Antonyms for tall story
Grammar : Noun |
Definition of tall story
- As in invention : noun fabrication, lie
- As in lie : noun untruth
- As in misrepresentation : noun falsehood
- As in misstatement : noun misrepresentation
- As in myth : noun fictitious story, often ancient
- As in : noun superstition
- As in sensationalism : noun exaggeration
- As in tale : noun made-up story
- As in yarn : noun story, often long and made-up
- As in big talk : noun boastful talk
- As in cock-and-bull story : noun interesting but unbelievable story
- As in fish story : noun exaggerated story
- As in shaggy dog story : noun unbelievable story
- As in tall tale : noun farfetched story
- As in inveracity : noun lie
- As in tall talk : noun exaggeration
- As in distortion : noun deformity; falsification
- As in exaggeration : noun overstatement, embellishment
- As in fable : noun fantasy, story
- As in fiction : noun made-up story
- As in anecdote : noun interesting or amusing story
Synonyms for tall story
- adulteration
- adventure
- aggrandizement
- alibi
- allegory
- amplification
- anecdote
- apologue
- aspersion
- backbiting
- baloney
- bend
- best seller
- bestiary
- bias
- boasting
- book
- bragging
- BS
- buckle
- bunk
- calumniation
- calumny
- canard
- caricature
- chestnut
- cliff-hanger
- clothesline
- cock-and-bull story
- coloring
- concoction
- contortion
- creation
- crock
- crookedness
- deceit
- deception
- defamation
- delusion
- detraction
- dishonesty
- disinformation
- distortion
- drama
- elaboration
- embellishment
- embroidery
- emphasis
- enlargement
- episode
- evasion
- exaggeration
- exaltation
- excess
- extravagance
- fable
- fabrication
- fairy story
- fairy tale
- fake
- fallacy
- false belief
- false light
- falsehood
- falseness
- falsification
- falsity
- fanciful tale
- fancy
- fancy talk
- fantasy
- farfetched story
- fib
- fiction
- figment
- figment of imagination
- figure of speech
- fine talk
- fish story
- flight of fancy
- folk ballad
- folk tale
- folklore
- forgery
- fraudulence
- gag
- gas
- guile
- hogwash
- hooey
- hot air
- hype
- hyperbole
- hyperbolism
- illusion
- imagination
- improvisation
- inaccuracy
- incident
- incredible story
- inflation
- intorsion
- invention
- jazz
- jive
- legend
- libel
- lie
- line
- long and short of it
- lore
- magnification
- malconformation
- malformation
- mendacity
- misinterpretation
- misjudgment
- misrepresentation
- misshape
- misstatement
- misuse
- mutilation
- myth
- mythos
- narration
- narrative
- not a true picture
- notion
- novel
- obloquy
- old chestnut
- old saw
- one for the birds
- overemphasis
- overestimation
- overstatement
- parable
- perjury
- perversion
- potboiler
- pretension
- pretentiousness
- prevarication
- prose
- puffery
- rant
- recital
- relation
- reminiscence
- revilement
- reviling
- rigmarole
- romance
- rumor
- saga
- scandal
- sea story
- self-aggrandizing
- sham
- short story
- sketch
- slander
- slant
- smoke
- song
- song and dance
- spiel
- story
- storytelling
- stretch
- string
- subterfuge
- superstition
- tabloid journalism
- tale
- tall story
- tall tale
- tall talk
- terminological inexactitude
- torture
- tradition
- trumped-up story
- twist
- twistedness
- unbelievable tale
- untruism
- untruth
- vilification
- warp
- white lie
- whopper
- work of imagination
- yarn
- yellow journalism
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