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Synonyms for snafued

Grammar : Adj, verb
Spell : sna-foo, snaf-oo
Phonetic Transcription : snæˈfu, ˈsnæf u

Top 10 synonyms for snafued Other synonyms for the word snafued

Définition of snafued

Origin :
  • 1941, U.S. military slang, acronym for situation normal, all fucked up, "an expression conveying the common soldier's laconic acceptance of the disorder of war and the ineptitude of his superiors" ["Oxford English Dictionary"]. As an adjective from 1942. In public explanations the word typically was euphemised to fouled.
  • As in damaged : adj broken, not working
  • As in mix up : verb confuse
  • As in muddle : verb confuse, disorganize
  • As in screw up : verb make a mess of
  • As in thwart : verb stop, hinder
  • As in complicate : verb confuse, make difficult
  • As in cross : verb betray, hinder
  • As in dismay : verb disappoint, fill with consternation
  • As in err : verb make a mistake; do wrong
  • As in flounder : verb struggle; be in the dark
  • As in foul up : verb make a mess of
  • As in hinder : verb prevent, slow down

Antonyms for snafued

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019