Synonyms for rooming house
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of rooming house
- noun house renting out rooms
- “Come in and have a talk,” invited Ricky, as they entered the rooming house.
- Extract from : « Baseball Joe at Yale » by Lester Chadwick
- When you get tired you stop someone and ask the way to a rooming house.
- Extract from : « Over the Seas for Uncle Sam » by Elaine Sterne
- Presently a couple halted, and a few minutes later the four disappeared within a rooming house.
- Extract from : « The Forged Note » by Oscar Micheaux
- He had become acquainted with him through "Spoon," and recalled that he kept a rooming house for questionable purposes.
- Extract from : « The Forged Note » by Oscar Micheaux
- As Paul Lambrequin was clambering up the stairs of his rooming house, he met a man whose face was all wrong.
- Extract from : « My Fair Planet » by Evelyn E. Smith
- "She hasn't returned to her rooming house," remarked the Chief in his high, thin voice.
- Extract from : « Rebels of the Red Planet » by Charles Louis Fontenay
- And with this philosophical reflection Joe turned and made his way toward his rooming house.
- Extract from : « Baseball Joe at Yale » by Lester Chadwick
- What was she doing alone, anyway, this society girl—in a students' rooming house—at Prof. Farmer's door?
- Extract from : « The Book of Susan » by Lee Wilson Dodd
- The professor went hurriedly down the beach while Mrs. Bettenridge and Mr. Johnson walked slowly toward the rooming house.
- Extract from : « Signal in the Dark » by Mildred A. Wirt
- Now, people who are passing by or looking out of your window or looking out from this rooming house could see that?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (10 of 26): Hearings Vol. X (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a thousand times
- ale house
- alehouse
- amorphous
- anteroom
- assignation house
- backroom
- badly groomed
- ballroom
- barroom
- bathroom
- bathroom tissue
- batting a thousand
- bawdy house
- bawdyhouse
- be roommates with
- bedroom
- best room
- betting house
- big house
- birthing room
- blockhouse
- boarding house
- boardinghouse
- boiler room
- brace house
- bride and groom
- bughouse
- call house
- carriage house
- cathouse
- charnel house
- chophouse
- church house
- classroom
- clothes room
- clubhouse
- coffee room
- coffeehouse
- common room
- community room
- cookhouse
- cookroom
- deckhouse
- delivery room
- drawing room
- duplex house
- eating house
- efficient household
- elbow-room
- elbow room
- elbowroom
- electric broom
- emergency room
- entertaining family room
- estate house
- family room
- farmhouse
- field house
- Florida room
- front room
- front room drawing room
- game room
- gaming house
- gatehouse
- gentlemen's room
- go to the bathroom
- greenhouse
- groom
- groomed
- guardhouse
- guest house
- guest room
- halfway house
- hash house
- hashhouse
- head of household
- head of the house
- homeroom
- hospital room
- hothouse
- house
- house of correction
- house of detention
- house of God
- House of Lords
- House of Peers
- house of prayer
- house of worship
- house-sitter
- house trailer
- housebound
- housecleaner
- housecoat
- household
- household effects
- household help
- household possessions
- householder
- housekeeper
- housemaid
- housemother
- housesitter
- housewife
- housewives
- housing
- in a house
- in house
- in the doghouse
- in the poorhouse
- jailhouse
- joy house
- keep house
- labor room
- ladies'-room
- ladies room
- ladies' room
- lady house
- lady of house
- lady of the house
- lady the house
- large house
- laundry room
- lighthouse
- like a house on fire
- living room
- livingroom
- lodging house
- log house
- Lord's house
- made room for
- magic mushrooms
- main house
- make room
- make room for
- man of the house
- media room
- meetinghouse
- mistress of the household
- movie house
- mushroom
- mushroom cloud
- neighborhood playhouse
- nut house
- on house
- on the house
- one thousandth anniversaries
- one-thousandth anniversary
- opera-house
- opera house
- operating room
- out house
- out houses
- outhouse
- party room
- penthouse
- penthouses
- person of the house
- playhouse
- playroom
- powder room
- public bathroom
- rec room
- reception room
- recreation room
- rest room
- restroom
- roadhouse
- room
- room and board
- roomette
- rooming house
- roommate
- roomy
- rubber room
- rumpus room
- safe house
- showroom
- sitting room
- small house
- snap house
- soundproof room
- soup house
- statehouse
- steam room
- storehouse
- storeroom
- summer house
- take up housekeeping
- taphouse
- taproom
- tea room
- tearoom
- television room
- tenement house
- tenement housing
- thousand
- thousands
- treasure house
- triage room
- TV room
- ungroomed
- upper house
- waiting room
- warehouse
- warehouse store
- warehoused
- warehousing
- washroom
- well-groomed
- withdrawing room
- woman of the house
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