Synonyms for barroom
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : bahr-room, -roo m |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈbɑrˌrum, -ˌrʊm |
Définition of barroom
Origin :- 1797, from bar (n.2) + room (n.).
- noun tavern
- Or else, in some barroom, a footfall from behind and a bullet through the back.
- Extract from : « Way of the Lawless » by Max Brand
- Here I lived for weeks by myself, taking my meals in a barroom below.
- Extract from : « The Harbor » by Ernest Poole
- It was so still in the barroom that one could have heard a match burn.
- Extract from : « The Duke Of Chimney Butte » by G. W. Ogden
- And it was only a barroom brawl, though Philip was not in it until the end, to be sure!
- Extract from : « The Heart of Thunder Mountain » by Edfrid A. Bingham
- A need naturally developed for at least one feature of a hotel––a barroom.
- Extract from : « Nan of Music Mountain » by Frank H. Spearman
- He did it,” he exclaimed, “and you know what he got when he stepped into the barroom.
- Extract from : « Nan of Music Mountain » by Frank H. Spearman
- We were sitting round in the barroom of the Cosmopolitan, trying to keep warm.
- Extract from : « Peak and Prairie » by Anna Fuller
- Thus five or six Americans may meet in a club or barroom for the sale of liquors.
- Extract from : « As A Chinaman Saw Us » by Anonymous
- Then permit me to inquire if you have ever seen 'Ten Nights in a Barroom'?
- Extract from : « Frank Merriwell's Races » by Burt L. Standish
- If he has gone into that barroom, I'll have him out, no matter who is there!
- Extract from : « Rose in Bloom » by Louisa May Alcott
Words or expressions associated with your search
- barrack
- barracks
- barraged
- barraging
- barratry
- barred
- barred spiral galaxy
- barrel
- barrel roll
- barrel root
- barrel-shaped
- barrel vault
- barreled
- barrelet
- barreling
- barrelled
- barrelling
- barren
- barren land
- barrenness
- barrens
- barrest
- barrette
- barricade
- barricaded
- barricuda
- barrier
- barrier method
- barriers
- barring
- barring no one
- barrings
- barrio
- barrister
- barroom
- barrow
- cash on barrelhead
- cash on the barrelhead
- de barred
- de-barred
- de barring
- de-barring
- debarrings
- embarrass
- embarrassed
- embarrassing
- embarrassing problem
- embarrassing situation
- embarrassings
- embarrassment
- embarrassment of riches
- Epstein-Barr syndrome
- epstein barr syndrome
- epstein barr syndromes
- epstein-barr syndromes
- epstein barr virus
- Epstein-Barr virus
- epsteinbarr syndrome
- epsteinbarr syndromes
- epsteinbarr virus
- grab barrel
- jersey barrier
- like shooting fish in a barrel
- lock stock and barrel
- made barren
- make barren
- makes barren
- no holds barred
- no holds barreds
- pork barrel
- wheelbarrow
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