Synonyms for re probate
Grammar : Adj, noun, verb |
Spell : rep-ruh-beyt |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈrɛp rəˌbeɪt |
Top 10 synonyms for re probate Other synonyms for the word re probate
- abandoned
- abhor
- abhorrent
- abjure
- abominable
- abominate
- abstain
- abuse
- accurse
- accursed
- adjudge
- adjudicate
- admonish
- agnostic
- air
- alive
- all-fired
- amiss
- amoral
- anathematize
- anathematized
- angry
- animadvert
- animadvert on
- animal
- apostate
- apostatize
- arch
- arraign
- arrant
- asperse
- assail
- atheistic
- avoid
- bad
- bad egg
- bad news
- bad-mouth
- bald-faced
- balk
- baneful
- banish
- barefaced
- base
- bash
- bastard
- be against
- beastly
- bedeviled
- beg off
- beg to be excused
- beggar
- behind
- belittle
- bent
- bewitched
- bezonian
- black sheep
- blackguard
- blacklist
- blamable
- blame
- blameful
- blameworthy
- blankety-blank
- blasphemous
- blasted
- blessed
- blister
- bloody
- blooming
- blow up
- blow whistle on
- bluster
- bootlegger
- boycott
- brand
- brash
- brassy
- brazen
- brazenfaced
- break with
- bribable
- bring charges against
- brush off
- brute
- bully
- bum
- burn
- bypass
- cad
- caitiff
- calamitous
- call down
- call into question
- call to account
- calumniate
- canting
- cardsharp
- carnal
- carp
- Casanova
- cashier
- cast
- cast aside
- cast aspersions on
- cast doubt on
- cast off
- cast out
- castaway
- castigate
- cavil
- censurable
- censure
- challenge
- charge
- charge with
- charlatan
- chasten
- chastise
- cheat
- cheater
- cheating
- cheeky
- chide
- chuck
- clobber
- come down on
- con artist
- condemn
- condemned
- confounded
- conscienceless
- contaminated
- contemn
- contemptible
- contrary
- convict
- convicted
- corrupt
- corrupt person
- creep
- criminal
- criminate
- criticize
- crook
- crooked
- crucify
- cruel
- cry down
- cullion
- culpable
- culprit
- curse
- cursed
- cussed
- cut
- cut down
- cut off
- cut to bits
- cut up
- damn
- damnable
- damned
- dang
- dangerous
- darn
- darned
- dastard
- dastardly
- dawdler
- dead duck
- deadbeat
- deadhead
- debased
- debauched
- debauchee
- debaucher
- debtor
- deceitful
- declaim
- decline
- decry
- defame
- default
- defaulter
- defect
- defiled
- defiling
- defrauder
- degenerate
- degraded
- degrading
- delinquent
- demeritorious
- demoralized
- demur
- denigrate
- denounce
- denunciate
- deny
- deplore
- deportee
- depraved
- deprecate
- depreciate
- derelict
- derogate
- desecrating
- desecrative
- desert
- desirous
- desist
- desperado
- despicable
- despise
- destroyed
- destructive
- deteriorated
- detest
- detestable
- detract
- devalue
- devil
- devilish
- devious
- diabolic
- diabolical
- diminish
- dirty-dealing
- disaccord
- disacknowledge
- disallow
- disapprove
- disastrous
- disavow
- disbelieve
- discard
- disclaim
- discommend
- discount
- discountenance
- discredit
- disdain
- disesteem
- disfavor
- disgrace
- disgraceful
- dishonest
- dishonor
- dishonorable
- disinherit
- dislike
- dismiss
- disobedient
- disorderly
- disown
- disparage
- dispense with
- displaced person
- dispraise
- disregard
- disrespectful
- dissent
- dissipated
- dissipater
- dissolute
- do a number on
- dodge
- dog
- doggone
- Don Juan
- don't buy
- done
- done for
- doom
- doomed
- double-crossing
- double-dealing
- downgrade
- dratted
- dress down
- drop
- drunkard
- drunken
- dump
- dump on
- egregious
- eliminate
- embarrassing
- enfant terrible
- erring
- evade
- evader
- evil
- evildoer
- exclude
- excoriate
- execrable
- execrate
- exile
- expatriate
- explode
- exploiting
- expose
- expostulate
- extortionate
- faithless
- fallen angel
- fast
- fast and loose
- fated
- faulty
- felon
- felonious
- ferocious
- fey
- fiendish
- find fault
- find fault with
- find guilty
- find unacceptable
- finger
- fink
- fixed
- flagitious
- flagrant
- fleshly
- flout
- fluff
- flush
- fly in the face of
- forbear
- foreordained
- forgo
- forsake
- forward
- foul
- frame
- fraud
- fraudulent
- frown on
- fugitive
- fulminate against
- fume
- fustigate
- gainsay
- gigolo
- give a rough time
- give a talking to
- give a talking-to
- give bad press
- give the cold shoulder
- give thumbs down to
- godless
- gone bad
- gone to blazes
- gone to the dogs
- good-for-nothing
- graceless
- grafter
- gross
- guilty
- gypsy
- hang something on
- hardened
- harmful
- hateful
- heartless
- heel
- heinous
- hideous
- high living
- high-handed
- hit
- hobo
- hold at fault
- hold back
- hold in contempt
- hold off
- hold out
- hoodlum
- hooligan
- humiliating
- hypocrite
- hypocritical
- iconoclastic
- idler
- ignominious
- ignore
- ill-fated
- ill-omened
- illegal
- illicit
- immodest
- immoral
- imp
- impeach
- impious
- impish
- implicate
- imprecate
- improper
- impudent
- impugn
- impure
- in the cards
- in the fast lane
- in the gutter
- inconstant
- incontinent
- incorrigible
- incriminate
- inculpate
- indecent
- indict
- infamous
- infernal
- ingrate
- iniquitous
- injurious
- insolent
- insubordinate
- intemperate
- intimidate
- inveigh against
- irreligious
- irreverent
- jailbird
- JD
- jettison
- jilt
- judge
- jump on
- juvenile delinquent
- juvie
- keep aft
- kill
- kiss of death
- knave
- knavish
- knock
- lady-killer
- lambaste
- lascivious
- lawbreaker
- lax
- lay at one's door
- lay down the law
- lech
- lecher
- lecherous
- lecture
- leper
- let have it
- lewd
- liar
- libertine
- libidinous
- licentious
- lickerish
- light
- light into
- loafer
- loathe
- loathsome
- look askance at
- look down on
- loose
- looser
- lost
- Lothario
- lounger
- louse
- lousy
- low
- low-down
- lower
- lowlife
- lubricious
- luckless
- lustful
- maggot
- make excuses
- malefactor
- maleficent
- malevolent
- malicious
- malign
- malignant
- mark down
- maroon
- mean
- menace
- menaced
- mercenary
- mercentary
- minimize
- mischief
- mischief-maker
- mischiefmaker
- mischievous
- miscreant
- misdoer
- monstrosity
- monstrous
- morally wrong
- mortifying
- nag
- nag at
- name
- nasty
- naughty
- ne'er-do-well
- nefarious
- neglecter
- night owl
- nighthawk
- nit-pick
- nix
- no good
- no show
- no-good
- not accept
- not budge
- not budget
- not buy
- not care to
- not hear of
- not think of
- notorious
- object to
- objurate
- objurgate
- obscene
- of easy virtue
- offender
- offensive
- old goat
- on the take
- open
- operator
- opportunist
- oppose
- opprobriate
- opprobrious
- ostracize
- oust
- outcast
- outlaw
- outrageous
- overbold
- oversexed
- overthrown
- overwhelmed
- padded
- pan
- pariah
- pass by
- pass on
- pass sentence on
- pass up
- pauper
- perfidious
- pernicious
- persona non grata
- perverse
- perverted
- philanderer
- pick at
- pickpocket
- pietistical
- pilgarlic
- pin it on
- playboy
- player
- point finger at
- poison
- poltroon
- poor-mouth
- pornographic
- praetorian
- prankster
- preach
- predestined
- presumptuous
- pretender
- problem
- prodigal
- profane
- profiteering
- profligate
- promiscuous
- pronounce
- proscribe
- prosecute
- protest
- punish
- punk
- put away
- put down
- putrid
- que sera sera
- query
- question
- racket up
- racketeer
- raffish
- rage
- rail
- rail against
- rake
- rake over the coals
- rakish
- rancorous
- rap
- rapscallion
- rascal
- rascally
- rat
- rate
- ream
- rebuff
- rebuke
- recant
- recreant
- recriminate
- recusant
- refrain
- refugee
- refuse
- refuse to receive
- regret
- reject
- relaxed
- remonstrate
- renegade
- renounce
- repeal
- repel
- reprehend
- reprehensible
- reprimand
- reproach
- reprobate
- reprove
- repudiate
- repugnant
- repulse
- repulsive
- rescind
- retract
- reverse
- revile
- revoke
- revolting
- ribald
- ridicule
- rip
- risqué
- roast
- robber
- rogue
- Romeo
- ronion
- rotten
- roué
- rowdy
- rude
- ruffian
- ruined
- run down
- sacrilegious
- salacious
- sanctimonious
- satanic
- saturnalian
- satyr
- satyric
- savage
- say no
- scabrous
- scalawag
- scallywag
- scamp
- scandalous
- scapegrace
- scathe
- scoff
- scold
- scorch
- scorn
- scoundrel
- scout
- scrap
- scullion
- scum
- second
- send off
- send regrets
- send up
- send up the river
- sensual
- sentence
- sentenced
- set aside
- shady
- shameful
- shameless
- shaming
- shed
- shipwreck
- shocking
- shoot down
- show up
- shun
- shy
- shyster
- sinful
- sinner
- skin
- skin alive
- skunk
- slack
- slam
- slight
- slog
- slough
- slug
- sly
- smear
- smutty
- snake
- sneak
- sneer
- sneeze at
- snide
- snub
- sorry lot
- speedy
- spiteful
- spurn
- star-crossed
- steer clear
- stigmatize
- stinking
- stop-at-nothing
- stud
- suborned
- sunk
- suppressed
- swear at
- swift
- swindler
- swinger
- swinging
- sybaritic
- tainted
- take away
- take dim view of
- take down
- take exception to
- take swipe at
- take to task
- taunt
- tax
- tell off
- tergiversate
- tergiverse
- thief
- threaten
- threatened
- throw away
- throw out
- throw stones at
- thrown down
- thumbs down on
- thunder
- tick off
- tongue-lash
- tough
- traduce
- tramp
- transgressor
- trash
- treacherous
- trickster
- tricky
- trim
- troublemaker
- try
- turn
- turn away
- turn deaf ear to
- turn down
- turn from
- turn nose up at
- turn one's back on
- turn thumbs down
- two-faced
- two-timing
- ugly
- unabashed
- unashamed
- unbecoming
- unblushing
- uncaring of others bad egg
- unchaste
- unclean
- unconscionable
- unconstrained
- uncontrollable
- unctuous
- uncurbed
- underestimate
- underhand
- underhanded
- underrate
- undervalue
- undone
- undutiful
- unethical
- unfair
- unfaithful
- unfortunate
- ungodly
- unhallowed
- unhappy
- unhealthy
- unholy
- unjust
- unlawful
- unmoral
- unpleasant
- unprincipled
- unprofessional
- unpropitious
- unredeemed
- unregenerate
- unrestrained
- unrighteous
- unruly
- unsanctified
- unscrupulous
- untamed
- untouchable
- untrustworthy
- untrustworthy person
- unworthy
- upbraid
- vagabond
- vagrant
- varlet
- varmint
- venal
- veto
- vicious
- vile
- vilify
- villain
- villainous
- violent
- vitiate
- vitiated
- vituperate
- voodooed
- vulgar
- waif
- wanton
- wash one's hands of
- waster
- wastrel
- wayward
- whippersnapper
- wicked
- wide open
- wild
- withdraw
- withhold
- womanizer
- worm
- worthless
- worthless person
- wrathful
- wrecked
- wretch
- write off
- wrong
- wrong number
- wrongdoer
- wrongful
- wrongo
- X-rated
- young offender
- zap
- zing
Définition of re probate
Origin :- early 15c., "rejected as worthless," from Late Latin reprobatus, past participle of reprobare "disapprove, reject, condemn," from Latin re- "opposite of, reversal of previous condition" (see re-) + probare "prove to be worthy" (see probate (n.)). Earliest form of the word in English was a verb, meaning "to disapprove" (early 15c.).
- As in licentious : adj immoral, uncontrolled
- As in miscreant : adj evil, immoral
- As in profligate : adj immoral, corrupt
- As in bad : adj immoral
- As in reprobate : adj shameless
- As in shameful : adj atrocious; disreputable
- As in shameless : adj corrupt, indecent
- As in sinful : adj immoral, criminal
- As in unprincipled : adj corrupt
- As in vicious : adj corrupt, wrong
- As in wicked : adj corrupt, bad
- As in wrong : adj immoral, dishonest
- As in unabashed : adj shameless
- As in unblushing : adj shameless
- As in corrupt : adj dishonest
- As in damned : adj hateful, unwelcome
- As in debauched : adj violated, corrupted
- As in dissolute : adj lacking restraint, indulgent
- As in doomed : adj condemned, hopeless
- As in evil : adj sinful, immoral
- As in immoral : adj evil, degenerate
- As in impious : adj not religious
- As in miscreant : noun person who is very bad, immoral
- As in outcast : noun person who is unwanted, not accepted
- As in profligate : noun person who is immoral
- As in rascal : noun person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- As in rogue : noun person who deceives, swindles
- As in scamp : noun rascal
- As in scoundrel : noun person who is deceptive and
- As in villain : noun evil person
- As in black sheep : noun disgraceful person
- As in bad egg : noun bad person
- As in knave : noun rascal
- As in lecher : noun debauchee
- As in trespasser : noun offender
- As in castaway : noun shipwrecked person
- As in scalawag : noun rascal
- As in wretch : noun derelict
- As in lech : noun lecher
- As in delinquent : noun criminal, often young
- As in knock : verb criticize harshly
- As in rap : verb criticize
- As in refuse : verb deny; say no
- As in reject : verb say no to
- As in repudiate : verb reject; turn one's back on
- As in revile : verb scold
- As in scold : verb find fault with
- As in spurn : verb turn away; ignore
- As in turn down : verb reject
- As in rail against : verb revile
- As in condemn : verb blame, convict
- As in criticize : verb disapprove, judge as bad
- As in cut up : verb make fun of; criticize
- As in decline : verb say no
- As in decry : verb criticize, blame
- As in denounce : verb condemn, attack
- As in disapprove : verb condemn
- As in execrate : verb hate
- As in fulminate : verb criticize harshly
- As in impeach : verb denounce, censure
Antonyms for re probate
- absolve
- accept
- acceptable
- acknowledge
- acquit
- admire
- admit
- adore
- advantageous
- afraid
- agree
- agreeable
- aiding
- allow
- amateur
- answer
- applaud
- appropriate
- approve
- ascend
- assist
- assisting
- attract
- attractive
- auspicious
- authorized
- be happy
- be serious
- beautiful
- behaved
- believe
- beneficial
- benevolent
- blessed
- build up
- calm
- careful
- cautious
- chaste
- cherish
- cherished
- choose
- civilized
- clean
- cleansed
- clear
- commend
- compliment
- consent
- continue
- controlled
- correct
- cover
- decent
- defend
- delightful
- discharge
- elect
- embrace
- emphasize
- endorse
- enforce
- esteem
- estimate
- ethical
- exaggerate
- exalt
- exculpate
- exonerate
- face
- fair
- favored
- favorite
- fearful
- flatter
- forgive
- frank
- free
- friend
- friendly
- gentle
- glorious
- go along
- go up
- good
- goody-goody
- grant
- guess
- hard worker
- help
- helpful
- hero
- heroine
- high
- hold
- holy
- honest
- honor
- honorable
- hopeful
- humble
- idol
- ignore
- improve
- improved
- include
- increase
- indulge
- innocent
- intact
- just
- keep
- kind
- laud
- lawful
- legal
- like
- likeable
- lose
- love
- loveable
- lovely
- lucky
- magnificent
- meek
- meet
- mild
- moral
- nice
- noble
- obedient
- offer
- OK
- open
- overestimate
- overrate
- overvalue
- pardon
- permit
- pious
- pleasant
- pleasing
- praise
- praiseworthy
- principled
- profitable
- promote
- protected
- pure
- purified
- raise
- ratify
- release
- religious
- reply
- reputable
- reserved
- resolute
- respect
- respectable
- respectful
- restored
- retain
- right
- righteous
- rise
- sanction
- saved
- saving
- say yes
- scrupulous
- set free
- shy
- sinless
- sound
- successful
- suitable
- support
- suppose
- take
- take on
- tame
- timid
- true
- trust
- trustworthy
- truthful
- uncorrupt
- undecayed
- unpolluted
- unprejudiced
- upright
- use
- useful
- virtuous
- want
- welcome
- wholesome
- wonderful
- worthwhile
- worthy
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019