil
- microelectronics device
- more devious
- normal deviation
- normal deviations
- OCR device
- ocr devices
- output device
- raise the devil
- retarding device
- she-devil
- subversive device
- vaudeville
- vaudeville show
- vaudeville theater
- warning device
- astringence
- astringent
- be contingent
- be contingent on
- be ingest
- binge
- butterfingered
- butterfingers
- contingence
- contingency
- contingency money
- contingent
- contingent upon
- cringe
- cringed
- cuttingedge
- cuttingedges
- dead-ringer
- dead ringer
- dinged
- disingenuity
- disingenuous
- DNA fingerprinting
- endinged
- famous singer
- fastinged
- finger
- finger alphabet
- finger food
- finger in the pie
- finger sandwich
- finger sandwiches
- fingerbreadth
- fingered
- fingering
- fingering in pie
- fingering pie
- fingering the pie
- fingernail
- fingerprint
- fingers
- fingers in the pie
- fingerspelling
- first finger
- flexible fringe benefit options
- fringe
- fringe benefit
- fringed
- gatheringed
- get fingers on
- get one's fingers on
- ginger
- gingerbread
- gingerliness
- gingerly
- gingery
- give a zinger
- gunslinger
- had a finger in
- had finger in
- haddest a finger in
- haddest finger in
- hadst a finger in
- hadst finger in
- handwritinged on the wall
- handwritinged on wall
- handwritinged the wall
- handwritinged wall
- harbinger
- harbingered
- harbingering
- has a finger in
- has finger in
- hash slinger
- hast a finger in
- hast finger in
- hath a finger in
- have a finger in
- hinge
- hinge on
- humdinger
- impinge upon
- impingement
- in fringe
- in fringes
- in goinger
- infringement
- ingenerate
- ingenious
- ingeniously
- ingénue
- ingenue
- ingenuity
- ingenuous
- ingenuously
- ingenuousness
- ingest
- keep fingers crossed
- keeping fingers crossed
- keeps fingers crossed
- kept fingers crossed
- laughinged
- lay a finger on
- lay finger on
- lay fingers on
- lead singer
- leadingedge
- leaninged
- left-winger
- leftwingers
- lift a finger
- linger
- linger with
- lingered
- lingerer
- lingering
- lingeringly
- lingers
- malinger
- malingerer
- mud-slinger
- nimble-fingered
- not lift a finger
- nothinged
- opera singer
- opera singers
- out goinger
- out goingest
- paint-slinger
- point finger at
- put through the wringer
- right-winger
- ring finger
- ringer
- Schrödinger theory
- second stringer
- stringency
- stringent
- stringently
- stringer
- swinger
- tinge
- trade zingers
- twinge
- unhinge
- warninged
- winged
- wrapped around finger
- wringer
- zinged
- zinger
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