Synonyms for philistinism
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : fil-uh-steen, -stahyn, fi-lis-tin, -teen |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈfɪl əˌstin, -ˌstaɪn, fɪˈlɪs tɪn, -tin |
Top 10 synonyms for philistinism Other synonyms for the word philistinism
- benightedness
- empty-headedness
- half-knowledge
- illiteracy
- illiterateness
- incomprehension
- innocence
- inscience
- insensitivity
- lack of education
- mental incapacity
- naiveté
- nescience
- oblivion
- obliviousness
- obtuseness
- philistinism
- rawness
- sciolism
- shallowness
- simplicity
- unawareness
- unconsciousness
- uncouthness
- unenlightenment
- unfamiliarity
- unscholarliness
- vagueness
Définition of philistinism
Origin :- Old Testament people of coastal Palestine who made war on the Israelites, early 14c., from Old French Philistin, from Late Latin Philistinus, from Late Greek Philistinoi (plural), from Hebrew P'lishtim, "people of P'lesheth" ("Philistia"); cf. Akkad. Palastu, Egyptian Palusata; the word probably is the people's name for itself.
- As in illiteracy : noun ignorance
- As in illiterateness : noun ignorance
- As in nescience : noun ignorance
- As in obliviousness : noun ignorance
- As in unawareness : noun ignorance
- As in unconsciousness : noun ignorance
- As in unfamiliarity : noun ignorance
- As in ignorance : noun unintelligence, inexperience
- Philistinism was the note of the age and community in which he lived.
- Extract from : « De Profundis » by Oscar Wilde
- The latter represented freedom and cleverness at war with philistinism.
- Extract from : « Folkways » by William Graham Sumner
- To say that you do not like them is confession of your own philistinism.
- Extract from : « The Feasts of Autolycus » by Elizabeth Robins Pennell
- This want of understanding is called by some of us your Philistinism.
- Extract from : « The Intellectual Life » by =Philip Gilbert Hamerton
- So the good woman had said, showing her lack of geist—her Philistinism.
- Extract from : « When Ghost Meets Ghost » by William Frend De Morgan
- Philistinism, it seems, finds ready converts on the other side of the globe.
- Extract from : « Pot-Boilers » by Clive Bell
- Provincialism is the soil in which philistinism grows most rapidly and widely.
- Extract from : « Books and Culture » by Hamilton Wright Mabie
- At once you are covered with reproaches for your philistinism.
- Extract from : « Humanly Speaking » by Samuel McChord Crothers
- She was somewhat annoyed, and she made up her mind that there must be an element of Philistinism in his character.
- Extract from : « To Leeward » by F. Marion Crawford
- It was the English part of her nature, fighting for a show of Philistinism amidst so much that was the very reverse.
- Extract from : « To Leeward » by F. Marion Crawford
Antonyms for philistinism
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019