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Synonyms for raise the devil
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : dev-uh l |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈdɛv əl |
Définition of raise the devil
Origin :- Old English deofol "evil spirit, a devil, the devil, false god, diabolical person," from Late Latin diabolus (also the source of Italian diavolo, French diable, Spanish diablo; German Teufel is Old High German tiufal, from Latin via Gothic diabaulus).
- The Late Latin word is from Ecclesiastical Greek diabolos, in Jewish and Christian use, "Devil, Satan" (scriptural loan-translation of Hebrew satan), in general use "accuser, slanderer," from diaballein "to slander, attack," literally "throw across," from dia- "across, through" + ballein "to throw" (see ballistics). Jerome re-introduced Satan in Latin bibles, and English translators have used both in different measures.
- In Vulgate, as in Greek, diabolus and dæmon (see demon) were distinct, but they have merged in English and other Germanic languages.
- Playful use for "clever rogue" is from c.1600. Meaning "sand spout, dust storm" is from 1835. In U.S. place names, the word often represents a native word such as Algonquian manito, more properly "spirit, god." Phrase a devil way (late 13c.) was originally an emphatic form of away, but taken by late 14c. as an expression of irritation.
- Devil's books "playing cards" is from 1729, but the cited quote says they've been called that "time out of mind" (the four of clubs is the devil's bedposts); devil's coach-horse is from 1840, the large rove-beetle, which is defiant when disturbed. "Talk of the Devil, and he's presently at your elbow" [1660s].
- As in raise Cain : verb cause trouble
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- be deviling
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- be devils
- bedevil
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- daredeviltry
- deviant
- deviate from
- deviating
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- device
- devices
- devil
- devil dust
- devil-may-care
- devilish
- devilment
- devilry
- deviltry
- devious
- deviousness
- devise
- deviser
- devitalization
- devitalize
- dispraise
- dust devil
- fraise
- fundraiser
- hair raising
- hair-raising
- hairraising
- homing device
- ingenious device
- input device
- intrauterine device
- like the devil
- listening device
- little devil
- microelectronics device
- more devious
- normal deviation
- normal deviations
- OCR device
- ocr devices
- output device
- praise
- praised
- praiseworthy
- praising
- raise
- raise a few
- raise a question
- raise a rumpus
- raise a subject
- raise Cain
- raise crops
- raise curtain
- raise dough
- raise few
- raise from the dead
- raise glass to
- raise hell
- raise high
- raise money
- raise objection
- raise one glass to
- raise one's glass to
- raise one's voice
- raise ones glass to
- raise question
- raise spirits
- raise subject
- raise the curtain
- raise the devil
- raise the dickens
- raise the roof
- raise the temperature
- raise the value of
- raise voice
- raised
- raised a few
- raised a question
- raised crops
- raised dot
- raised few
- raised glass to
- raised money
- raised objection
- raised one glass to
- raised one's glass to
- raised ones glass to
- raised question
- raised voice
- raises a few
- raises a question
- raises few
- raises from dead
- raises from the dead
- raises high
- raises money
- raises objection
- raises one glass to
- raises ones glass to
- raises question
- raises spirits
- raises the temperature
- raising
- raising a few
- raising a question
- raising crops
- raising few
- raising from dead
- raising glass to
- raising money
- raising one glass to
- raising one's glass to
- raising ones glass to
- raising question
- raising spirits
- raising temperature
- raising the roof
- raising the value of
- raising value of
- raisings
- raison d'etre
- raison d'être
- raison-detre
- raison dêtre
- raison detre
- raisons dêtre
- retarding device
- self-praise
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- sing the praises
- song of praise
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- ultraist
- ultraists
- upraise
- vaudeville
- vaudeville show
- vaudeville theater
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