Synonyms for unenlightenment
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for unenlightenment Other synonyms for the word unenlightenment
- backwardness
- benightedness
- empty-headedness
- half-knowledge
- illiteracy
- illiterateness
- incomprehension
- innocence
- inscience
- insensitivity
- lack of education
- lack of knowledge
- mental incapacity
- naiveté
- nescience
- oblivion
- obliviousness
- obtuseness
- philistinism
- rawness
- sciolism
- shallowness
- simplicity
- unawareness
- unconsciousness
- uncouthness
- unenlightenment
- unfamiliarity
- unknowing
- unscholarliness
- vagueness
Définition of unenlightenment
- As in benightedness : noun ignorance
- As in illiteracy : noun ignorance
- As in illiterateness : noun ignorance
- As in nescience : noun ignorance
- As in obliviousness : noun ignorance
- As in unawareness : noun ignorance
- As in unconsciousness : noun ignorance
- As in unfamiliarity : noun ignorance
- As in ignorance : noun unintelligence, inexperience
Antonyms for unenlightenment
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019