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Synonyms for Recommended Daily Allowance
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of Recommended Daily Allowance
- noun government-recommended foods
Words or expressions associated with your search
- able to recognize
- absentee ballot
- allocate
- allocated
- allocates
- allocating
- allocation
- allonym
- allot
- alloting
- allotment
- allotrope
- allots
- allotted
- allow
- allowance
- allowances
- allowed
- allowing
- alloy
- ballocks
- ballon d'essai
- balloon
- ballooned
- ballot
- ballot box
- balloted
- balloter
- balloters
- balloting
- balloting place
- ballotings
- be allowed
- be recognized
- be swallowed up
- book recording
- break record
- callous
- calloused
- callouses
- callousing
- callously
- callousness
- callow
- callowness
- cassette recorder
- cast ballot
- dailies
- daily
- daily bread
- daily dozen
- daily expense allowance
- daily grind
- daily record
- daily woman
- digital recording
- disallow
- disallowance
- disallowed
- escallop
- fail to recollect
- falloff
- fallout
- fallout shelter
- fallow
- gallon
- gallop
- galloping
- gallopings
- gallows
- gallows humor
- gas balloon
- get for the record
- gets for record
- gets for the record
- getting for record
- gramophone record
- hadst recourse to
- hallow
- hallowday
- hallowed
- hallowed place
- hallowedness
- hallowings
- hard to swallow
- has recourse to
- have recourse to
- in full gallop
- irreconcilable
- irrecoverable
- keeping record
- keeping records
- lay fallow
- lead balloon
- lead balloons
- letter of recommendation
- lie fallow
- long-playing record
- made recording
- make a recording
- make allowance
- make allowance for
- make allowances
- make callous
- make recording
- making allowance for
- making recording
- not recorded
- not swallow
- nuclear fallout
- off record
- off the record
- on record
- on the road to recovery
- once daily
- optical character recognition
- oral record
- pallor
- past recollection
- personal record
- precocious
- precocity
- precognition
- preconceived
- preconceived notion
- preconception
- precondition
- preconize
- precooked frozen meal
- put on record
- quick recover
- quick to recover
- re-allocate
- re allocates
- reallocate
- recognition
- recognizable
- recognizance
- recognize
- recognized
- recognizing
- recoil
- recoil from
- recollect
- recollection
- recombinant DNA technology
- recommence
- recommencement
- recommend
- recommendation
- recommended
- Recommended Daily Allowance
- recommended daily vitamins and minerals
- recompensation
- recompense
- reconcile
- reconciliate
- reconciliation
- recondite
- recondition
- reconnaissance
- reconnoiter
- reconnoitre
- reconsider
- reconsideration
- reconstitute
- reconstruct
- Reconstruction Era
- reconstructive surgery
- record
- record album
- record-breaker
- record low
- recorded
- recorder
- recording
- recordings
- records
- recount
- recountal
- recounted
- recounting
- recoup
- recoupment
- recourse
- recover
- recoverable
- recovering
- recovery
- run reconnaissance
- sallow
- scallop
- shallow
- shallowness
- shallows
- swallow
- swallow dive
- swallow the pill
- tallow
- tallowed
- tallowing
- tape-record
- tape record
- tape recorded
- tape-recorded
- tape recorder
- tape recording
- tape-recording
- tape records
- tape-records
- taperecord
- taperecorded
- taperecording
- taperecords
- ten-gallon
- ten-gallon hat
- ten gallons
- time allotment
- trial balloon
- unallowable
- unalloyed truth
- unhallowed
- unrecognizable
- unrecognizing
- unreconstructed
- wallop
- walloping
- wallopings
- wallow
- wallow in
- wallow in the mire
- wallowed in
- wallowing
- wallowing in
- wallowing in mire
- wallowing mire
- wallowing the mire
- wallows in
- was allowed
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