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Synonyms for radiant heat
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of radiant heat
- noun heat that radiates
- And don't you know that light is just a kind of radiant heat?
- Extract from : « Common Science » by Carleton W. Washburne
- But, as you know, radiant heat can flash right through a vacuum.
- Extract from : « Common Science » by Carleton W. Washburne
- This fact indicates that radiant heat travels in straight lines.
- Extract from : « Physics » by Willis Eugene Tower
- This screen wall, however, cuts off a large quantity of radiant heat.
- Extract from : « The Turkish Bath » by Robert Owen Allsop
- The house is centrally heated with radiant heat from the floor.
- Extract from : « Green Spring Farm » by Ross Netherton
- It is radiant heat that is the cause of the remarkable result.
- Extract from : « Meteorology » by J. G. M'Pherson
- Now radiant heat, as we have seen, is such a lower grade of energy.
- Extract from : « The Unseen World and Other Essays » by John Fiske
- The great mirror seemed alive with radiant heat as it shot back the sun's withering darts.
- Extract from : « The Great Dome on Mercury » by Arthur Leo Zagat
- The electric heat lamp is one of the most familiar sources of radiant heat.
- Extract from : « Electricity for the 4-H Scientist » by Eric B. Wilson
- Nowadays, the term roasting is almost universally applied to the action of both hot air and radiant heat.
- Extract from : « Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 1 » by Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abrading
- abradings
- absence of heat
- amphitheater
- amphitheatre
- canned heat
- cb-radio
- CB radio
- cheat
- cheater
- cheating
- citizens band radio
- contradict
- contradiction
- contradictory
- contradistinct
- contradistinction
- contradistinctive
- convected heat
- convector heat
- de grading
- de-grading
- dead heat
- degrading
- degradings
- electromagnetic radiation
- eradicate
- eradicated
- eradicating
- eradication
- eradicative
- eradicator
- fair-trading
- film theater
- gradient
- grading
- ham radio
- heat
- heat sensor
- heat up
- heated
- heatedly
- heater
- heathen
- heather
- heating element
- heating system
- in eradicable
- induction heat
- ineradicable
- irradiate
- jeu de theatre
- latent heat
- nemine contradicente
- nom de theatre
- non traditional
- non-traditional
- nontraditional
- open-air theater
- open air theaters
- operating theater
- oppressive heat
- paradigm
- paradigmatic
- paradigms
- parading
- paradings
- paradisaic
- paradisaical
- paradisal
- paradise
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- paradisiacally
- portable radio
- radial
- radial engine
- radial point
- radiance
- radiant
- radiant heat
- radiantly
- radiate
- radiated
- radiates
- radiating
- radiation
- radiation fog
- radiators
- radical
- radical change
- radical right
- radical rights
- radical stimulus
- radically
- radicle
- radicles
- radio activate
- radio announcer
- radio band
- radio bandwidth
- radio beacon
- radio beam
- radio broadcast
- radio carbon-dating
- radio-carbon-dating
- radio direction finder
- radio frequency
- radio-frequency spectrum
- radio graphed
- radio-graphing
- radio graphing
- radio marker
- radio navigation
- radio performer
- radio personality
- radio range beacon
- radio range station
- radio spectrum
- radio telescope
- radio wave
- radioactivate
- radioactivation
- radioactive
- radioactive carbon dating
- radioactive cloud
- radioactive decay
- radioactive dust
- radioactive particles
- radioactive waste
- radiocarbon dating
- radiocast
- radiodynamics
- radioed
- radiogram
- radiograms
- radiograph
- radiographed
- radiographing
- radioing
- radiometer
- radiometric dating
- radionics
- radiotelegraph
- radiotelegraphy
- radiotelephone
- radiotelephonics
- radiothon
- radius
- re heat
- red heat
- reheat
- sheath
- sheathe
- sheathing
- sporadic
- sporadically
- Stradivarius
- take the heat
- takes heat
- talk radio
- the theater
- theater
- theater nuclear weapon
- theater of operations
- theater of war
- theater/theatre
- theater world
- theatergoer
- theaters
- theatre
- theatres
- theatrical
- theatrically
- theatricals
- thermal radiation
- trading post
- tradition
- traditionalist
- traditionalistic
- traditionally
- turn on the heat
- two-way radio
- untraditional
- upgrading
- variety theater
- vaudeville theater
- white heat
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