Synonyms for tenement house
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : ten-uh-muh nt |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtɛn ə mənt |
Définition of tenement house
Origin :- c.1300, "holding of immovable property" (such as land or buildings,) from Anglo-French (late 13c.) and Old French tenement (12c.), from Medieval Latin tenementum "a holding, fief" (11c.), from Latin tenere "to hold" (see tenet). The meaning "dwelling place, residence" is attested from early 15c.; tenement house "house broken up into apartments, usually in a poor section of a city" is first recorded 1858, American English, from tenament in an earlier sense (especially in Scotland) "large house constructed to be let to a number of tenants" (1690s).
- As in housing project : noun affordable housing
- The stone stairs to the tenement house were thronged with women.
- Extract from : « The Christian » by Hall Caine
- As she crossed the court to her room in the tenement house they heard her "Oh, oh, oh!"
- Extract from : « The Christian » by Hall Caine
- The one to the left will be a tenement house, with shops and apartments.
- Extract from : « Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888 » by Various
- Remember that every hollow tree is a tenement house of the woods.
- Extract from : « Woodland Tales » by Ernest Seton-Thompson
- He took me to a tenement house, in a part of the city that I had never been in before.
- Extract from : « Beautiful Joe » by Marshall Saunders
- The two rooms in the tenement house were as neat as care and thrift could make them.
- Extract from : « Princess Mary's Gift Book » by Various
- I have never been in a tenement house and I am so anxious to see one.
- Extract from : « Brenda, Her School and Her Club » by Helen Leah Reed
- I was standing on the stoop of the tenement house where I boarded.
- Extract from : « Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist » by Alexander Berkman
- This was a family domicile and not a community or tenement house.
- Extract from : « Prairie Smoke (Second Edition, Revised) » by Melvin Randolph Gilmore
- Jake found Mamie on the sidewalk in front of the tenement house where she lodged.
- Extract from : « Yekl » by Abraham Cahan
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a thousand times
- absoluteness
- accurateness
- acuteness
- adequateness
- affectionateness
- ale house
- alehouse
- amorphous
- appropriateness
- articulateness
- assignation house
- astuteness
- battened down
- batting a thousand
- bawdy house
- bawdyhouse
- be fastened
- be frightened
- betting house
- big house
- blockhouse
- boarding house
- boardinghouse
- brace house
- bughouse
- call house
- carriage house
- cathouse
- charnel house
- chastened
- chasteness
- chophouse
- christened
- church house
- clubhouse
- coffeehouse
- commensurateness
- completeness
- considerateness
- cookhouse
- deckhouse
- definiteness
- delicateness
- destituteness
- disheartened
- dispassionateness
- dissoluteness
- duplex house
- eating house
- effeminateness
- effeteness
- efficient household
- elaborateness
- enlightened
- estate house
- exquisiteness
- fabric softener
- farmhouse
- fastened
- fastened to
- fastener
- field house
- flattened out
- fortunateness
- frightened
- gatehouse
- greenhouse
- guardhouse
- guest house
- halfway house
- hash house
- hashhouse
- hastened
- head of household
- head of the house
- heartened
- heightened
- hothouse
- house
- house of correction
- house of detention
- house of God
- House of Lords
- House of Peers
- house of prayer
- house of worship
- house-sitter
- house trailer
- housebound
- housecleaner
- housecoat
- household
- household effects
- household help
- household possessions
- householder
- housekeeper
- housemaid
- housemother
- housesitter
- housewife
- housewives
- housing
- illegitimateness
- illiterateness
- immaculateness
- impoliteness
- importunateness
- in a house
- in appropriateness
- in appropriatenesses
- in considerateness
- in definiteness
- in finiteness
- in finitenesses
- in house
- in the doghouse
- in the poorhouse
- inappropriateness
- inarticulateness
- incompleteness
- indefiniteness
- indeterminateness
- intemperateness
- irateness
- irresoluteness
- jailhouse
- joy house
- keep house
- lady house
- lady of house
- lady of the house
- lady the house
- large house
- lateness
- legitimateness
- lightened
- lighthouse
- like a house on fire
- listener
- listeners
- lodging house
- log house
- Lord's house
- main house
- man of the house
- meetinghouse
- minuteness
- mistress of the household
- movie house
- muteness
- neighborhood playhouse
- nut house
- obdurateness
- obsoleteness
- obstinateness
- on house
- on the house
- one thousandth anniversaries
- one-thousandth anniversary
- opera-house
- opera house
- oppositeness
- ornateness
- out house
- out houses
- outhouse
- paper fastener
- penthouse
- penthouses
- person of the house
- petiteness
- playhouse
- politeness
- privateness
- profligateness
- quietened
- remoteness
- roadhouse
- rooming house
- safe house
- separateness
- shortened
- small house
- snap house
- softened
- soup house
- statehouse
- storehouse
- straightened out
- summer house
- sweetener
- take up housekeeping
- taphouse
- temperateness
- tenebrific
- tenebrosity
- tenebrous
- tenebrously
- tenement
- tenement house
- tenement housing
- tenements
- tenet
- tenets
- thousand
- thousands
- threatened
- tightened
- treasure house
- triteness
- unenlightened
- upper house
- warehouse
- warehouse store
- warehoused
- warehousing
- whiteness
- woman of the house
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