Synonyms for star-crossed
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : stahr-krawst, -krost |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈstɑrˌkrɔst, -ˌkrɒst |
Top 10 synonyms for star-crossed Other synonyms for the word star-crossed
Définition of star-crossed
- adj doomed
- This was but the beginning of the tragedy of this pair of star-crossed lovers.
- Extract from : « Tales from Shakespeare » by Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb
- Star-crossed always, doomed, fated always to be upset by such unforeseen evil chances!
- Extract from : « Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May, 1930 » by Various
- Many at the baptizing remembered the first meeting of the two star-crossed lovers one autumn day long ago on Blackberry Creek.
- Extract from : « Blue Ridge Country » by Jean Thomas
Words or expressions associated with your search
- across
- across board
- across the board
- across-the-board
- across the counter
- across the sea
- across the street
- acrostic
- all-star team
- aristarch
- at cross-purposes
- basket star
- bastard
- bastard child
- bastardism
- bastardize
- bastardized
- bastardy
- be at cross purposes
- be cross
- be startled
- big star
- by fits and starts
- came across
- come across
- come across with
- crisscross
- cross
- cross-check
- cross-dresser
- cross-examination
- cross-examine
- cross-grained
- cross heart
- cross out
- cross-purposes
- cross-stitch
- cross swords
- cross the bridge
- cross the Rubicon
- crossbar
- crossbow
- crosscut
- crossed
- crossing
- crossness
- crosspiece
- crossroad
- crossroads
- crosswise
- cut across
- cut the mustard
- cutting the mustard
- dastard
- dastardliness
- dastardly
- day-crosser
- daystar
- Dog Star
- double cross
- double-cross
- double-crosser
- evening star
- fits and starts
- five-star
- five-star admiral
- flying start
- four-star
- gat started
- get across
- get one started
- get signals crossed
- get started
- gets started
- getting started
- gold star
- guiding star
- had a head start
- had head start
- haddest a head start
- haddest head start
- hadst a head start
- hadst head start
- has a head start
- has head start
- hast a head start
- hast head start
- hath a head start
- have a head start
- ill-fated/ill-starred
- ill-starred
- in the stars
- intercross
- jab and cross
- Jewish star
- jewish stars
- jump across
- jumps across
- jumpstart
- keep fingers crossed
- keeping fingers crossed
- keeps fingers crossed
- kept fingers crossed
- laundry starch
- leave a crossroads
- lodestar
- macroscopic
- macroseism
- made start
- make a fresh start
- make a start
- make start
- making a start
- making fresh start
- microscopic
- microsecond
- microseism
- microsleep
- morning star
- nail to a cross
- nail to cross
- necrosises
- non starter
- non-starter
- non-starters
- non starters
- nonstarter
- nonstarters
- North Star
- out crosses
- polestar
- put under a microscope
- quick start
- re start
- re started
- re starting
- rest across
- restart
- run across
- running start
- sacrifice cross
- sacrifice on cross
- sacrifice on the cross
- sacrifice the cross
- sacrosanct
- sacrosanctity
- self-starter
- self-starting
- skull and crossbones
- slow starter
- stamp across
- star
- star cluster
- star-crossed
- star dust
- star-gazer
- Star of David
- star quality
- Star-Spangled Banner
- star system
- starch
- stardom
- stardust
- stare
- stare at
- starets
- stargaze
- stargazer
- stark
- stark-naked
- stark raving mad
- starkers
- starkness
- starless
- starry
- stars
- Stars and Bars
- Stars and Stripes
- start
- start back
- start from scratch
- start in on
- start the ball rolling
- start time
- started
- starting
- starting point
- startle
- startled
- startling
- startlingly
- startup money
- starvation
- starvation diet
- starve
- starved
- sucrose
- superstar
- the stars
- upstart
- wandering star
- was at cross purposes
Most wanted synonyms
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