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Synonyms for thermal radiation
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of thermal radiation
- As in radiant heat : noun heat that radiates
- The reaction to thermal radiation is thus similar to that of light.
- Extract from : « Life Movements in Plants, Volume II, 1919 » by Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose
- The effect of rise of temperature in acceleration of growth is thus antagonised by the action of thermal radiation.
- Extract from : « Life Movements in Plants » by Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose
- The thermal radiation from walls, trees, or even clouds will diminish the cooling effect.
- Extract from : « The BYU Solar Cooker/Cooler » by Steven E. Jones
- Note opposite responses to rise of temperature and to thermal radiation.
- Extract from : « Life Movements in Plants, Volume II, 1919 » by Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose
- These experiments demonstrate clearly that the responses to rise of temperature and thermal radiation are of opposite signs.
- Extract from : « Life Movements in Plants, Volume II, 1919 » by Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a further
- abrading
- abradings
- all there
- all together
- altogether
- another
- another time
- aversion therapy
- back together
- band together
- banded together
- banding together
- banding togethers
- bands together
- be gathering
- be there for
- bellwether
- Big Brother
- biological father
- biological mother
- blather
- blathering
- blatherskite
- blether
- blithering
- bother
- botheration
- bothered
- bothersome
- breather
- bring together
- bringing together
- brother
- Brother Jonathan
- brotherhood
- brotherly love
- call together
- called together
- calls together
- came hither
- came together
- cat-and-dog weather
- Catherine wheel
- catherine wheels
- cb-radio
- CB radio
- chemotherapy
- chum together
- citizens band radio
- club together
- cold weather
- come hither
- come together
- contradict
- contradiction
- contradictory
- contradistinct
- contradistinction
- contradistinctive
- convulsive therapy
- dance to another tune
- de grading
- de-grading
- degrading
- degradings
- dither
- dithering
- draw together
- drawing together
- druthers
- each other
- earth mother
- either/or
- either-or
- either or
- eitheror
- electric shock therapy
- electroconvulsive therapy
- electromagnetic radiation
- electroshock therapy
- electrotherapy
- eradicate
- eradicated
- eradicating
- eradication
- eradicative
- eradicator
- ether
- ether space
- ethereal
- ethereal being
- ethereality
- ethereally
- etherealness
- etherize
- etherizing
- fair-trading
- fair weather
- fair-weather
- fairweather
- fairy godmother
- fairy godmothers
- fall farther behind
- farther
- farther away
- farther-most
- farther most
- farther up
- farthermost
- father
- Father Christmas
- father confessor
- father figure
- father heaven
- father image
- Father in Heaven
- father-in-law
- father/mother
- father surrogate
- fathered
- fatherhood
- fatherland
- fatherlike
- fatherly
- fathership
- favorite gathering place
- feather
- feather a nest
- feather-brained
- feather cut
- feather duster
- feather in
- feather in cap
- feather in one's cap
- feather nest
- feather one's nest
- featherbed
- featherbrain
- featherbrained
- feathered
- feathered creature
- featheriness
- feathering
- feathering in
- featherlike
- feathers
- feathers one nest
- featherweight
- featherweights
- feathery
- fine feather
- fit together
- fitting together
- forefather
- foremother
- fudge together
- full feather
- further
- gat a lather
- gat in a lather
- gat in lather
- gat lather
- gat there
- gather
- gather intelligence
- gather like bees
- gather momentum
- gather resources
- gather together
- gather up
- gather wool
- gathered
- gathered intelligence
- gathered together
- gatherer
- gatherers
- gathering
- gathering intelligence
- gathering place
- gathering point
- gathering together
- gatheringed
- gatheringing
- gathers intelligence
- gathers momentum
- gathers together
- geothermal power
- get a lather
- get act together
- get heads together
- get in a lather
- get in lather
- get in there
- get into a dither
- get it together
- get lather
- get one's act together
- get there
- get together
- get-together
- get together on
- gets a lather
- gets in a lather
- gets lather
- gets one act together
- gets one's act together
- gets there
- gets together
- gets together on
- getting a lather
- getting in a lather
- getting lather
- getting there
- getting together
- gettogether
- go around together
- go together
- go together/go with
- gradient
- grading
- grandfather
- grandmother
- Great Mother
- Green Panther
- had a gettogether
- had at each other
- had each other
- had get together
- haddest at each other
- haddest each other
- haddest get-together
- hadst a get together
- hadst at each other
- hadst each other
- ham radio
- hang there
- hang together
- hanged in there
- hanged there
- hanging in there
- hanging there
- hanging together
- hangs in there
- hangs there
- has a get together
- has a gettogether
- has at each other
- has each other
- has gettogether
- hast a get-together
- hast at each other
- hast each other
- have a get-together
- have at each other
- heads together
- heap together
- heather
- Heavenly Father
- hitherto
- Holy Father
- Holy Mother
- horsefeathers
- hot and bothered
- hot weather
- housemother
- hypnotherapy
- impromptu gathering
- in a dither
- in a lather
- in altogether
- in botheration
- in either way
- in eradicable
- in fine feather
- in furtherance of
- in gathered
- in gathering
- in gatherings
- in one place another
- in one way or another
- in other respects
- in other words
- in place another
- in place or another
- in smithereens
- in the altogether
- ineradicable
- ingather
- irradiate
- join together
- joined together
- joining together
- joins together
- keep together
- knit together
- knock over with feather
- knock together
- knocked together
- knocks together
- lather
- leather-colored
- leatherback
- leatherbacks
- leathered
- leatherlike
- leathery
- live off others
- look the other way
- lump together
- lumped together
- lumping together
- lumping togethers
- mother
- Mother Carey's chicken
- mother country
- Mother Earth
- mother goddess
- mother lode
- Mother Nature
- Mother of God
- Mother of our Lord
- mother superior
- mother tongue
- mother wit
- motherboard
- motherfucker
- motherland
- motherly
- natal father
- natal mother
- natural father
- natural mother
- neither
- neither here nor there
- neither here or there
- neither one
- nemine contradicente
- nether
- nether-most
- nether most
- nether portion
- nether regions
- nether-world
- nethermost
- netherworld
- non traditional
- non-traditional
- nonmedical therapist
- nontraditional
- northerly
- northern
- northern-lights
- Northern lights
- northern lightses
- not all there
- not another peep
- not either
- not either one
- not there
- nutritional therapies
- nutritional therapy
- occupational therapist
- omnium gatherum
- on other side
- on the nether side
- on the other hand
- on the other side
- on top of each other
- one after another
- one after the other
- one and other
- one and the other
- one another
- one other
- one the other
- one time or another
- one way another
- one way or another
- or rather
- ostrich feathers
- other
- other days
- other extreme
- other fish in sea
- other fish to fry
- other half
- other man
- other side
- other side of coin
- other side of the coin
- other sides
- other than
- other woman
- other world
- otherness
- others
- otherwhere
- otherwise
- otherworld
- otherworldly
- panther
- paradigm
- paradigmatic
- paradigms
- parading
- paradings
- paradisaic
- paradisaical
- paradisal
- paradise
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- paradisiacally
- patent leather
- piece together
- piecing together
- portable radio
- pother
- psychotherapist
- pull things together
- pull together
- put in other words
- put it there
- put oneself in another's place
- put together
- put two and two together
- putting oneself another's shoes
- putting oneself another shoes
- putting oneself anothers shoes
- putting oneself in another's shoes
- putting oneself in another shoes
- putting oneself in anothers place
- putting oneself in anothers shoes
- putting together
- queen mother
- radial
- radial engine
- radial point
- radiance
- radiant
- radiant heat
- radiantly
- radiate
- radiated
- radiates
- radiating
- radiation
- radiation fog
- radiators
- radical
- radical change
- radical right
- radical rights
- radical stimulus
- radically
- radicle
- radicles
- radio activate
- radio announcer
- radio band
- radio bandwidth
- radio beacon
- radio beam
- radio broadcast
- radio carbon-dating
- radio-carbon-dating
- radio compass
- radio direction finder
- radio frequency
- radio-frequency spectrum
- radio graphed
- radio-graphing
- radio graphing
- radio marker
- radio navigation
- radio performer
- radio personality
- radio range station
- radio spectrum
- radio telescope
- radio wave
- radioactivate
- radioactivation
- radioactive
- radioactive carbon dating
- radioactive cloud
- radioactive decay
- radioactive dust
- radioactive particles
- radioactive waste
- radiocarbon dating
- radiocast
- radiodynamics
- radioed
- radiogram
- radiograms
- radiograph
- radiographed
- radiographing
- radioing
- radiometer
- radiometric dating
- radionics
- radiotelegraph
- radiotelegraphy
- radiotelephone
- radiotelephonics
- radiothon
- radius
- rather
- rather than
- ratherish
- reverend mother
- rubber soother
- run together
- rush together
- rushing together
- rutherford theories
- Rutherford theory
- say further
- scrape together
- sensitive to other
- shock therapy
- significant other
- six of one and half a dozen of the other
- slather
- slither
- smother
- smothering
- some other
- soother
- spiritual father
- sporadic
- sporadically
- stay together
- stick together
- Stradivarius
- take a breather
- take another look
- take another's place
- take to each other
- taken together
- takes anothers place
- takes each other
- taking a breather
- talk radio
- tar and feather
- tar feather
- tarred and feathered
- tether
- tethered
- the other day
- the other half
- the other side of the picture
- the other way around
- therapeutic
- therapeutical
- therapist
- therapy
- there
- there and then
- there for the taking
- thereafter
- thereon
- thereupon
- thermal radiation
- thermoluminescence
- thermonuclear bomb
- thermonuclear reaction
- thermonuclear weapon
- thermos
- Thermos bottle [tm]
- think of together
- throw together
- together
- trading post
- tradition
- traditionalist
- traditionalistic
- traditionally
- two-way radio
- tying together
- unbothered
- under the weather
- untraditional
- up there
- upgrading
- visitor from another planet
- weather
- weather-beaten
- weather eye
- weather forecast
- weather prediction
- weather report
- whether
- wife and mother
- with weather eye open
- wither
- withered
- withering
- woolgather
- work together
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